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Audio Advertisements!

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Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-19 00:12:17

HEY everyone i just submitted a new track its for all u spaced out guys and all you ppl who love drugs and just anyone who likes random craziness, I made ut using a pedal and for somereason i was having fun wit it so i layed down 4 tracks and i was like well ill submit it, the pedal is loud so it makes alot of excess noise but cool none the less check it out and plz review it everyone I hope you guys enjoy it!!!



Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-19 16:58:24

Update is coming soon. I reviewed several more audios, to show my love.

Saw star wars last night, and need sleep.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-20 23:05:23


I made this cover of "Civil War" by Guns N' Roses to pracitce my editing so ya... It's pretty short only 32 seconds.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-21 00:02:34

Made one of my best Ambience tracks in a while.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-21 00:10:17

At 5/21/05 12:02 AM, Erkie wrote: Made one of my best Ambience tracks in a while.

All my five are belong to you.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-21 00:10:39

At 5/21/05 12:10 AM, Pink_Floyd wrote: All my five are belong to you.

No fives to me :'(


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-21 05:24:51

At 5/19/05 06:20 PM, Bjra wrote: i just uploaded a pretty crappy mainstream song, go check it out and review, dont forget to vote 0 :p

It got pretty good reviews. Haha.

Audio | Alter | It sounds like a fire hydrant went off in an old folks home with screaming babies field recorded, glitched, and spontaneously played back.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-21 12:08:38

At 5/21/05 10:19 AM, Chronamut wrote: so exasperating... :S

It depends on what the new stuff is. If it is good, then it's great. If it's not, it sucks.

The older stuff has proven to be better in my book.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-21 12:34:23

Everyone go check out my new song


please review.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-21 16:41:23

I feel to empty.

And yet so achieve mental.

Report Songs|Submit Ideas|How Erkie reviews|

94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-21 17:37:55

Hey Erkie, Grunt was pretty good!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-21 18:41:22

Hm, I suppose while I'm still here I should advertise my newest Radio Random: Radio Randoms Three! Clicky clicky and whatnot, and be sure to review that shit!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-21 20:05:22

At 5/21/05 07:06 PM, Chronamut wrote: seriously tho - that country song made me wanna beat your head against a wall repeatedly untill pink brains oozed out... 0.o

I try.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-22 06:22:23

Relzmall's music

Dis be da shit

just songs i made by jamming with myself using acoustica mp3 mixer... a small but easy to use track layer
check out a 30 day trial.... www.acoustica.com

it is xcxrxaxcxkxaxbxlxe with a xkxexyxgxexn

Sign up to www.betfair.com and for $50 free bet, just use this referral code: ARXRYXHTR

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-22 11:16:18

Everyone go check out my new songs




Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-22 11:30:38

My submit for the BotAP is uploaded on NG.

Check it out!

I wanna thank Mydnite for creating my awsome sig!

And be sure to check out my music ^^

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-22 11:41:38

Hey I just released my second Nine Inch Nails cover song (Closer):

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-22 12:08:46

At 5/22/05 11:41 AM, FloydianRuler wrote: Hey I just released my second Nine Inch Nails cover song (Closer):

done I also reviews an otehr song Disaster or something like that I like that one a lot better.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-22 13:05:00

try to review "ocean melody"

I wanna thank Mydnite for creating my awsome sig!

And be sure to check out my music ^^

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-22 13:47:26

Well, I made a new song. It´s called Beating Up The Weakest and I think that I´m going to add vocals. Stop by and gimme a review and tell me what U think of the song and if I should add vox!?!!!


Wakka wakka

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-22 15:19:14

At 5/22/05 02:13 PM, Chronamut wrote:
And i have no idea what kinda vox you would add to that song ruckie hehehe...

U´ll see (hear) hehehe.


Wakka wakka

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-22 18:59:14

go check out
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=239416&sub=24877 !

I cowrote the final fantasy commercial in it! It roxorz!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-22 21:51:32

this is the first full song i've written since i joined newgrounds. it was knocking stuff off my speakers when i was listening to it.

Feed the Machine

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-23 20:23:45

sorry it's been a while, but i finally got a new upload in today. it's based around a simple riff that i wrote a little while ago. i then added some other riffs to make it longer and have more diversity. and as i normally end up doing, i added a cool little solo over it.... as you will be able to hear, i pretty much just improvised the whole thing. i had the main licks in my mind, but from there i just ran with whatever i got out. by the 30 some take, i finally got one i was happy with. the time signature is kinda weird, or maybe i just can't figure it out. anyway, because of this, it seems kinda chopped in half or something. no drums this time. i ran out of time with the free trial of the drum machien program i had, and i don't feel like downloading it again, and making a beat, which would suck anyway.... anyway, check it out. hopefully, it's fairly decent.....

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-24 17:06:09

Now there is more "waste" to litsen to at my place!

Check it out!

New Song: PsyBot - Focus

I wanna thank Mydnite for creating my awsome sig!

And be sure to check out my music ^^

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-24 17:19:00

At 5/24/05 05:07 PM, Chronamut wrote: psybot go review my song lol - since you cant d/l it..

i better not.. i dont want to mess up your score.

i mean.. i dont like 8 bit music at all *the crowd goes: OOoooh*
sorry but thats me

so i think im just doing you a big favor not to.

no hard feelings?

I wanna thank Mydnite for creating my awsome sig!

And be sure to check out my music ^^

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-24 18:37:22

I'd like to start a session of reviews, if I owe anyone reviews, or if there's any material that need Erkie's attention, just post it here.

Report Songs|Submit Ideas|How Erkie reviews|

94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-24 19:05:31

At 5/24/05 06:37 PM, Erkie wrote: I'd like to start a session of reviews, if I owe anyone reviews, or if there's any material that need Erkie's attention, just post it here.

Prepare for an overwhelming barrage of ads.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-24 19:08:13

At 5/24/05 06:37 PM, Erkie wrote: I'd like to start a session of reviews, if I owe anyone reviews, or if there's any material that need Erkie's attention, just post it here.

yes im first!!!!!

my music needs erkie attetion

and while your add it go join and tkae a look see at the 5 genre contest.