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Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-02 23:30:22

I just beat all the arenas in BR and my price was a surfing pikachu with bolt tackle. Too bad the nature and staff is determined as you receive it. It hasa Rash nature. I will use it as trading bait. Then i will just restart my BR file until i get a hasty, naive or timid nature.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 00:46:47

At 7/2/07 08:52 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote: I'm back. For now. :P

I just saw one of the much older episodes of Pokemon (to be specific the ones leading up to and following after Ash's aquisition of the seventh badge) and I nearly cried when I heard the theme song. God it's been too long. It was like seeing an old friend after a very long time.

Who's the girl the Pikachu runs under after they show Charizard, Blastoise, and Venasaur?

I really love the old episodes, especially since much of the English voice cast changed...

Anyhoo, I'm pretty sure that Pikachu runs under a Lass: at least the older version from the first Poke'mon videogames, either that or from the manga or the card game. Just an educated guess. Either way, it's someone with no detectable plot significance.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 09:14:43

The time is near!

The Monarch and RH will destroy us!

I need to spread the word about admiration before judgment day!

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 11:03:33

At 7/3/07 09:14 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: The time is near!

yes ti almost 11:00 slow day isnt it.

The Monarch and RH will destroy us!

Damn you Ron Howard DAMN YOU!

I need to spread the word about admiration before judgment day!

I need to sperad my jam on my toast before Arceus uses Judgment.


Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 11:15:36

I just got an e-mail from a fanfic reader threatening death to me if I don't update my Pokemon story soon.

Heh. I feel loved, in that weird sort of my-fans-will-kill-me-if-I-stop kind of way.

I'm also tempted to make Kirlia evolve, since the romance doesn't begin until we gots her being a Gardevoir, but sigh, she just evolved a few chapters ago into Kirlia, so...can't do it too fast, even with Gardevoir's fast evolution rate.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 11:41:20

At 7/3/07 11:15 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
Heh. I feel loved, in that weird sort of my-fans-will-kill-me-if-I-stop kind of way.

thats nice weirdo. Gimmie linkys to your fanfic EVERYONE or start doing pot again.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 11:44:05

I hate Magikarp.

I have one at level 58 but it's so hard to give it exp.

Is there and EXP.ALL in Ruby?

How do I get it!!!


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 11:48:03

At 7/3/07 11:41 AM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:
At 7/3/07 11:15 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
Heh. I feel loved, in that weird sort of my-fans-will-kill-me-if-I-stop kind of way.
thats nice weirdo. Gimmie linkys to your fanfic EVERYONE or start doing pot again.

Sinners, human/Gardevoir romance/tragedy story.

It's on AdultFanfiction.net, which obviously means it has some adult themes...nothing really nuts has happened yet, though (no sex or really dark parts yet, it's still mostly in the introduction chapters). I'm actually writing its ninth chapter as we speak.

Feel free to read/vote/review/whatever. I've gotten really good feedback for it so far, despite it only being a first draft.

On another note, my Ash-bash fic Liek, use thundershock okay is also on AFF (this one is a oneshot, completely finished). I wouldn't read that one if you have any love for the anime, though, because...all I'm going to say is that Ash has an unfortunate encounter with an Onix. You've been warned.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 11:52:59

any one have a lotad for trade

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 12:01:34

At 7/3/07 11:48 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
Sinners, human/Gardevoir romance/tragedy story.

Sick but i need a good read how do I get in, im not signing up.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 12:05:21

At 7/3/07 12:01 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:
At 7/3/07 11:48 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
Sinners, human/Gardevoir romance/tragedy story.
Sick but i need a good read how do I get in, im not signing up.

Well, it's actually going to be very tasteful...I don't write PWP (porn without plot) very often. I prefer long, very involved stories, both in writing them and in reading them.

You don't need to sign up to read it, and I have it so anyone, signed up or not, can review my stories (all of them).

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 12:59:53

At 7/3/07 11:03 AM, Mc-Nuggets wrote:
Damn you Ron Howard DAMN YOU!

Very funny *sarcasm*


I'm talking aboot Raccoon with A Hammer (RH). If emotions control the world, we are DOOMED!!

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:04:33

At 7/3/07 12:59 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote:
I'm talking aboot Raccoon with A Hammer (RH).

Damn i thought that crack wore off.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:16:14

At 7/3/07 01:14 PM, Jamie wrote: Also, my pokemon aren't the only thing levelling up :D

LOLOLOL you see that? I made comedic humor, relating my recent levelling up to my pokemon games.

Actually, when I first read your comedic humor, I assumed it involved something involving your penis, not your Newgrounds level.

Not sure if that says something about your humor or my mind, though. :-/

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:18:46

Forgot to post the rest. :-(

I'd like to join this club if I can. I'm a big Pokemon fan...I met SlashFirestorm through reading his fanfiction, even. My favorite is Gardevoir (obviously), although I also love Delcatty and Medicham, too.

I've played Red, Crystal, and Emerald, if anyone's curious.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:38:00

At 7/3/07 11:15 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
I'm also tempted to make Kirlia evolve, since the romance doesn't begin until we gots her being a Gardevoir, but sigh, she just evolved a few chapters ago into Kirlia, so...can't do it too fast, even with Gardevoir's fast evolution rate.

That's actually a really cool idea. I really like it. Who's the other half of the love equation? :P

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:41:44

At 7/3/07 01:38 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote:
At 7/3/07 11:15 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
I'm also tempted to make Kirlia evolve, since the romance doesn't begin until we gots her being a Gardevoir, but sigh, she just evolved a few chapters ago into Kirlia, so...can't do it too fast, even with Gardevoir's fast evolution rate.
That's actually a really cool idea. I really like it. Who's the other half of the love equation? :P

Original character. I may be a good writer, but there's no way in hell I could take anyone from the anime and make them seem like a deep, intelligent character. And if I did, I'd have to classify it as alternate universe or something...

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:44:45

At 7/3/07 01:41 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
Original character. I may be a good writer, but there's no way in hell I could take anyone from the anime and make them seem like a deep, intelligent character. And if I did, I'd have to classify it as alternate universe or something...

Ok then. Problem though. How do I get to your story without having to sign that act thing? Because I read it over and there's something about a printed copy and whatnot. My brother's 18, but I'm not. So I don't know what to do there.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:48:43

Is there exp.all in Ruby???


NG Naruto RP Crew

PM me Sig Requests

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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:52:48

At 7/3/07 01:48 PM, Fremen wrote: Is there exp.all in Ruby???

Dammit Fremen I don't know but probably not that would probably be way too stupid to catch on so stop asking! :P

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:53:19

At 7/3/07 01:44 PM, Twilight-Knight wrote:
At 7/3/07 01:41 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
Ok then. Problem though. How do I get to your story without having to sign that act thing? Because I read it over and there's something about a printed copy and whatnot. My brother's 18, but I'm not. So I don't know what to do there.

Oh, I probably shouldn't be saying this, but just type in whatever the hell you want (it's what I do, even though I'm 21, just b/c it's a pain in the ass). There's nothing sexual in my story (yet), so not like you're really lying to get at something crazy, heh.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:54:23

At 7/3/07 01:53 PM, LinaKimura wrote: Oh, I probably shouldn't be saying this, but just type in whatever the hell you want (it's what I do, even though I'm 21, just b/c it's a pain in the ass). There's nothing sexual in my story (yet), so not like you're really lying to get at something crazy, heh.

You're 22, genius. Typo to the lol-max.

And love it all you want, it's still my story. XD

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:56:18

At 7/3/07 01:54 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
At 7/3/07 01:53 PM, LinaKimura wrote: Oh, I probably shouldn't be saying this, but just type in whatever the hell you want (it's what I do, even though I'm 21, just b/c it's a pain in the ass). There's nothing sexual in my story (yet), so not like you're really lying to get at something crazy, heh.
You're 22, genius. Typo to the lol-max.

I meant I was over 21. Oops.

And love it all you want, it's still my story. XD

But I want it. :-(

Speaking of, write faster, damn you, I want chapter 9.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 13:59:14



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Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 14:03:05

At 7/3/07 01:56 PM, LinaKimura wrote: Speaking of, write faster, damn you, I want chapter 9.

Shut the fuck up and make me a sandwich.


Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 14:20:23

At 7/3/07 02:06 PM, Jamie wrote: But LOL, I'm level 10.

Not the place to talk about that.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 14:28:58

At 7/3/07 02:21 PM, Jamie wrote: the only thing you can ever talk about in the club is pokemon.

No I dont like cock jokes.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 14:54:48

At 7/3/07 01:54 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
You're 22, genius. Typo to the lol-max.

What is genius about being 22? I am 22 years old! So, is there anything about me that makes me needed for life except being dead?!

As if anyone outside this club knows about me!

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 14:54:58

At 7/3/07 02:33 PM, Jamie wrote:
To get off of this bleak and meaningless conversation, how is Battle Revolution? Please tell me it is mind-shattering awesomefest, so I really get excited.

Well im playing it right now im on diffuculty 3. You Start off with rental pass with preset pokemon, but affter you beat some levels on diffculty 1 you can play with your custom pass. unlike the rental pass you can change your apperance and copy pokemon from D/P and make your on team, catch phrases and set the background of your pass.

The Diffuculty I was talking about is basicly the level like thing, after you beat 3 collseums on diffucullty 1 you go to diffuculty 2 with more levels. In my oppinon the fortune colloseum is the hardest since a lot of people wound up with my Arceus I set on my custom pass.

But thats the gameplay, the Graphics are AMAZING although when you use bite the mouth dosent go inward it's a part of there face. The sound is good accept for the damn narrater its the same guy from the anime. A good battle stratigie would be to try and type trump your oppents by estimating witch type they'll use, out off there six pokemans.

Thats the jist of it.

Response to Tanooki_John's Pro-pokemon club 2007-07-03 15:00:05

Hey Slash is there any way for me to create one of those stories?