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Audio Advertisements!

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Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-24 21:24:25

Be specific. With links. Two songs per person.

Report Songs|Submit Ideas|How Erkie reviews|

94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-24 22:28:54

I need some people to review this song.

Click Here

The first tiem i posted someone gave it a 0 seconds after ( before they could even listen to it so i took my name out of it since someone probably just hates me ) so i just made it sound a little better and reposted it, Check it out if you have time.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-24 23:39:48

Would somebody please go to my audio profile and leave some useful reviews? I don't think I've gotten more than 1 or 2 good (by good I mean helpful) reviews since I've started posting my stuff... People give it all zeros and don't leave a review as to why..

Click here

PS: There seems to be something wrong with my "Haunted Love" song... It only plays like the first 5 notes then repeats it... I know it was working when I first posted it...

Audio/BBS Mod

News: Bye bye Skype - Music: Tonight Will Be The Night- Art: Kira

\/\/\/ Click the sig for fun times! \/\/\/

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-25 06:57:36

Go check out my new song


if you review it I will review 3 of yours......

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-25 12:36:38

These needs Erkies attention(!!!)

I tried to javascript you so you could get directly into the review section but nooo newgrounds dont allow. Guess that makes it safer;)

The audio's are on this page

The ones to look at is "We have done it all" and "Arabian Air Force"

Thanks on advance;D


__^^ check it ^^__

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-25 15:44:05

At 5/23/05 09:02 PM, GoreBastard wrote:
At 5/23/05 08:23 PM, HDG wrote: sorry it's been a while, but i finally got a new upload in today.
Yes indeed... and where have you been hiding!!! I checked that out, it kicks ass.

thanks man... i haven't had a lot of time to record lately cause i've finally got a real band going, and that's been most of what i've been doing. for the new song, i kind of wish that i didn't do the solo though, cause the main point in the first place was the riffs, which you can't hear very well. and i had to use my small amp and computer mic again. anyway, i'll get working on a better version, hopefully with drums too...

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-25 16:24:19

just got a new audio in... it's real short. i came up with it one day while i was attempting to TAB out one of my other songs, and i got distracted with the idea to write a song like this, and i eventually just came up with the parts and recorded it. it turned out to be much slower than i intended though. there's 3 guitars, and a mandoline. i don't know if you'll be able to hear it, but there's a little bit of drums as well. anyway, please download (if you can), rate, and review it.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-25 16:26:08

At 5/25/05 04:24 PM, HDG wrote: just got a new audio in... it's real short. i came up with it one day while i was attempting to TAB out one of my other songs, and i got distracted with the idea to write a song like this, and i eventually just came up with the parts and recorded it. it turned out to be much slower than i intended though. there's 3 guitars, and a mandoline. i don't know if you'll be able to hear it, but there's a little bit of drums as well. anyway, please download (if you can), rate, and review it.

crap, i forgot the link...

it's the one called Sweet Acoustic Jam

and if you have the time, check out my other stuff too...

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-25 20:40:41

idk its not as good as infinant love.

newayz guys check out my newest song Jen-ocide

its pretty......Tranquil

idk i learn alot from B0UNC3 and still cant keep up with the fuker.


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-25 22:50:50

Howdy, folks. Couple of submissions I've done, the newer one is a bit better.


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-26 06:20:29

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-26 12:36:11

I want to know if anyone would like to help me record lyrics for my Nine Inch Nails cover songs.
I would need someone to record themselves singing:
Head Like A Hole
Terrible Lie
Email me if anyone is interested.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-26 15:29:31

Actually, I may need some help with vocals soon as well. I will keep you guys updated.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-26 20:34:25

After a long time in waiting, I have finally submitted two new ORIGINALS! Listen if you are in the mood for some calm (Stone Fall) or depressing (Remorse) acoustic guitar.

Stone Fall and -Remorse

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-26 23:08:44

At 5/26/05 03:29 PM, Pink_Floyd wrote: Actually, I may need some help with vocals soon as well. I will keep you guys updated.

Eh, if you need some either deep, mid or falsetto, I could prolly help out.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-27 14:37:41

Hi there go check out my new style fusion number We Have Done It All


__^^ check it ^^__

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-28 01:43:19

Smells Like Nirvana

This took 3 minutes exactly. All guitar done in one take and then that little "bass" wanna be thing was done in one take aswell.

No Polish or Editing....

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-28 01:58:15

Why you should never perform when you are sick!

Hell, I'm still sick, this was done last Sunday.

It could very possibly be the worst thing you will ever hear.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-28 12:01:40

At 5/27/05 12:03 AM, GoreBastard wrote: Hey Pink_Floyd, I'll check those out, your stuff is cool

I have just uploaded "Oldschool 80's metal HairGore", my tribute to old-school metal!
Taste it here http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=1114941&sub=25182

i checked out your Oldschool 80's metal Hairgore, and it was totally awesome. i loved it. and how do you get so many people to rate, review, and download your stuff?? i've only ever had up to like 20 d/l's and maybe 5 reviews on one song....

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-28 14:49:16

At 5/28/05 02:35 PM, OZCARISAN*GGER wrote:


What the f*ck is the matter with you!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!


__^^ check it ^^__

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-28 19:43:08

Hey all! This my first post in the topic. Well since I got super positive feedback on most of songs (New World & Laid-back technotic trance), i'd thought I'd advertise my most recent track "The Asian Armada". Check it out if you feel like and drop a review!
All of my work<

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-28 22:22:51

At 5/28/05 04:41 PM, GoreBastard wrote:
At 5/28/05 12:01 PM, HDG wrote:
i checked out your Oldschool 80's metal Hairgore, and it was totally awesome. i loved it. and how do you get so many people to rate, review, and download your stuff?? i've only ever had up to like 20 d/l's and maybe 5 reviews on one song....
I don't know myself!!! Hahaha. I think it's because I regularly upload stuff, so my name is always around. I get the regular reviewers e.g... Metalholic115, HDG, Gaz_Metal (my bro), Underlord666 and Relzmall are all regular reviewers of mine. I guess they just like my stuff. But yeah, have a shitload of downloads. One of them is on like 230 or something!
So, I think maybe you just need to make more stuff regularly, or something! Thanks for checking it out.

yeah, i guess you're right. i check your stuff out quite regularly. i wish i could upload that often though, but i can't cause i've got this slow ass dial up, and i'd much prefer to have drums in my uploads, but that hasn't been easy lately.... anyway, thanks for the advice. hopefully i can get something in by tomorrow.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-29 17:23:27


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-29 19:39:10

Check out this guy, Poetic Reven, hes one of the best rap producers on newgrounds
Me n him are doin a collab, a rap\trance hybrid i suppose lol.


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-29 22:10:45

new audio just now. it's an acoustic thing i've been working on for a while, and finally got a decent recording to upload on NG. i originally wanted it to be like one of those 12 minute epics, but my friend said he hates those things, and i took it into consideration, and thought it would be a much better classical prelude to a huge heavy song like Metallica's Battery and Fight Fire With Fire, and a couple of Shadows Fall songs, which i can't name at the moment (The Light That Blinds might be one of them). anyway, please go listen, rate, and review.

Trippy Acoustic Groove

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-30 10:05:05

You need, a hacker, and a chainsaw, and someone to do it....

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-30 10:12:10

plz check out: here here

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-30 12:14:05

At 5/30/05 10:12 AM, Dutch_Hurricane wrote: plz check out: here here

LOL OMG that was funny


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-30 14:41:23

review this damn song, its one of my best and its only got 3 fucking reviews.

usually i dont care but im getting sick of resubmitting stuff to get noticed, if its that hard i might as well quit submitting at all


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-05-30 22:33:04

holy mother of god chronamut 6 pages of music?

thats fuckin crazy....


BBS Signature