At 3/15/05 11:02 AM, liljim wrote:
There are few pages on the site that do less than 500 hits per hour. That's my point.... People generally aren't interested in this stuff, there are just a select few who are interested in it. And I was a stat hound back in the past - check it out - that was long before I was involved with working on Newgrounds. The thing to keep in mind here is that there are a few people who're interested in all the stats from the site - but those people are few and far between.
Perfect example lies in the thread you just linked to:
At 7/29/02 11:25 AM, liljim wrote:
At 7/27/02 11:48 AM, Testerline wrote:
why do we need all that stuff? i dont think we do
It'd just be nice to see some more stats. It's not a question of needing it, per say.
Most people on NG (the "norms" as I like to call 'em) are like Testerline. They don't care about excess information. They aren't curious more than a slight bit about anything other than what the hip topics on General to talk in are. If you ask them something about say "how many users have over 5000 reviews?" they'd be much more likely to say "I don't care and why the hell should you care, either?" than point you to the portal stats page that features the top 10 reviewers on the site.
I don't care too much that the majority of the site is like this unless they specifically try to infringe upon others' interests or demean them, and sadly they often do. Just look at some posts on page 2 of this thread, for instance (Undercover Studios, I'm looking in your direction).
I'm of the mind of liljim from 2002:
It'd just to NICE to see some more stats (for those of us who care, and who knows, maybe more would care if NG had more official stat lists). It's not a question of NEEDING it.
Nothing on NG is truly NEEDED, after all. This is all optional, this is all luxury, this is all a great site that the world's health and lives aren't depending on... but it does no harm and it's a good source of entertainment, information, inspiration, and art.
And what the hell is wrong with that, eh? So what's wrong with enjoying stats about the fun game-like point systems on the site as well? They do keep a WHOLE LOT of people around here, after all. Way more people than are checking out our lists, I must admit. But that's to be expected. Our profiles show our exp and b/p and so forth... but they don't have direct links to Dogma's EGRL.
Anyway, I'm rather late arriving to this party, but I'll just say this:
Wade apparently is freaked out by SK's program. That's fine, and he probably has some valid points about site performance issues. But I SEEM to recall having CALM and RATIONAL discussions with liljim about his program and about all our lists and the potential for NG to replace them and make them obsolete in the near future. This conversation took place in mid-January, IIRC.
AT THAT TIME, and this is the key part, liljim never made ANY pronouncement that we must immediately cease using the NG Lister or any similar programs to compile our lists. He made it clear that sooner or later the program either would stop working or we'd be asked to stop using it, but we probably wouldn't even care all that much, as NG would be officially offering SO much more information to us that we'd be happy and sated.
So... I just find it strange that Wade suddenly blows his top over this new thread stat thread. If the "scripts" or whatever that pieoncar developed are a huge problem, then that should be addressed separately and by itself. NO ONE is using pieoncar's program or whatever but him. The rest of us are using (and have been, since August 2004) SK's program.
And if that's not cool anymore? Well, we weren't given ANY direct orders to stop in January, so don't act like we're in "violation" of some previous pronouncement or something. I find that insulting. If liljim had even said "I think you guys should stop using it for the time being while we assess what effect it's having on the site, and besides, these new lists are coming out in XXXX weeks."...
then I think it's safe to say that Dogma, myself, ramagi, jonthomson, etc. etc... all the people who use SK's program to make lists we had running LONG before SK's program came about... would either have:
A) stopped our lists
B) reduced our lists in length and done them manually
C) reduced our lists in update frequency and done them manually
D) tried to do our lists manually in full form
Same amount of profiles need to be pulled for D, obviously.
The only difference is that it takes a HELL of a lot more time for the listmaker to pull the data by looking at profiles him/herself... and that it strains NG's database less (that would be the entire reason for doing it manually, of course, to save NG the trouble of NGL's impact upon it).
So whatever. I'd just like to hear it straight from liljim: should we or should we not use NG Lister anymore? Is it okay to use it at 5 AM, for instance? For only 100-200 profiles? Or should we not even use it to pull 5 profiles at once? Is it absolutely essential that we instead just open and look at those 5 profiles manually?
Or, instead, would you rather we just not use it at all, whether it's essential or not? To see how the site's performance is improved/affected?
Or, would you ask that such huge pulls as SK's lists cease, but would ramagi pulling 500 or so people once a month still be okay?
Or what? Just please, liljim, shine some light onto these darkened, shadowed issues. Because Wade's comparisons of rabid, loyal, and dedicated Newgrounds users to Denial of Service virus-spewing hackers who are trying to hurt the site is insulting and quite shocking to me. And he clearly was kneejerking.
Anyway, things like this certainly don't make me want to catch up on the BBS topics I need to catch up on anytime soon. Christ. (sigh)