I read your story, Slash. It reminded me of a story for my RPG. It seems the similarities between yours and mine not only involves Gardevoir, but also the idea of anyone's attempts to misuse a given matter. What if being a trainer to a Pokemon started out as being companions? I really believe people are misleading the idea of using Pokemons to battle. Just as the hero of Air Trek believing that having fun on ATs is better than being king, I believe Pokemons are there to keep us from being alone, not like pets but as a friend. They have the right to be free and feel free to become friends with their trainers. Will you ever force your friend to go into a battlefield without a reason? That is what I felt. But it is more than just a relationship between people and Pokemons.
The story for "Pokemon Gladiator" (and no, it has nothing to do with "American Gladiators") begins with a crisis.
Here we have the world renounced inventor, Dr. Xai Shima. By all means, he is a brilliant inventor, the most gifted in the world . . . even though he does not look like any inventor. In fact, he looks like a brawny fighter, complete with bulging arms, cut chest, and the best-looking six-pack you can find. He even likes to show them off by not wearing any shirt, only is open white lab coat. On top of his manly face comes his outrageous silver hair that looks like very pointy manes, as if it was like snowy tentacles out of an albino octopus.
What is the crisis? Apparently, his floating lab is being under attacked by robotic forces called Recates, whom are subordinated to their fiendish wolf-faced leader, Troy. Dr. Xai was rushing around the lab to inspect the Recates' leader. With him, it was a coffin-style metal container he carries along with the help of his Pokemon, Gardevoir. There! After some stress, they found the evil Troy, wrapped in a stylish block cloak while wearing black pants and business shirt. His wolf-faced expression causes Dr. Xai to finally gets his wish of defeating this menace.
He orders Gardevoir to drag the container to a safe place. Troy welcomes Xai with a question.
"Are you the good doctor willing to escape your ramshackle lab? You do know you cannot escape. This place will soon be a falling fowl."
Dr. Xai responded, "It was your intention over my declined offer to work for you. You will never understand the way of the inventor."
Troy laughed silently, "I know that it takes something new to create a revolution. For dreams to be made, your brilliant mind has to make use for our purpose."
"Like I said before, I will not allow my work to be corrupted." Then, he unleashed his might sword towards the villain like a good hero. "Let my beliefs challenge yours!"
"So be it!" Concluded the menace as they started to par one another.
From their battles, it appears as if Dr. Xai has the upperhand since he attacks more often than the unarmed cloaked one. However, the doctor feels tired from the exhaustion. Suddenly, he knows that his lab will certainly collapsed with him as he continues to fight. Without hesitation, he calls his Pokemon as he duels.
"Gardevoir! You must abandon your master and take great care on what's inside the container. We can't last long in this flying chaos."
The loyal Pokemon waits with the container responded, No Master! I must not leave you behind! We can escape together!
"I knew you would say that, but it's not possible. Please, take care of the container . . . as well as my greatest invention inside it."
But Master . . .
Dr. Xai's begging turns to screams. "GET OUT NOW!!"
Suddenly, the lab violently shakes as if an earthquake erupted. Just like a earthquake, the lab begins to shatter apart gradually.
"Damn! It's not a good time, now!"
Troy laughed. "The Recates have left. Which means my work here is finished. This is not the end for us. I am positive the good doctor will find a way to evade this unforgettable event."
Troy storms aways from the devastation. Then, the flying lab has suddenly turn for the worst. The floor in which a doctor and his Pokemon begin to shattered and released to the hovering depths of the sky. Each of them separates from their bonds, shouting out to each other.
"GARDEVOIR!! . . .
Gardevoir . . .
please keep . . .
. . . that promise . . .
Take care of him."
What is in the container? Inside lays the world's only hope for peace, as well as the main character of this game.