At 3/17/05 08:58 PM, Romolo wrote:
I would really like to see an updated profile.
Rumor has it that Stamper has been working on one. :/
As perhaps so;
I don't think those three are really important. They don't sereve a real good purpose. If you want to know what someone likes as int TV or Plays[half of the users here woudn't know what a play is if it kicked them in the forskin.], you just have to get to know the person. IM them or NG chat or General Fourms. I would love to see howmany WHISTLE points I have, I hope it's built into the new profiles.
Just to give you more of an insight on what kind of person this is.
Again, IM them, NG chat, or the General Fourms.
One more thing, I have longed for new rank icons for a while. I'm talking about your blam/protect rank.
I don't think this will happen anytime soon unless ramagi breaks the 100k b/p mark, which she is currently 38,796 b/p points away from. So the badges for now will work just fine.
The pictures seem quite old and could use a nice update and could get pretty creative; having more pictures of people than badges.
Naw, that would look pretty goofy. I like the badges much better. They could use a sprucing up, but they work for now. One badge I've always disliked[my next badge, oh kill joy]has always looked funny to me. It's offsided on one part of it to me, and I've always hated it for that. Not to mention I can't pronounce the fucking thing. >_<
I always though it would be cool to go from Civilian to Superhero or Villain, depending on your aura.
Again, pretty silly. I would like to see some new auras, like the ones on RG[if you haven't gone there, go there, it's a photoshop submision site. :) ]. If the idea of platinum, or whatever is used for senior members[say 1, 2, or 3 years old]would be cool. Audio portal mods would have their own aura, or they could choose to have the regular blue, green, and red. Review mods would have one, of course BBS mods, and Admins. Wade has talked about admins having a special icon, so they are reconizeable. But I don't know if that would happen. A black aura would be cool, and a purple one too. [ vote purple damn yous! ] But who knows, it's all up to Tom, Wade, liljim, and Tim to decide. [ I do belive FDA is one to, but doesn't want to admit it, or declined the position. can someone correct me on this? ]
You do know about 3 other NGers are using your sig right?
At 3/18/05 04:02 PM, Dave wrote:
Yeah, this isnt really an idea.
lol Suggestions are good too, don't be afraid to post them.
But the time between reviews is kind of long.
I know what you mean. I'm a fast typer [100 wpm] and I get annoyed when those messages pop-up. Even more so when I go back and my review is deleted! >_< I sometimes forget to copy it, just incase, but at times.. fuck! I can see how it cuts down on the spam, cause about 30-35%[just a guess, not a fact]reviews I've seen on NG are spammy BS. I mean, saying 'Awsome-header' 'Greatstuff-body' is complimenting the author and all, but it's just spam if you look at it. I know it's prase, good prase, but still, it's spammy. :/ And same with the ones that are solid lines of 'lol' or 'haha', those are quite frequent too. :\ But I think that if you haven't had a review ban in a year[counts me out]and have been active during that year[like 3-5 times a week], then you shouldn't get that message. I know this would make some of the top reviewers happy, that's a fact. But yeah, if it was shortend to maybe a minute instead of, what is it? 3 minutes? That would make my life better.