I am in the BLAM club, and I am a light voter, but I do support the clock crew.
I am, however, an engine crew hater.
I am in the BLAM club, and I am a light voter, but I do support the clock crew.
I am, however, an engine crew hater.
How did this manage to stay in? It was at like a 0.17 rating at 27 votes, and it is still in!!! Lets get it up to 50 so we can get rid of it. Shall we?
I'm in. I don't have a dark aura, but that's because I only vote low for movies which truly suck. There are a lot of good movies for which I have voted high. One only acquires a dark aura if they've consistantly voted low, even for some of the more popular movies. If you're going to keep me out because of my light aura, then you're losing a level 17 clock hater. Your call, sweetie
I was only gonna vote in Darks at first, but I gave that up soon after. You are in AllClocksSuck
MI4_REAL_2001 (11) (Founder)
Dude4U (11) (Vice-Prez)
Soulblade (12)
Capn_g (15)
Splent (6)
Fatboy_69 (9)
VicViper (17)
JimmyJoJoBob (10)
AllClocksSuck (17)
I know I have the least experience in this club... But Im at level 7 now. :)
At 12/17/01 12:23 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: MI4_REAL_2001 (11) (Founder)
Dude4U (11) (Vice-Prez)
Soulblade (12)
Capn_g (15)
Splent (6)
Fatboy_69 (9)
VicViper (17)
JimmyJoJoBob (10)
AllClocksSuck (17)
I want in also!
(Do I have to post my e-mail?)
Welcome Calderon!
MI4_REAL_2001 (11) (Founder)
Dude4U (11) (Vice-Prez)
Soulblade (12)
Capn_g (15)
Splent (6)
Fatboy_69 (9)
VicViper (17)
JimmyJoJoBob (10)
AllClocksSuck (17)
Calderon (10)
On a side note:
I'll need renforcements to BLAM is movie. It's a 5 second flick of a stick trying to "Get-it-off" but can't since he's a "gook"
I've been x-ing this movie for a while now, but I'll need more people to help shoot it down. While your at it, vote X for his other movies which are just as bad . . .
Can this still be BLAMmed?
At 12/17/01 01:30 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: Welcome Calderon!
MI4_REAL_2001 (11) (Founder)
Dude4U (11) (Vice-Prez)
Soulblade (12)
Capn_g (15)
Splent (6)
Fatboy_69 (9)
VicViper (17)
JimmyJoJoBob (10)
AllClocksSuck (17)
Calderon (10)
At 12/17/01 01:31 AM, Calderon500 wrote: On a side note:
I'll need renforcements to BLAM is movie. It's a 5 second flick of a stick trying to "Get-it-off" but can't since he's a "gook"
I've been x-ing this movie for a while now, but I'll need more people to help shoot it down. While your at it, vote X for his other movies which are just as bad . . .
It won't go off, it is at 222 votes, Im sorry to say it is here forever :(
At 12/17/01 01:31 AM, Calderon500 wrote: On a side note:
I'll need renforcements to BLAM is movie. It's a 5 second flick of a stick trying to "Get-it-off" but can't since he's a "gook"
I've been x-ing this movie for a while now, but I'll need more people to help shoot it down. While your at it, vote X for his other movies which are just as bad . . .
222 votes...I don't think it can be BLAMmed...it passed the threshold...
THIS one can however....
We need 2 really high leveled ones to X this one...48 votes.
At 12/17/01 01:35 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: 222 votes...I don't think it can be BLAMmed...it passed the threshold...
THIS one can however....
(-_-) It seems that my battle is lost against that movie . . .
Might as well continue with the War.
At 12/17/01 01:52 AM, Splent wrote: Im too low I won't vote
Is there anyone else ready to vote? If we wait for the higher lvl ones, it might pass the 1st threshold.
At 12/17/01 01:54 AM, Calderon500 wrote:At 12/17/01 01:52 AM, Splent wrote: Im too low I won't voteIs there anyone else ready to vote? If we wait for the higher lvl ones, it might pass the 1st threshold.
Someone got it past....Go ahead and do whatever
Watch this one ^^ and vote accordingly.
At 12/17/01 02:02 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:At 12/17/01 01:54 AM, Calderon500 wrote:Someone got it past....Go ahead and do whateverAt 12/17/01 01:52 AM, Splent wrote: Im too low I won't voteIs there anyone else ready to vote? If we wait for the higher lvl ones, it might pass the 1st threshold.
Damn . . . *Goes to vote*
This closed movie (no movie at all now) is almost gone! Finish it team!
Here's some movies on my list that needs to be deleted:
At 12/17/01 01:30 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: Welcome Calderon!
MI4_REAL_2001 (11) (Founder)
Dude4U (11) (Vice-Prez)
Soulblade (12)
Capn_g (15)
Splent (6)
Fatboy_69 (9)
VicViper (17)
JimmyJoJoBob (10)
AllClocksSuck (17)
Calderon (10)
Sadly, I'm completely against everything you speak of. I may have blams, but that's my past. You're targeting movies, in particular Clock movies in the case of AllClocksSuck. I'm completely against you... sorry :-D
I know I haven't got much "BLAM"-experience but I want to help you, guys....
Keep this crap out of the portal!!!!
p.s.:Can I join?
My e-mail is dafreakrules@icqmail.com by the way :)
At 12/11/01 01:52 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: From seeing the excessive entries of CRAP entries on this Portal, I have come to an idea to make the server go faster, and removing CRAP at the same time.
My idea is to start a club....if you are in, and willing to post your email address here (Not me, you will only know it if I mail ya, sorry >_<)
I will give you a target and we will team up to BLAM the movie. We can clear the server. If anyone objects to the BLAMming of a movie, then I, the founder, can choose another target. Hopefully NewGrounds will run better, and all CRAP shall be removed.
Only downside is that someone might actually help a bona-fide crap movie, so I will only enlist Dark Auras for now.
Is this an OK idea? Anyone in?
Hell yeah!
then... a blammables list:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=37679 (48)
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=37498 (48)
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=38908 (24)
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=36034 (22)
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=37930 (47)
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=32625 (47)
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=26465 (49)
- my BLAM page! -
Title: Osama Dance
Author: ChrisLaLaLa (profile)
Site: - no name -
Origin: 11/18/01
Size: 347k
Score: 0.21/5.00
(50 votes, 170 views)
That vote should of finished it off!!!!!!
Here's one of my least favorites
At 12/17/01 01:41 PM, VicViper wrote: How?!!!!
Title: Osama Dance
Author: ChrisLaLaLa (profile)
Site: - no name -
Origin: 11/18/01
Size: 347k
Score: 0.21/5.00
(50 votes, 170 views)
That vote should of finished it off!!!!!!
Thats really weird. Maybe the next threshhold isn't 50 votes. I'm pretty sure it was though. That is strange. Hmmmmm. Maybe it goes from 25 to 100 to something else. I thought it was 50 though. Keep voting low on it though, it will get Blammed sooner or later.