More reveals, including the Luvdisc evo - which they still aren't saying IS one, but look at it & seriously tell me it isn't.
The groundhog-that-evolves-from-the-chipmunk has Illuminate. Normally, this would suck, but the little blurb that followed might suggest Illuminate's effect could be altered or added onto to make it actually useful. One can only hope, since that would mean that other useless abilities could get upgrades.
At 8/8/10 10:08 AM, TheMaster wrote:At 8/8/10 10:03 AM, Machop90 wrote: Oh yeah, and my Tyrannitar in SoulSilver has reached level 100I'm always wary of doing that incase I ever want to change EVs. I have a level 93 Gyarados, and that's too high for my liking. Mind, realistically, Gyarados is always going to be 252 Attack, 252 Speed, so it doesn't really matter.
Ugh, this still confuses me....... I got the impression from that it was possible to adjust EVs even after you hit Lv100, and the changes only take place when you stick them in a PC box.
I gotta get this straight before I accidentally fuck up my Pokes...... :/