At 11/3/07 03:19 PM, Machop90 wrote:
At 11/3/07 02:08 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:
What does that picture have to do with...... anything?
nothing.just thought i might put it there and see if anyone reacted.
I'll react with only this:...Your Waldo sickens me.
In other news, I finally got that damn Elekid with that Electirizer thing off the GTS. Getting it was a freaking chore, though.
First, had to get a male Flaafy. Since I was fed up with the Poke Radar, I hatched one and trained it with Exp. Share (hey, it worked). Then, went and had to find a Charmander (because I'll be damned if I trade mine.That and the guy with the Elekid wanted one). Did that, realized it's hacked (since when do Charmander appear on Route 229?), but traded anyways. That took about ten minutes.
Now I just gotta stop being lazy and evolve the Pokemon I've been got to fill up the Dex and finish training (boring with a capital B).
...say, when are they going to do those event Pokemon? Dammit, I want a Arceus...a shiny one, if possible...and legit...(wah)