At 12/15/01 01:51 AM, Valz wrote:
At 12/15/01 01:21 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:
We got a problem here....
Rancidpsychojosh, can you reply to some of the reviews of your movie? It seems you "made the kettle black" In other words, the movie you sent in was what we are trying to destroy.
Is that sarcasm I detect?
-Hell no
How about you dimiss memebers who us pornographic or otherwise distasteful images?
-I agree, I will give him one more chance, but we got to BLAM that somehow. He is making another one without that goatse crap, so, I will have to see.
Try and make a portalworthy one next time..I guess we shall let this one get BLAMmed...........
Read the above.
First of all, To that one reviewer...
-Yes, you are the one I was referring to
We do not "condemn" anyones work....and yes, they do make flash they are not proud of, I seriously doubt I could do better myself, but there are some movies that are deliberately sent in bad, as well as there just wasting space technically. I don't want to condemn anyones work, but there ARE some distasteful entries that cause concern and anger among some Newgrounds....Trust me here, I have seen enough crap to know.
Are you Tom Fulp? Last time I looked he was the owner of & he made the voting system inorder for us to bring to his attention & flag overtly pornographic or hateful movies submitted.
-I did that already....Actually, I need to find that one movie and get it is racist
-Even Tom stated something to the fact that "People now just seek out the movies that are in red".
-That is how I got my 2 BLAMs...but if they got red in the first place, they obviously were crap.
- So I tell you what MI4_REAL_2001 , why don't you & your club submit movies & let us judge them.
-Some of us do have movies. Try Splents movies.
yes Josh's movie was all that your group hates.
-I didn't condone the sending of that.
Yes I do believe that you CONDEMN other peoples work because what maybe crap to you maybe a jem to others.
-I always take that into consideration...But what about a movie that is about 0.19 and 20 votes?
Please don't contradict yourself by saying that you don't condemn others peoples hard work.
-I don't like being told that I condemn it. Maybe not like it...I mean, have you even seen Mullet man, that is just a closed movie, that is my current target, it USED to be a movie. It is nothing anymore.
Have you submitted a Flash movie?
-Ironically, no
Cause concern or anger? This is the internet & if you get that emotionally envolved with a site then you might want to back off for awhile.
-I ain't mad
AS lucadude pointed out, the Nazis thought the Jews were less than human so they murdered them to attempt to make an utopian society, looked what happened to them. In away you are no better than they were because you think that some kid just messing around with a program is bad & deserves to be kicked off.
-The hell? I never said he deserved to be kicked off, and most of them have more than one for chrissakes.
If it's bad then the higer level people will cast their votes & the rest of us will follow, we don't need a group of people to tell us what movies are good or bad.
-I established it to where it isn't a monarchy here darnit.
How long you've been coming here?
-August 30, 2001
Since when does that matter?
I was coming here in 97 or late 98 when Cat Dynamics was on the front page & the Assassin page is what brought me here,
-I got a link of a message board I frequent
I didn't sign up for a Grounds Gold account until it became mandatory to do so to post on the BBS?
-I signed up 3 days after I found this place. The VG parodies is what got me here.
Newgrounds is a place to watch movies & have fun, not to become an elitis playground just because some people don't like stick figure movies or clock movie.
-And voting X on the Turd of the week is a bad thing? And I never said I hated ALL the clocks, some of their movies are actually good.
Some of those movies are good, not crowning glories but they have potential.
-I know that. Check out Kiwi Clocks movie
Like with the Clock Crew, just because some of them went too far, all of them are hated & all their movies are given low votes.
-And yet they still vote 5 on crappy stuff regardless...see strawberries movies, this is what this group was formed for....and also to BLAM distasteful crap like that Goatse stuff, can't you see that was a target?
Just sit back & enjoy the site,
-I love it. VG parodies rock, and being 3rd highest reviewer and 40th most popular because of it is cool too, although I am not really THAT popular.
maybe Tom should do away with the voting system all together & I'd bet that alot of people would leave who only lived to get to a Level 50.
Levels are not a sign of respect, it is how you act that earns that for you.
-I tried to make a BLAMming club that was fair and not a blatant "elitist" group. And would you please
stop comparing me to the fucking nazis?!
I no way am I trying to insult you nor will I resort to petty name calling because I am beyond that.
-Same here
Think over how you stated you want to rid the Portal of bad movies & think about how condemning fits into that statement.
-What about distasteful and such movies? And those closed ones?
Thanks for your time.
-Took me 10 minutes to type, but no problem. I wish I could reply to those reviews, but it ain't my movie.
And trust me, I doubt I could make better flash....