This might never happen again, i made a semi-unce unce song, so get it while you still can, and help me out, i'm new to it and don't know if i placed it right.
This might never happen again, i made a semi-unce unce song, so get it while you still can, and help me out, i'm new to it and don't know if i placed it right.
Hi guys!
We decided to join NG to show off some of our music, our first track just got approved.
It's a trance-ish (hard to describe) remix of the Luigi / Mario / Royal Raceway theme from Mario Kart 64
Be sure to check it out:
Welcome to Marihuana Kart
Enjoy it and thanks for listening!
Remix of Dimrain's Twilight Techno and Every End.
Basics are strongest weapon of profession.
Two songs dedicated to the Sky Shark, a creature from the minds of MusicSDG.
This is my best song so far. 48919 the song's name is polato, it is random and i have no clue why I named it that.
Listen to my latest song guys. 49560 enjoy it please
Hay! I've been lurking on newgrounds for a while now and decided it was time to start posting/contributing with stuff :)
It's a work in progress so feel free to comment on stuff you like/don't like! 49534
I need some advice on my new song
Here's some experimental stuff I've been working on.
I don't know why I still post ads for songs here.
Nonetheless have a listen, and please review!
Hello all, first post here. I'm not sure how to create on of those fancy flash links with the CD like others have done, but here's my audio. Let's see how many 3's I get :P
Ok,.. so I inspired my through advertising the song above to create another one.
The Storm is a Brewin'
0 bombers are fun. But real reviews are better. Tell me what you think.
-Thunderhorse L
the highest rated of all my tracks so far. Check out my other work as well. I range from classical to alternative and ambience to heavy metal.
Unpublished Submission
A Mario Kart 64 Remix - enjoy! :)
First person gave it a five, next person gave it a zero. Nintendo power metal FTW.
Those of you who like shrine maidens may like this song...
hey guys here some dubsteps
Hey guys, after a long wait, I have finally done what I've always wanted to do, hand write out each part of a orchestra then put it together without any premade loops or tracks. It might not be as cool as the real professional work, but it is just my first... so what do you guys think.
come check it out