Here's a house track that is heavily influenced with alternative rock, a very unique style of music!
The chorus is fantastic!
Here's a house track that is heavily influenced with alternative rock, a very unique style of music!
The chorus is fantastic!
So, I've been working on my upcoming album. Here is a sneak peak at a track I've finished the other day. It's orchestral metal, with more of a focus on the orchestral side of things than most of what you hear in the genre.
I posted it to because they have protections for copyrighted song, unlike here on Newgrounds. And since this will be on my album I do not want people downloading it for free. Thus the link to the page it is posted on ;-)
Just uploaded a new rap song.... takes talking shit to a new, quite literal level. Enjoi.
Rate and review please!!
new song idea which is fucking sexy!
lastest submission is up
hey guys - many hours' work has finally turned into a completed song/loop! Here's the link:
it's a bit slower than usual techno/trance (120bpm rather than 140 ish), and has an interesting feel to it, in my opinion. Please check it out and let me know what you think!
If you'd like me to check out some of your work I'd be more than happy to. just drop me a link in a pm :)
A couple of minutes ago I finished my latest track, and I'm dying to hear what ppl think about it. :DD
If you like EPIC orchestral tracks, this just might be something for you ;)
I hope you'll listen to my track, and please, ENJOY it!
Thank you!
Something about Chuck Norris and music - Anagram for "softbarmymock"
check out my tunes
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
moving on to make rock and metal
please rate and review :)
here's my songs please feel free to rate and review
moving on to make metal and rock!!! :)
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Rates and reviews are appreciated.
I maded a dubstep song! Woo!! (Hopefully at least)
Listen to my latest song. 50168
Song is named splitzer, and it is in it's 1'st version so tell me what you think of it.
Me and johnny made a fun song and movie . 50393
This is my latest song listen ya all
This ain't for everyone... Breath the underground
Just uploaded a new rap song.... takes talking shit to a new, quite literal level. Enjoi.
Rate and review please!!!
Made a new one for the first time in a couple of months, hope you like!
my first song going to be posting rock and metal from now on
rate please
Unpublished Submission
Look's like I had another song fall out of my brain this afternoon
Im submitting really old stuff just made for NG
<a> n/350336<a>
First of a couple. Have been working on music for a year or so now for performances, just started really producing and uploading. Thanks for the listen