At 9/26/07 01:24 AM, StevensA wrote:
My new "dream team". It'll need work, but what the hell...
I'll give you some move suggestions and/or replacement reccomendations, kay?
Mudkip- Level 5 right now. Hey, he knows Ice Beam. That, and you all should know by know I liek Mudkips.
Swampert is definitely worthy of Battling on WiFi.
Earthquake, Ice Beam and Surf are self explanatory.
You can fill in the last slot with Stone Edge, or Roar, if you want it to take care of the BPers.
Depends. Are you evolving it into Gallade or Gardevoir?
Pichu- Level 5. I did tell ya's about my recent fetish for wanting a Raichu, right?
Try to get a Volt Tackle on it, if you can.
Pikachu learns Thunder Wave and Thunderbolt naturally, so you could either take advantage of Raichu's fairly decent attack and make him a Sub-Puncher, or you could give him Charge Beam+Focus Blast. That, or you could breed for Wish.
Oddish- Level 18...should've bred the one on my Emerald file and migrated it. Oh well...Oddish still fucking rules.
Since Bellosom sucks, I'll assume you'll be going Vileplume.
Energy Ball (Giga Drain's too weak)
Sludge Bomb
Petal Dance OR Hyper Beam
Vileplume isn't the most versatile poke out there...
Well, Pidgeot's stats don't really rank up in my book. It doesn't learn too many spectacular moves either. Even though I'd go with Yanmega or Skarmory, I can see Pidgeot with Roost and U-Turn and Whirlwind.
Does U-Turn work with stat-ups like Baton Pass? If so, Pidgeot could work pretty well like that.
Megahorn and Poison Jab are good, but there's one thing Rapidash and its high attack is really good with.
Flare Blitz FTW!
Feel free to evaluate and leave your two cents.
Your team seems to be composed entirely of offensive pokemon. I'd make sure to raise a wall or annoyer, too.