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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-24 20:44:46

hello people i was jsut wondering can i please join this forum?i have every pokemon game imn very experianced and love pokemon!it roks!!!o and do any of you peoples have pokemon diamond or pearl yet?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-24 21:25:58

At 7/24/07 08:43 PM, StevensA wrote:
Might I ask when this post was made? I didn't catch it.

Today at 1:21. In the General forum. About your Feebas problem have you checked this out.


Creator of the Burnout Series Club

Sig made by Marsupial

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-24 22:07:06

At 7/24/07 09:25 PM, stick-man-dude wrote:
At 7/24/07 08:43 PM, StevensA wrote:
Might I ask when this post was made? I didn't catch it.
Today at 1:21. In the General forum. About your Feebas problem have you checked this out.


First of all, I went into DarkStyze post history and read it. Bad move on his behalf, if I say so myself.

Anyways, about my Feebas problem...yes, I checked the whole thing out. I even tried to use the pictures as to where I should fish. Nothing. Nothing at all.

By the way, what's the phrases for Dewford Town? I thought about changing it, in hopes of being able to locate Feebas. So, if anyone can post all the fad phrases here, that would be greatly appreciated.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-25 09:39:26

At 7/24/07 05:15 PM, Tanooki-John wrote: Hey guy's , it's been awhile, and man have NG changed!? Well, just letting everyone know im fine and im glad to see everyone is doing well. What do you guy's think about the new NG changes?

I got a flair! Nothing too special, like me! And I bet no one is willing to check out my blogs if I ever made one.

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-25 09:53:28

At 7/24/07 10:07 PM, StevensA wrote: By the way, what's the phrases for Dewford Town? I thought about changing it, in hopes of being able to locate Feebas. So, if anyone can post all the fad phrases here, that would be greatly appreciated.

It doesn't matter what the phrase is, but changing the phrase (successfully, sometimes they don't let you and you have to try again) changes which six tiles Feebas appears on in Route 119.

What I do is I only fish-check the body of water closest to the beginning of the route (coming from Mauville/Berry Master's house). I use the Super Rod and fish on every tile until I get three Pokemon (even where Feebas appears, it's not ALWAYS gonna be a Feebas). I check every square in the water like that. If I don't find it, ah well, I change the Dewford phrase and try it again. If I DO find it, I usually switch to the Good Rod (rarer to get a Feebas, but they're lower level, which I prefer) and catch a bundle so I got a good variety of natures and IV points.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-25 15:20:17

CAN I JOIN ?! I love pokemon! here,I have even made a comic on it : <a>http://moh.smackjeeves.com/

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-26 12:57:38

At 7/25/07 09:39 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
I got a flair! Nothing too special, like me! And I bet no one is willing to check out my blogs if I ever made one.

Just link me a blog, Ill check them out for you.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-26 19:25:34


its some weird pokemon game online

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-26 19:54:18

Hey TJ do u think i can join i love pokemon very much i have all games and collect some of the cards plz can i join?....by the way my pikachu owns

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

Fo' Show.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-26 20:56:02

At 7/26/07 07:54 PM, jman6561 wrote: Hey TJ do u think i can join i love pokemon very much i have all games and collect some of the cards plz can i join?....by the way my pikachu owns


I know whats happening your alts your alts he he and DRIVING ME CrAzY.

I feel better

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-26 21:12:17

At 7/26/07 07:54 PM, jman6561 wrote: Hey TJ do u think i can join i love pokemon very much i have all games and collect some of the cards plz can i join?....by the way my pikachu owns

Fail card is faiiiiiiiiiled.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-26 21:16:50

Hello people. How's your adventures going today?

Meh, as of yesterday, I got the Regis' on my Emerald file. Took a while, but I managed to do it in a timely manner. Now, for a breakdown...

Regis' log-

Regirock- Easiest one to catch. Well, probably tied with Registeel. But, I just used Gloom and got it in about 4 Ultra Balls.

Regice- Hardest one to catch for me. A big pain in the ass, I had to restart the battle at least SIX times (first time I accidently killed it) and the rest of the times were flukes. Except on the one I finally caught it. Wasted a whooping 21 Ultra Balls on him. The twenty first caught him. Y'know how much money that cost me? Too much.

Registeel- Again, probably the easiest to catch. Only a few Ultra Balls. Lost count.

The Result- All three Regi's captured and a sore throat from shouting obscenities at my GBA (mainly, "Ah Shit!" and "Fuck you, Regice!").

So, was it worth it? Not really. Granted, it's gonna complete my Pokedex, but they suck, so they're not gonna be on my team any time soon.

In other news, I took the time to watch the Diamond and Pearl anime...um yeah. I'm not a big fan of it. But, I guess it helps pass the time when you give up looking for Feebas...

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-27 05:57:38

At 7/24/07 08:44 PM, doomreaper43 wrote: hello people i was jsut wondering can i please join this forum?i have every pokemon game imn very experianced and love pokemon!it roks!!!o and do any of you peoples have pokemon diamond or pearl yet?

I have pearl...

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-27 06:10:12

At 7/26/07 07:54 PM, jman6561 wrote: Hey TJ do u think i can join i love pokemon very much i have all games and collect some of the cards plz can i join?....by the way my pikachu owns

I suppose you can though, that shadow pikachu card would definently be illegal in tournaments and fair card duels. So what kinds of cards and decks do you have?

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-27 06:32:18

At 7/27/07 06:10 AM, Tanooki-John wrote: I suppose you can though, that shadow pikachu card would definently be illegal in tournaments and fair card duels.

Nothing a quick "Whistle Blow" cannot fix, thankfully.

Or the full irony can be seen when someone pulls out a Master Ball on it. XD

So what kinds of cards and decks do you have?

I still have my first generation decks which I use to win plenty of games with. It's a Grass/Psychic hybrid deck which consists completely of cards before GSC elements were added.

Status: MIA

Next Release ETA: ?

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-27 09:32:07

God scared the shit out of me. Go to the genral forums and put your cusor over an angry faic.

GOD that was scary.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-28 01:06:27

At 7/27/07 09:32 AM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: God scared the shit out of me. Go to the genral forums and put your cusor over an angry faic.

GOD that was scary.

Where have you been to not have known that? I knew that since the redesign (semi) completion. I shat myself.

Anyways, who here still collects the Pokemon TCG cards? I have really awesome Charizard that's holographic. It's not in the best condition, but it's still fairly good...

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-28 16:52:32

At 7/25/07 03:20 PM, htmlcheeta wrote: CAN I JOIN ?! I love pokemon! here,I have even made a comic on it : <a>http://moh.smackjeeves.com/

I don't call it apropriate for everyone though, I still want to think about this some more.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-28 16:57:09

At 7/26/07 07:54 PM, jman6561 wrote: Hey TJ do u think i can join i love pokemon very much i have all games and collect some of the cards plz can i join?....by the way my pikachu owns

-If someone could actually beat that card in a regular pokemon TGC, then god bless them. XD
-The card looks cool. I've seen it before and I automatically knew that it was a fake. :/

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-29 12:38:01

Listen everybody!

Your DVS is not feeling good. I only terrible only that there is no hopes for me and my talent. I am rapidly decaying into having suicide thoughts. Perhaps everybody is right, I have no purpose to live, just another rubbish taking up space.

And to think that two years ago, all I believe is to express myself and people will listen. I am fool to mention my admiration towards Pokemon, and my "talent" of art and game design.

Just because I do not submit any Flash movies does not mean anyone should profile me as a noob or inferior. But I guess I am. I am a waste!

You have Tom, so why you need me? Admit it! I am nothing!

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-29 13:38:50

At 7/29/07 12:38 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: Listen everybody!

Your DVS is not feeling good. I only terrible only that there is no hopes for me and my talent. I am rapidly decaying into having suicide thoughts. Perhaps everybody is right, I have no purpose to live, just another rubbish taking up space.

And to think that two years ago, all I believe is to express myself and people will listen. I am fool to mention my admiration towards Pokemon, and my "talent" of art and game design.

Just because I do not submit any Flash movies does not mean anyone should profile me as a noob or inferior. But I guess I am. I am a waste!

You have Tom, so why you need me? Admit it! I am nothing!

This is the last time I am going to address you on this, because it's clear you haven't listened to me the last few times I did. You're not going to get something overly sympathetic from me; I've dealt with this kind of attitude far too many times in the past. Neither will you get something hard and cruel; you're going to get the truth, and it's up to you to listen.

You expect admiration and notoriety here on Newgrounds? You haven't done anything but post. You want people to be impressed by your work? It's time to put up or shut up. Submit your stuff or stop complaining that nobody knows you. I've told you this before, and you have utterly ignored it.

Why do people know about Tom? Why do you think he has a website that recently broke into the Alexa top 500? Is it because he sat around all day, making flash for himself, saying to himself "I sure do wish I was a popular person"? Fuck no, he made a website, put his work on display. He wasn't greedy; he didn't seek fame or popularity, yet it came to him. And when the challenges of running such a site came up...the lawsuits, the legal threats, the protests and hate-mail and hackers...he didn't sit around and cry, he fucking dealt with it.

You know, I'm (somewhat laughably) considered a popular artist, according to P-Bot. Wanna know why? Because I submitted something. Instead of complaining about not being known, I actually made something and submitted it. I went through the process and found a niche as a low-quality, moderately controversial, crude-humor artist. That's what I wanted, and that's what I got.

Actually, that's not entirely true. Wanna know what I wanted when I started? Some cheap laughs. I intended to submit two flashes every couple weeks, fully expecting them to be blammed (and they often were), knowing some whiny punks would unfairly whistle them (and they often did). I dealt with the blams and flagging because it was what I expected.

But then, I started getting a bit better. A few people started laughing WITH me instead of AT me. Suddenly, my flash was passing, and I found myself with a small cult fanbase. I'm not very popular or well-known, certainly not compared to the big shots, but I have something more than what I originally wanted or thought possible. And I have few complaints.

But you...you want everything. Everything for nothing. Why should people know you when all you've done is talk about your love of Pokemon and how much everyone hates you? You act as though you deserve popularity or recognition for just floating around. It doesn't work that way, bub. Not on this internets.

You want recognition, fucking DEMAND it. Put your stuff up. Post your art in the forums. Post your stories all across the web. Post your flash on Newgrounds. Do something worthy of recognition from the masses, and accept what you get. Maybe then you'll have a right to want more, to complain.

And stop with all this suicide talk. It doesn't impress anyone, and doesn't do any of us a favor, least of all to yourself. You really wanna die with a fucking blog about a sad episode of Ren and Stimpy being your epitaph? You think that will get you any recognition other than a short article on Encyclopedia Dramatica? Give me a break. Suicide is the last refuge of the coward, the arrogant. We've all been on that road as some point...I once had a loaded gun at my head, too. And looking back on it, it was for such a laughable, pathetic, stupid reason; what seem so worthy at the time now is seen for what it is: arrogant cowardice. A feeling that I was so important that I had a right to end my life because of a perceived wrong. If I had gone through with that idiocy, it would have been a waste. A disgraceful waste.

So don't go down that dead-end road. Nothing good will come of it. Instead, take the higher road: you think you have talent? You think you can blow the people away? Show us. Prove it.

You worried that people will hate you? Deal with it. You have any idea what my hate-love ratio is? For every fan of my work, there are probably twenty who would just as soon have me blammed or whistled or whatever. And for every one of them, there's probably a few thousand who don't have any clue who I am, and wouldn't care if I disappeared. Do I care what they think?

Hell, do I blame them? I'm a useless little shit on the internet with a few dozen low-grade flash movies filled with middle school humor. To expect massive recognition or fame for my little works would be arrogant.

So, I'm thankful for what I have and what I've earned. Even those who dislike me and my work spur me on and give me a reason to keep working.

You need to learn to use hatred, ignorance, and jealousy as a tool. Use the hatred to prove them wrong, or maybe to get a few lulz at their expense. Use the ignorance as an incentive to make more, to make better, to see how many people can find out about your work. Use your jealousy to show those fuckers just what you're capable of.

Remember that it's not as important to die happy as it is to die satisfied. You don't have to win everything in life, but it's important to be able to say to yourself that you tried, that you did your best. And you can't say that to me without lying.

That's all I have to say. If you choose to ignore it again, that is your right. But don't expect any more sympathy if you do. It's time to make a choice: whether you'll continue to complain about something you've put no effort in...or whether you'll stick to your guns, aim FROM the heart instead of FOR your own, and show the world just what kind of power is at your fingertips.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-29 15:42:44

At 7/29/07 12:38 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
You have Tom, so why you need me? Admit it! I am nothing!

Have you ever seen the anime evangelion? i suggest you watch it. You will connect right away with the main character.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-29 15:44:18

At 7/29/07 03:15 PM, Odyssic wrote: Hey all, I haven't posted in a long time. I just got a DS and on friday I got Pokemon Diamond, it's just come out in the UK. I'm on the third Gym, I need to find the Gym Trainer.

How bout a battle hehe.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-29 16:56:07

At 7/29/07 01:38 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
At 7/29/07 12:38 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: Ultra mega rant

Wow, that...truly...inspired me. You sir, have a way with words. I guess you're right, Slash. If you want to be known (more or less) around here, you gotta do something. I'm not much of an artist and I have a case of writer's block (prevents me from making original stuff), but I think I could try my hand at flash. I'm not a bad writer (I don't think so, anyways), so I think giving a try or two at flash animation would be worthwhile. Thanks for that little motivational speech.

And DVS, try to cheer up. Slash proves a good point here.

...um, yeah. Besides getting an e-Reader and a Wireless Adapter really cheap at Gamestop, that's all I have to say. But, before I go, could anyone tell me as to where I may find this certain item?

Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-29 17:25:55

At 7/26/07 07:54 PM, jman6561 wrote: Hey TJ do u think i can join i love pokemon very much i have all games and collect some of the cards plz can i join?....by the way my pikachu owns

If you look at the bottom-right corner, you can see a smiley :)

And Slash, I know you mean no harm and really trying to help me, but it feels like you treated me as if I done nothing but post in my entire existence!

You want evidence that I have done something in my life! Only TJ know more about myself than anyone else, but I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT I HAVE DONE. I only expect you to believe that and stop treating me like a noob who deserves to be killed!

Some of my artwork.

My first Flash game

This website that I actually program by myself

This Dino translator

My experimental move-everywhere-at-any-speed test.

This is a test for moving in a top-down perspective game, like Zelda. This is proof that you can move around the box in front and in back realistically. Also, you can adjust the speed. No matter how fast you are, you can never pass through the box or outside the game.

My experimental Platform test

Move - Left or Right
Jump - C
Crouch - Down
Crawl - Left or Right while crouch
Pause - Spacebar
Change Music - Home

Some of my game ideas. Believe me when I say that I have TONS of ideas.

Eternal Dreams-

A single-player Action RPG experience like no other. You begin life in a typical RPG setting with a typical RPG story. You are sworn to protect your village from a rambunctious dragon willing to destroy everything in its path. The only weapon to slay it is the fable Dragon Sword, the same sword in the story of Kenrio, the hero from long ago who once save the village by the dragon.

During your journey, you will be accompanied by three other members of your party, each with different abilities. Fight your way in real time! You have the ability for complete control of your character. If you want to attack, you attack! If you want to block, you block! Move around your battlefield if you want evade attacks or swoop in for a deadly blow. Cast spells or perform special move on your own command! You even control your other party members at will! Combine two special moves, and you may perform a stronger move.

Fight your way, talk to people around you, and proceed towards your goal.

But dreams are but structured. Don't expect whatever you see or believe what a typical RPG should be. This is a story of dreams and goals. This is a story of fantasies and reality. This is a story of a conflict not meant to be seen or heard in the first place. Dreams battle with one another, bringing hope and sorrow, relief and pain. What lies beyond beliefs is a discovery worth charted . . . but it's your choice

It's only natural to wonder into the realms of the unexplained. Only there, we choose to either believe or disbelieve.

"Unnamed" RPG-

What if you were to tell a story? What if this is the story of you? Who controls you? What are your missions? What are your worlds? Can you believe that this is real?

Expect nothing from an average RPG. This is the story that has bounds and no bounds. It is an experience that leaves you dazed but apprehend. It makes anyone feel unaccomplished but fulfilled.

Whose to believe?

Excalibur Saga-

An Action-Adventure experience in which you feel great control over the environment around you.

This game takes place in something that resembles medieval-fantasy. You play as either a boy or girl. On the first day, you run errands with your landlord in order to keep your village house. This acts like a tutorial for the game. Chat with the villagers, mingle, and do stuff until you are done with the errands. Later at night, you can't sleep. So, you walk around and outside the village, until you spotted a ruined temple. There, you will find a sword standing on a stone pedestal. You are curious to what this sword is. Maybe, you can sell this sword to make profit. Maybe, you can use it as a knife or a lawn mower. Naturally, you lift it. Then, a stream a light appears from the pedestal. It was thin and tiny as first, but it exploded into a cataclysm of light and earthquakes!

After about 20 seconds, the light dims down and the earthquakes cease. The curtain of lights reveals that the ruin temple was transformed into a flora paradise, complete with hanging vines, a sea of flowers, and birds chirping. The Excalibur has chosen a new hero!

If you play this game in the Wii via Internet Channel, then prepare yourself for an experience like no other. You control your attacks just by moving the Wii around. Make slices, destroy obstacles, and control the environment in your grasp. Discover the power of the Excalibur in your hands!

The Fifth Finger-

Ever wonder if you can control the world with the power of your finger? Want an experience of moving objects from afar, changing the surroundings, or even take control of living beings by touching with your finger? Do you want to become God for a day, any day, whenever you feel like it? If so, then just raise your hand.

Notice something new?

Set your sights on planet weird for a far-out Point-and-Click experience. Just remember that it pays to control the world. The currency? Your sanity!


There are also Flash movie series that I come up, like Gar's Pad!

Gar's Pad is a satiric series about three Pokemon roommates with quirky traits living under a ranch house with Gar (a Meowth) owns. Gar, Phenia (Mawile), and Yifnag (Zigzagoon) faces life's quirks, trials, and basically every dysfunctional happenings bluntly called Reality, such as politics, society, celebrities, higher ups, video games, animes, graphic sex, drugs, graphic violence, furries, religion, and basically anything that pisses me or anyone else off -- all in the name of humor best not be called a "Simpsons, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, TV Funhouse, Code Monkeys, or any similar shows" clone. It's a show enjoyed by blind people with rabies . . . actually, everyone should enjoy it, but will that be cool if blind people with rabies control the world?

VG Smash Court Stories -

I am fuzzy with the details. This describes the life of amature Tennis players who are destined to go for the goal, and have a chance to play a game with celebrated video game stars. The story is a bit complex, usually involves a gaiden (side story) of those game characters and their struggles. But I can guarantee that if you love good anime story and design, it may be good to watch.

Well Slash, have I convinced you? I understand if you have not. At least I tried to preach you, but I guess it is not enough. Just try not to doubt me. Please believe in me!

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-29 18:55:34

At 7/29/07 05:25 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: And Slash, I know you mean no harm and really trying to help me, but it feels like you treated me as if I done nothing but post in my entire existence!

Oh, I didn't say that; but if you want to be known on Newgrounds, you need to put your work up to be viewed here. No one here's gonna know about it if you don't tell them. That's what's awesome about the new blog thing...don't use it for moping, use it for pimping your stuff.

You want evidence that I have done something in my life! Only TJ know more about myself than anyone else, but I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT I HAVE DONE. I only expect you to believe that and stop treating me like a noob who deserves to be killed!

All the stuff you've shown me to is great. Not just because it's impressive work, but because you went ahead and showed it to me. That's what you need to do for recognition around here.

Now, I do have an issue with this:

"I only expect you to believe that and stop treating me like a noob who deserves to be killed!"

You're not a noob on Newgrounds (hell, you're higher level than me), but nobody's gonna know about your stuff until you tell them. You should gather your flash and submit the best of it. Don't expect to start out big, but you have to start out SOMEWHERE. Also, when you get some flash passed, you can start posting on the front page and increase the chances of being noticed, which is a big help. And when you get enough favorites, you can be considered a popular artist, getting you even more exposure.

Also, I never said that I think you deserve to be killed. That's fuckin' crazy talk, my friend. Nobody deserves to die because of something as silly as "they're not famous on this internet site". Have more confidence in yourself, and don't assume things like that.

Well Slash, have I convinced you? I understand if you have not. At least I tried to preach you, but I guess it is not enough. Just try not to doubt me. Please believe in me!

I do believe in you. Now begin to believe in yourself. I can't help you much with flash (despite my experience, I'm not exactly the master of the program...), but I can help you get exposure once you start. Just pop me a PM or comment on my page if you need any advice on getting the word out.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-29 19:30:42

At 7/29/07 05:25 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: Some of my artwork.

Good work you got there. See, and you were saying nobody would recognize you. You got talent, amigo. Use it. I'm impressed.

My first Flash game

Please. Submit. This. Game. Today. Very good. Took a while, but I managed to figure it out and master it's game play. Love those shooters. Very good job. Hope to see it hit the portal soon.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-30 05:54:31

At 7/28/07 04:52 PM, Tanooki-John wrote:
At 7/25/07 03:20 PM, htmlcheeta wrote: CAN I JOIN ?! I love pokemon! here,I have even made a comic on it : <a>http://moh.smackjeeves.com/
I don't call it apropriate for everyone though, I still want to think about this some more.

BTW, I have these pokemon games: (first type-GBC/GB)red, yellow.(second type-GBC/GB) gold.(third type-GBA) Ruby, emerald.(fourth type-DS) mystery dungeon-blue rescue team, Pearl

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-30 06:17:14

Dark Volcano Sam does have exelent ideas, and for all he has done for us with the club and the freewebs thing and all. You just need more time and patence. I been waiting for an opportunity to go back writing and drawing but I hardly have time for myself. I want to practice on sprite editing but I lack the skill and experiance and all. But that dosent keep me down. Even though im busy morning through evening and try to get the job done, im tired and in need of rest. I have some incomplete Megaman Heroes 2 drawings and im busy reading Harry Potter book 7, and still raising my pokemon in Pearl. I already offored some pokemon to trade as a list on my sheezyart journal page. Im gonna be awhile before I attempt to go out for the leauge challenge though. DVS, please do not give in to anxioty and dispair, the negative will only keep you unsucsessful. I learned that when one day watching Chris Angel Mindfreak when I was at home watching tv, which ofcourse I don't do as much anymore.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-30 14:12:27

can i join the club ?
i have played almost all of the gba games and i have the diamond version i have never lose in wi-fi
battles (human vs human no cpu)
so i wish i could battle someone of this club

|TJPPC| |ZC| |NG Police| | TS crew|

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Newgrounds Rocks!!