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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-10-30 11:29:49

Just to clear up, Dragon is not flaming here! She's just being funny. I could of done that, but . . . I wonder if anyone is expecting me to do so. *sigh*

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-10-30 15:11:33

At 10/30/07 04:15 AM, DragonsGrief wrote:
At 10/29/07 04:48 PM, stick-man-dude wrote: That's why I never trust my pokemon to them.
Yeah, I'm keeping backups now and double checking before I save.
I still miss 4 of my egg moves, though. Cranidos, Totadile, Bagon, Sneasle. *Sigh*

Well I posted this on the parody motivator thread and figured I might as well share it, it's related.

1- Hot and funny ^^


Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-10-30 15:23:58

At 10/30/07 11:27 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
I'm just anonymous.

No this is anonymous.

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-10-30 16:13:07

At 10/30/07 03:23 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:
No this is anonymous.

Business sentai interpret dancers? It makes sense to me!

I guess that makes me feel better. It's a shame that only a handful of people believes in me and my talent, in comparison to a battalion. So, am I not anonymous? I don't think any well-known people believes so. I am as unnoticeable as a stop sign.

I'll try to make that secky Pokemon art for you, and by you, I mean Zancross. Perhaps there is hope that people stop treating me like an object, a toy, or a nobody, and starts treating with respect and beliefs.

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-10-30 16:24:45

At 10/30/07 04:13 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
At 10/30/07 03:23 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:
No this is anonymous.
Business sentai interpret dancers? It makes sense to me!

More like hackers from 4chan (info)

more pics to help jog your brain

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-10-30 17:46:18

At 10/30/07 05:34 PM, Machop90 wrote: Hey TJ, do you know anywhere i can get some pokemon sprites?i tried some but they didn't look good.

I found it on google. If thats not what your looking for then I can't help.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-10-30 19:58:31

At 10/30/07 05:46 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:
At 10/30/07 05:34 PM, Machop90 wrote: Hey TJ, do you know anywhere i can get some pokemon sprites?i tried some but they didn't look good.
I found it on google. If thats not what your looking for then I can't help.

can i join?
i have pbr and pearl
will this answer your problem?
ps: should i post my teams?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-10-30 20:42:30

At 10/30/07 04:15 AM, DragonsGrief wrote:
At 10/29/07 04:48 PM, stick-man-dude wrote: That's why I never trust my pokemon to them.
Yeah, I'm keeping backups now and double checking before I save.
I still miss 4 of my egg moves, though. Cranidos, Totadile, Bagon, Sneasle. *Sigh*

I only use the Day Care for breeding purposes. Leveling up is lazy and can be hazardous to Pokemon moves you want to keep.

I feel for ya.

Well I posted this on the parody motivator thread and figured I might as well share it, it's related.

Dammit I hated that mini game from the first Pokemon Stadium. I never was good at paying attention.

From a furry standpoint...that's kinda hot.

(everyone turns their heads)

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-10-30 22:05:56

Reformat. Ugh.

At least my Pearl is intact, teehee.

Now I have to go apeshit with Emule and uTorrent redownloading all my stuff, and live in fchan until I get my stuff back..

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-01 16:18:55

Need help for some pokemon move sets. Can't decide between the following moves.

Honchkrow (Sassy):-
Sky Attack (egg)
Dark Pulse
Night Slash
Confuse Ray
Hypnosis (egg)
Roost (TM)

Carnivine (Naughty):-
Wring Out
Razor Leaf (Egg)
Magical Leaf (Egg)
Synthesis (egg)
Energy Ball (TM)

Mismagius (Modest, or other SP. Atk Nature):-
Ominous Wind (Egg)
Confuse Ray
Shadow Ball
Mean Look
Perish Song
Energy Ball
Charge Beam

Help greatly apprishiated. I offer this link:-
http://www.filb.de/?site=games/nds/dp/bo x
Also, Mudkips.

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

"This is where I'd say something witty and wise; for all the world to see.........................damn."

Click my account for music. Sig by shinebrite.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-01 16:20:27

At 11/1/07 04:04 PM, Machop90 wrote: hi.as a day-after-halloween gift,here is my mascot's first comic.its called "Safety With M-90".please enjoy.

Do you have a Nintendo wifi connection.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-01 17:57:11

At 11/1/07 04:18 PM, Chao-Guy wrote:
http://www.filb.de/?site=games/nds/dp/bo x

Thanks. I wish to know that link sooner . . . or even created something like that. You know that I'm beyond average.

And by judging your name, I too love Chaos. What can I say but that I'm a sucker for cute characters!

Be on the look for these games of mine, Chao Trainer and Chao Story. Chao Trainer is an action-RPG in which not only you train Chaos to aid you, but you also fight and heal along the way. Chao Story is . . . quite a unique RPG. It's a turn-based RPG in which you control mostly everything. You can make up Chao characters, create classes and its behaviors, story, environments, and other stuff. Think of it like a "choose your own adventure" RPG. It's what an RPG SHOULD be.

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-02 18:55:43

I made a Halloween surprise, too, but it's a little NSFW, lol. A Sinners Halloween Special oneshot, entitled "How Many Licks Does It Take...".


Incidentally, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is still awesome (except that Trap Seer takes way too damn long to get).

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-03 06:24:30

Well it seems like my level 100 Flygon dosen't want to eat more than 10 EV reducing berries, killing it around 60-70 attack and speed.
So if I EV them again, and put it into my box and take it out, that's a potential 300 attack/speed compared to from the 270 before?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-03 07:39:05

At 11/3/07 07:29 AM, Machop90 wrote: if you say that in english i'll be able to answer that.but untill then,i have no idea what your saying.

http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-rs/ev.sht ml

I didn't save after playing with my Flygon's stats..

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-03 13:12:48

At 11/1/07 04:18 PM, Chao-Guy wrote: Also, Mudkips.

-I loved that parody. I like Mudkips. Do you like Mudkips? XD
-That picture of Mudkip looks quite real. Imagine catching Pokemon was real. This world would be really different. :D

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-03 14:08:45

At 11/3/07 07:29 AM, Machop90 wrote:


What does that picture have to do with...... anything?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-03 17:35:10

At 11/3/07 03:19 PM, Machop90 wrote:
At 11/3/07 02:08 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: What does that picture have to do with...... anything?
nothing.just thought i might put it there and see if anyone reacted.

I'll react with only this:...Your Waldo sickens me.

In other news, I finally got that damn Elekid with that Electirizer thing off the GTS. Getting it was a freaking chore, though.

First, had to get a male Flaafy. Since I was fed up with the Poke Radar, I hatched one and trained it with Exp. Share (hey, it worked). Then, went and had to find a Charmander (because I'll be damned if I trade mine.That and the guy with the Elekid wanted one). Did that, realized it's hacked (since when do Charmander appear on Route 229?), but traded anyways. That took about ten minutes.

Now I just gotta stop being lazy and evolve the Pokemon I've been got to fill up the Dex and finish training (boring with a capital B).

...say, when are they going to do those event Pokemon? Dammit, I want a Arceus...a shiny one, if possible...and legit...(wah)

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-03 18:32:30

At 11/3/07 05:35 PM, StevensA wrote:

...say, when are they going to do those event Pokemon? Dammit, I want a Arceus...a shiny one, if possible...and legit...(wah)

They happened, and to get one you have to cheat or trade with someone who has cheated.

Want to battle.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 10:51:09

It'll probably be realeaced in early 2008.

I'm gr8 trainer takooni johns pokemon club, Sonic crew

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 15:10:17

And I finaly know what all the personalities are if y'all 4got check em out

Pikachu: impish
chikarita:Jolly(if Girl)
Totodile: Naive
Eevee:naive( if a girl)
Skitty: naive(if girl)
Chimchar: quirky
Piplup: Loyal

Meowth,pcyduck, and meowth will be cut out of pokemon mystery dungeon Time AND darkness.

I'm gr8 trainer takooni johns pokemon club, Sonic crew

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 15:14:50

I had a shiny Arceus. Traded it away for 2 egg moves and 2 shinies, though.

I have a movie Darkrai! It knows Roar of Time and Spatial Rend too :3

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 16:53:38

Good things happen once you click on web ads created by Google. In fact, I found this by clicking an ad from a certain Pokemon site.

It makes a great Christmas or birthday (Nov. 16) gift for me!

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 17:43:05

At 11/4/07 03:14 PM, DragonsGrief wrote: I had a shiny Arceus. Traded it away for 2 egg moves and 2 shinies, though.

Was it hacked or legit?

I have a movie Darkrai! It knows Roar of Time and Spatial Rend too :3

RAWR! (cloud of envy)

Oh well. I'll find one eventually...that is, if Nintendo would make use of the Wi-Fi mystery gift thing...or whatever.

At 11/4/07 04:53 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: Good things happen once you click on web ads created by Google. In fact, I found this by clicking an ad from a certain Pokemon site.

I never trust ads. Ever.

It makes a great Christmas or birthday (Nov. 16) gift for me!

Happy (early) birthday to you.

(sigh) Still not taking any battle requests...I'm lazy, I know. I'm told that enough already...

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 17:51:50

All Arceuses are hacked.

I'm willing to trade the Darkrai away, I don't want/need it. Just amassing a team of shinies with good natures so I can make some assorted teams instead of just my 6.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 18:17:39

At 11/4/07 05:51 PM, DragonsGrief wrote: All Arceuses are hacked.


I'm willing to trade the Darkrai away, I don't want/need it. Just amassing a team of shinies with good natures so I can make some assorted teams instead of just my 6.

Okay, so whaddya want for it? I might just be able to get it...

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 19:56:34

Don't know, do you have any good/perfect nature shinies that I might be able to utilize?
Add me to your Roster anyway.
Seriana - 4725 5135 5556

Well, I have another updated list.

Deoxys, Rayquaza, Lugia.
Shiny - Metagross level 50, Metagross level 100, Aggron 100, Gastly 12 UT, Umbreon 37, Ninetails 50, Flygon 100, Horsea 1, Eevee 5, Pidgeotto 25
All 12 starters, Hydro Pump + Dragon Dance Bagons.

Ask for natures :3

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 20:34:16

Dammit, I missed you on AIM, Dragon. I can wait.

Why do I have to be so busy today? I can't even train my Pokemons because I am so damn busy.

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 21:25:55

At 11/4/07 08:34 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: Dammit, I missed you on AIM, Dragon. I can wait.

Why do I have to be so busy today? I can't even train my Pokemons because I am so damn busy.

Oh yeah, sorry, I changed it. New SN is now ASleepyFox

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-11-04 21:29:44

Waiting on the NGSM to get moving so I can ditch this account.