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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 9, 2005

At 3/8/05 08:23 PM, unowned wrote: I don't know if this has been said before, but maybe the voting panel should have a little time limit before it loads up entirely (only on submissions under judgement). Maybe like a 10 second wait after the movie loads.

Something like that was implemented a while (year or two) ago, but was removed because too many people were having problems with the voting panel never appearing.
What you have to bear in mind is that to code something like that, James has to make it compatible with several different browsers and OSs. And even if that works, the code can still get fucked up by other software like popup filters, firewalls, and so on.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 9, 2005

Thx to Denvish for redirecting me here.

Personally, i would be happy if just the Audio Portal experienced this kind of change. This might be a pain in the ass for the admins, but i think it would be cool if they or someone(s) they deem worthy could look through the submitted stuff and give it a "NG Score" or something, along with the average user score. Since I have seen (and experienced) the bad rating habits of NG users, i think having an score given by someone trustworthy would be a great resource, and something serious users could respect. There are too many crappy and not enough good audios in the 4-5 range, and the good ones down in the 2-3 range are never heard.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 9, 2005

At 3/9/05 09:39 PM, lord-south-park wrote: when you review a movie and the author replies to your review shouldint the author beable to turn a option on/off to let you reply back to his reply does any one agree with me that thay should add this option?

It's better for the author to get the final word. He made the flash of course.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 9, 2005

At 3/9/05 10:24 PM, Dave wrote: It's better for the author to get the final word. He made the flash of course.

One thing that I think review mods should be able to do is ban authors from responding to reviews. There are some people that submit flash just so they can abuse people that review it because they get off on it or something, no matter what the content of the review was.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 9, 2005

I don't know if this has been suggested before (I'm sure it probably has), but I think an upgraded personal profile is in order. I not saying there should be many changes, but I think a list of "favourite audio" is a really important thing missing from the current one. This would only help generate interest in the Audio Portal. This could also apply to reviews as well (ie a link to Flash reviews, and a link to Audio reviews). Also an extra digit for voting power would be neat.

BBS Mod. PM with queries and complaints if you must.

LazyTV | Stuff White People Like

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 10, 2005

At 3/9/05 10:43 PM, TheJoe324 wrote: One thing that I think review mods should be able to do is ban authors from responding to reviews. There are some people that submit flash just so they can abuse people that review it because they get off on it or something, no matter what the content of the review was.

Yeah, I've seen a few people post about this. I don't know how hard it would be to implement, or whether it would even be seriously considered. Although I'm fully on the Author's side, there will always be users that take the piss of whatever system is currently in place, and there should be some way to smack them down if they're being deliberately antagonistic or abusive.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 11, 2005

I was making some drum synths in FL3.4 and I got an idea. Because I was having trouble making synths and melody's for a song I thought it would be a kool thing to have here on NG where people could submit different beats, sounds, synths, anything! in mp3 form just like they have now BUT you also submit the .flp file for people to download and use in their music!

This could be incorporated to support many of the most popular music programs like Fruity Loops. I think this idea would be good for everyone. Audio artists could find and use sounds on newgrounds, and use them to create a new song to submit to NG and even flash artists could benefit from this because they could use the songs made or the beats themselves in their flash animations.

This would require new catagorys and programming from newgrounds. I'm not asking for this to be done. But I would like to see this happen. I think it would benefit many many people and be a good way to help new audio artists develope.

Just an idea I got while making a song on Fruity Loops. Tell me what you think.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 11, 2005

I think the audio portal should have sound effects as well music, that way you can find all your flash movie sound needs on one site.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 11, 2005

At 3/11/05 02:31 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: I think the audio portal should have sound effects as well music, that way you can find all your flash movie sound needs on one site.

I'm pretty sure there is.
Or was.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 11, 2005

At 3/11/05 02:38 AM, unowned wrote:
At 3/11/05 02:31 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: I think the audio portal should have sound effects as well music, that way you can find all your flash movie sound needs on one site.
I'm pretty sure there is.
Or was.

Im not sure if there was but there definatly isnt now, I've looked.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 12, 2005

Sounds like a eally good idea Zendra and something i would like to see implemented ! ,

However i do not agree with having a top posters list as public as on the users data base, it woud encourage spam, I don't think it would be too hard for James to do, but probably not at the top of his list of things to do, he's a busy guy. And i think the main people who like this type of lists (the stat whores) already know about ShittyKittys list and are happy with that for now, i know i am.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 12, 2005

Zendra when you say a crew list do mean just a list of all the various crews or are they ranked somehow?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 12, 2005

At 3/12/05 05:28 AM, Zendra wrote: As you can see in the users list there are some things listed. But I think there could be some more lists.

Should there be more lists? Like:

- Top BBS posters?

They never will do this one. Mostly because of the spam issue.

- Top reviewers?

I would not mind a top 50 reviewers vs the top 10.

- A crew list, who are the BBS, review- moderators?

There are a lot of crews and clubs, it not always eays to determine who are the active and inactive ones.
As far as listing review and audio moderators, that has been suggested before, I know I was for all that idea before.

- Or something else?

I would not mind if they listed top VP people.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 12, 2005

We already have the game or movie icons on the portal frontpage, but I'd like to see the icons in the entry listings as well. Example:

Here is the list of the past daily features. I don't know which of these are movies and which are games, but then I go to the games-only daily feature listing and I can't see the movies either. Sure, I could go back and forth and eventually figure out by process of elimination which are movies and which are games, but I think it would be reasonable to put the movie/game icon next to the title of the movie. It looks like there's enough space to the left of the ranking to fit the icons in.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 12, 2005

Ok liljim explain this to me. Why is it when I try to post my 4096 character review that it still says it is over the character limit? I'm really ticked off. I already had to shorten it and it still says it is over. I mean, I even compared with the character counter that is here on the BBS and the one of spellcheck.net, and both read 4096 characters. I don't know what's wrong with it all. I mean, everything checks out for it all. I even tried docking down to 4095 just to see if that would work and it didn't. Has it been lowered to some other number that I am oblivious about for whatever reason? Is it counting the 50 characters that I used for the "summary of my review" line? I don't understand this at all. It should work based on all information I have. I mean, I know it's counting spaces and enters and colons and such, but it's still giving this annoying error. What is wrong with the review? I have no clue why it is saying it's above the character limit when it is exactly at the character limit. Please, what's wrong with this and what can you do to fix this?

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 12, 2005

Ehm...liljim, I think their may be some flaws in your new voting system. -_-;;

You gave this entry a 0, lowering its score from 5.0027 to 2.4186!
If this movie is blammed you will get a BLAM point!

How in the world can a flash be above a 5.0000? That doesn't make sense to me either.

If you can view logs of scores or something like that then this is the flash I voted on. :(

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 12, 2005

At 3/12/05 08:27 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: You gave this entry a 0, lowering its score from 5.0027 to 2.4186!
If this movie is blammed you will get a BLAM point!

That's just internal rounding errors. Most programs that use variables such as "float" or "double" have a very hard time rounding a number at exactly _.0000...

Probably the same thing here.


Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 12, 2005

At 3/12/05 09:24 PM, RedCircle wrote: Probably the same thing here.

So you mean they can't put a cap on it or anything? That's odd. Oh well, it was just freaky. ;P


I doubt that'd be possible. They'd either have to delete all the vagrants or spontaniously generate a profile for them all. Both of which could fry the servers. :'(

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 12, 2005

At 3/12/05 08:27 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: Ehm...liljim, I think their may be some flaws in your new voting system. -_-;;

There's no new voting system, there was just a change in the number of digits after the decimal shown. It has most likely ALWAYS been 5.0025 and 5.0031 and whatever, it's just that when it was displayed with 2 digits, it would only show the 5.00 part.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 12, 2005

I was trying to search the BBS for a particular thread, I didn't remember the name of the thread but I remembered who created it. Unforunately the author was a regular and had thousands od posts so it would take forever to find the thread by searching through all his posts. I was woundering if it was at all possible to have it so that instead of viewing all of a users posts you could view just the threads that someone has created.

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 13, 2005

At 3/12/05 10:36 PM, jercurpac wrote: I was trying to search the BBS for a particular thread, I didn't remember the name of the thread but I remembered who created it. Unforunately the author was a regular and had thousands od posts so it would take forever to find the thread by searching through all his posts. I was woundering if it was at all possible to have it so that instead of viewing all of a users posts you could view just the threads that someone has created.

Please visit this thread and I will try to help you out :)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 13, 2005

OK, I started another post in the general thread about stuff that belongs here, but I'll copy and paste the list on it. We should delete all those old topics that haven't gotten any new posts in like a year. They just take up space and limit the stuff we casn do in the BBS. Here's how it would help to delete them:

A.It helps us by giving us more topic choices. ALot of people don't know about those old topics and are too lazy to open up like 5 windows to search at least 3 times to make sure theor topic wasn't done before. No one remembers them anyway, so it should be OK to make them again

B. No one will bump them, and cause about 15 other guys to get banned for the first guys mistake. No one pays attention to the dates, and because some geniuses bump them, about 15 other users get banned because they thought it was a regular topic.

C.The mods don't have to worry. Mods will have a little less work on their hands, they won't have to ban all those users for one little mistake.

D.It saves Tom some bandwidth. It'll make the BBS run a little faster, it'll save TOm a bit on his site bill, and all he has to do is use his magic internet powers to delete the thread.

The BBS is in a bit of a deppresion now. Choices are limited and topics are boring. Tom could make an automatic feature that deletes old threads if they haven't gotten any replies in a set amount of time. This would make the BBS more fun, and more easy. I really hope this one gets noticed by you guys, it would really help us.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 14, 2005

Whilst reading the users list i noticed this..

Top 50 Users
List of highest ranking users, based on Experience or Gold.

And i thought, maybe have a currency system on newgrounds? A cash hack aint that hard to install (so i heard). It could be one of the new secrets, reach a certain level you open up an account, then you buy things like new avatars, glows and shadows for your user name etc... just something to make the site even more interactive.
Anyone think of any pro's and cons for this idea? Personally i think its all pro's, but i may be wrong...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 14, 2005

I have an idea for people who make "I'll make you a sig!" or "I'll rate you!" threads. (Moreso the sig threads, rating threads are a fad...)

That four post every half-hour bit can get a bit old when you can only upload one picture... so why not allow for the four post function to be disabled when making a sig thread?

If the user in question abuses his temporary reprieve from the rules, BAM! Three day vacation.

Here's an example.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 14, 2005

At 3/14/05 11:35 PM, Umsutfeersme wrote: That four post every half-hour bit can get a bit old when you can only upload one picture... so why not allow for the four post function to be disabled when making a sig thread?

Read what I said here. About half way down the page.


People just need to know how to manage their posts and they'll be fine.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 14, 2005

At 3/14/05 11:48 PM, TheJoe324 wrote:
At 3/14/05 11:35 PM, Umsutfeersme wrote: That four post every half-hour bit can get a bit old when you can only upload one picture... so why not allow for the four post function to be disabled when making a sig thread?
Read what I said here. About half way down the page.


People just need to know how to manage their posts and they'll be fine.

Whoops, missed that, thanks TheJoe324.

I'll try and come up with a more original idea next time. :)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 15, 2005

I think they should have a button to automatically take you to your Newgrounds gold account on the Frontpage but other than that this site has an amazingly good way of checks and balances to keep ideas and concepts fresh and new.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 15, 2005

At 3/15/05 05:17 PM, Tubaboy9288 wrote: I think they should have a button to automatically take you to your Newgrounds gold account on the Frontpage

Um, they already do.

The "Sign-In" button is on ALL of the pages, including the front page.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 15, 2005

I don't know how many of you visit the audio portal, but I do on occasions, or once a day, whenever. I thing you should have a list for your favorite audio artists and a list for your favorite audio. I don't know if anyone has suggested this yet, or even thought about it, but I think it would be a good idea, seeing how you'll run across some good audio artists, and would want to know when they release a new audio file. And yes I know about DLing the audio, but what if you wanted to share your favorite audio with other members when they check out your profile. It would direct them to the audios artists, and they might think 'said artist' is cool, and would DL thier audio too. Thus, making the 10k DL icon aciveable instead of a myth.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution Mar 15, 2005

oh i got another idea... how about setting a minimum file size for flashes... i mean wat good flash can be like 5-10kb?