i want to live in peace andbe happy i dont care if im not rembered.
here ill do compare with pokemon the pokemon have different natures. like people you want to be rembered and i dont care
i want to live in peace andbe happy i dont care if im not rembered.
here ill do compare with pokemon the pokemon have different natures. like people you want to be rembered and i dont care
The cloning glitch works! i just cloned me self a zubat holding ice beam :)
First post of the day. Early to bed early to rise. Now i have the silver card and i just need a kanghaskong, and a few others to complete the nationial dex. And get a gold card then beat the super contest. And get the infamus BLACK CARD the best of them all.
also does anyone have a Kanghoskong ill trade drapion ora dratina or dragionair,or somthing else
or if you have a zangoose mabey a baby mudkip
(only missing ruby)
and thats all
sorry about last night DVS i was sleepy.
At 6/23/07 09:50 PM, SenorPresidente wrote: The cloning glitch works! i just cloned me self a zubat holding ice beam :)
May . . . I have one Ice Beam? I will trade you with a special Pokemon. Oh, and if you are playing Diamond, you can trade it with an Diamond-exclusive.
And does it bother anyone that a Stunktank's cry is a wet flatus?
Oh, and . . . umm . . . How far did TJ went?
At 6/23/07 08:37 PM, Mc-Nuggets wrote: i want to live in peace andbe happy i dont care if im not rembered.
here ill do compare with pokemon the pokemon have different natures. like people you want to be rembered and i dont care
So, you rather be treated like dirt than someone of great importance?
. . .
. . . .
. . . . .
. . . it's all Oprah's fault! She can say whatever she wants, but she can never prove that friendship and family is more important than fame! The world according to her is a nightmare for the rest of us! I should have listen to my teacher and STOP BELIEVING WHATEVER KNOWN PEOPLE SAY AND DO!!
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
sleep is for women i been awake all night. either way i don't have any of what you need. i have actually never played any of ruby saphire or diamond. I will probably buy emerald some time this month.
At 6/24/07 08:52 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: So, you rather be treated like dirt than someone of great importance?
i want to live care free like ludicolo. and being treated like dirt is not a lax life
At 6/24/07 08:57 AM, SenorPresidente wrote: sleep is for women i been awake all night. either way i don't have any of what you need. i have actually never played any of ruby saphire or diamond. I will probably buy emerald some time this month.
I see. That is okay.
If anyone has only Diamond, I am willing to trade a Pearl-exclusive for your Diamond-exclusive.
Of course, I could use the GTS.
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 6/24/07 09:21 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: If anyone has only Diamond, I am willing to trade a Pearl-exclusive for your Diamond-exclusive.
me i got dat
and i don't have the ice beams i already used them. i have pearl but my bro has diamond. he is out of town and took his diamond version so it may be a couple of days before i can get anything out of diamond.
At 6/24/07 08:57 AM, SenorPresidente wrote: sleep is for women i been awake all night. either way i don't have any of what you need. i have actually never played any of ruby saphire or diamond. I will probably buy emerald some time this month.
Are you getting Pokemon Emerald because you wanna trade pokemon from that game to your Diamond/Pearl Verson? :/
At 6/24/07 10:12 AM, Seamonky wrote:At 6/24/07 08:57 AM, SenorPresidente wrote: sleep is for women i been awake all night. either way i don't have any of what you need. i have actually never played any of ruby saphire or diamond. I will probably buy emerald some time this month.Are you getting Pokemon Emerald because you wanna trade pokemon from that game to your Diamond/Pearl Verson? :/
thats one of the reason but mainly because i wanna go through the story etc.
At 6/24/07 12:51 PM, Jamie wrote: Does anyone know where I can find a website with what pokemon breed with what? I'm trying to make a Croagunk egg but apparently no other pokemon wants to be the "baby daddy", and I want my baby croagunk to have a mixed movepool so I don't want to breed with a ditto or another croagunk.
Go to here and scroll down until you find out about breeding.
All you need is a HumanShape Pokemon, a bipedal Pokemon like Abra or Jinxy. If you got those, than you can breed a Croagunk.
Also, DVS, why so glum? You're time will come soon.
I just do not want to turn ancient before I get my recognition. There is no one who started famous at an old age!
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 6/24/07 01:21 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: There is no one who started famous at an old age!
Goodness...I remember when there where only, like...151 of those little critters. Then 251 (Gold and Silver)...and now, when I finally found interest in Pokemon again, I find out there are (I think; I can't really remember exactly) 493 of them! ...I miss the good old days...oh well.
Anyways, until I get updated with the new games and Pokemon (as in, get a DS and one of the new games, or both XD), would it cool if I joined and shared my knowledge about the old games (only have up to Gold and Silver, guys)? I'm not really into the anime because it hardly made much sense.
Thanks ahead of time guys.
PS: I know this may be a bit old, but did anyone try the Mew glitch on the original Red, Blue, and Yellow games?
At 6/24/07 08:22 PM, BananaBreadMuffin wrote:At 6/24/07 01:21 PM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: There is no one who started famous at an old age!Sure there is.
Then tell me this! Is having fame in their Twenties the best age? There is a lot of known Internet people in their twenties! I should have been one of them!
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
Any one tips for beating contest so i can get my 4TH
star and the gold card.
Also if your having trouble beating the national dex, go to the great marsh. I caught a kanghaskon there.
At 6/25/07 08:46 AM, Dark-Volcano-Sam wrote: Then tell me this! Is having fame in their Twenties the best age? There is a lot of known Internet people in their twenties! I should have been one of them!
I told you before:
Don't focus on what 'could have been', aim for the future with that time instead.
At 6/25/07 10:37 AM, HaroFreak wrote: Don't focus on what 'could have been', aim for the future with that time instead.
-That's what I always do and it works greatly for me. I can't stand the past so I just go for the better future. :)
-I got a Shiny Tyranitar today. It took a lot of effort to train his evolution forms. :/
At 6/25/07 01:26 AM, StevensA wrote:
:Blah Blah Blah, Rany rany rany, I talk too fucking much...
Sorry, I forgot to make myself clear. I'd like to join this club.
Is there anyone I have to talk to, or are there certain requirements I gotta meet?
(sorry, I forgot to ask for this ahead of time. My bad.)
PS: I know this may be a bit old, but did anyone try the Mew glitch on the original Red, Blue, and Yellow games?
Seriously, has anyone here tried that? It does work...
Hey guys, whos getting battle revolution?
At 6/25/07 08:48 PM, Ortis34 wrote: Hey guys, whos getting battle revolution?
I was gonna get it today, but guess what? It comes out Today, but my Gamestop gets its shipment tomorrow.
At 6/25/07 09:49 PM, Reaperyami wrote:At 6/25/07 08:48 PM, Ortis34 wrote: Hey guys, whos getting battle revolution?I was gonna get it today, but guess what? It comes out Today, but my Gamestop gets its shipment tomorrow.
Same here. So, what I am going to do is make a call to EBGames, the store in which I reserve a copy, and check if they have it. Fortunately, I brought a ChargeStation. No one batteries for me!
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
I pre ordered so I'm gonna call when they open and see if they get their early shipment or late shipment
Oh, you will not believe what I just ran into? (yesterday afternoon) I shiny Buizel. I tried to catch it with my wormadam by using tackle but on the 3rd hit, it landed a critical hit and it fainted. Talk about rotten luck.
I also tried to submit a credits test for my megaman fan fic too (i made it from my audio software and it's video) but didnt have that much luck.
And now, for some semi-regular redrawn Pokemon
I caught a Heatran! I've been migrating pokemon all week. Where is the move deleter from FireRed? I need to delete HMs. I've got a mewtwo.
At 6/26/07 10:37 AM, Jamie wrote: I was wondering what it would be like to go through a game using only one type of pokemon,
It is, though only if one has done plenty of money-making to get the TMs and moves to balance out the obvious disadvantages by having attacks which help counter its natural weaknesses.
has anyone done it yet?
A little hard during the beginning of the first generation game remakes (namely Fire Red), but I somehow made it through with using only fire types.
So what! I caught a shiny Bellspout more than a week ago. As if anyone ever cares!
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
At 6/26/07 07:49 AM, HaroFreak wrote: And now, for some semi-regular redrawn Pokemon
Coming from you, that does not help what it means to be better!
Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!
My art - I do art well, you twirps!
The clock crew are at it again. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/385350
They need to leave Pokemon allone! You will see why the CC suck so much.