At 10/3/07 06:13 AM, Tanooki-John wrote:
It takes practice. When I tried DVS's tip, I did turn it near the edge and make it fast without spilling it. I got at least lv. 15 - 17. By the way, I wonder if the poffin maker works with wi-fi as well?
It's not just that. You also have to know when to turn the other direction, and turn sharply. The goal to create a high level poffin is to complete it at a short amount of time and use berries with higher type. I know its hard, but if you can make a poffin in under 40 seconds without spilling, you are good to go. My record is about 37 seconds, but I think I can do it better.
As for the right nature, the right nature of a Feebas is: Modest, Mild, Rash, and Quiet. Avoid Adamant, Impish, Careful, and Jolly because it will make it tougher to increase Beauty for the Feebas.
I know. And im suprised he even let Piconjo have his way with the portal when he was around, and now Kitty Krew and Star syndicate and the rest of these no tallent n00bs with shit flash and every time I make a review for one, even if it's not too abusive, M-Bot shows up on my PM box " review delete notification". I say this is pure unjust arrogance.
I am not talking about them, even though they are arrogant. I am talking about those well-known people in NG that forces me to respect them. They believe that their "high authority" allow them to do whatever they want, including forcing non-famous people to become slaves and bow them like some god. I am no fool that oppression is bad. I know better that I should never have to force myself to respect others. If Joseph or Dan or Flash Bros. or MindChamber wants my respect, they have to learn to respect me as an individual! There is no point in respecting them if they can't learn to respect me! It's like making a ransom to a homeless person. They're greedy and retarded to want my respect knowing that they have tons of fans!
I'm only anti-social if someone is turning life into a game, like "Let's bash Pokemon" or "DVS should STFU". Here's a game for you. It' called "Go grab a gun and . . . . . . . . ". There is a game existed in NG that causes me to say suicidal things, because I am allowed to, ironically. It's called, "Don't encourage anyone about erasing their existence or you'll get ban!" Such a fucking life I have to tolerate just because I am still living!
Thanks a lot everybody to make my life a living hell! That excludes anyone I care or respects me, such as Zancross. You know how life plays more like some off-beat board game in which it is rigged. I exist because I am the thimble (a reference to Monopoly) and not a person with my own right to live the way I wanted.