At 12/2/04 02:12 PM, coxyboi11 wrote: What's up guys!
nutin really
Got myself 1000+ posts!
well ure profile says u have 11.
i am now "cool" in the BBS, lol!
ure not cool based on ure post count.
whats up with that?
i dunno.
At 12/2/04 02:12 PM, coxyboi11 wrote: What's up guys!
nutin really
Got myself 1000+ posts!
well ure profile says u have 11.
i am now "cool" in the BBS, lol!
ure not cool based on ure post count.
whats up with that?
i dunno.
Been playing some Balloon Duel lately.
At 12/3/04 12:37 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: Been playing some Balloon Duel lately.
i <3 that game
At 12/3/04 05:31 PM, jamie_mcguire wrote: i <3 that game
Got a rank of 102 right now
At 12/4/04 02:48 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:At 12/3/04 05:31 PM, jamie_mcguire wrote: i <3 that gameGot a rank of 102 right now
show off...
what are you doing typing here! lower that rank GO GO GO ! :) :) : ) lol
ill play it right now w00t
could we blam this :) plz :)
At 12/4/04 10:09 AM, jamie_mcguire wrote:
could we blam this :) plz :)
The entry has died.
it passed... its a horrible pong and the author is a dick... lets get that below 0 and off NG :) :)
it passed... its a horrible pong and the author is a dick... lets get that below 0 and off NG :) :)
mass voting isnt allowed anymore.
At 12/4/04 09:09 PM, Barry_Fanilow wrote: it passed... its a horrible pong and the author is a dick... lets get that below 0 and off NG :) :)
There's nothing anyone can do if it has already passed. After it passes judgement it's on unless an admin finds that it's stolen or breaks some other rule.
But that game is really horrible, I don't see how that could have passed, the whole bottom quarter of the paddle seems to not work.
But that game is really horrible, I don't see how that could have passed, the whole bottom quarter of the paddle seems to not work.
my god the first version of pong is better than that.
At 12/4/04 10:09 AM, jamie_mcguire wrote:
could we blam this :) plz :)
that was one terrible flash
The competition crew was made 2 hours before I announced my intentions of making the same thing! GAH!
I know how something like that got passed. It is called point hungry people. They see a name like pong, or some other game give an auto 2-5, because a lot of people vote good on those movies. I remember voting 1 on that when it was UJ and didn't like seeing the score it had after I voted.
At 12/6/04 09:49 PM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: The competition crew was made 2 hours before I announced my intentions of making the same thing! GAH!
talk about bad timing huh
I have been secretly adding to this group's blamming power for a few months now. I plan to continue to do so.
Just thought I'd let you know.
At 12/6/04 10:15 PM, -Darkness- wrote: talk about bad timing huh
Well I still came up with the idea on my own ;/
At 12/11/04 02:45 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: That is my character :)
Mine r secksayer.
At 11/29/04 02:54 PM, TheJoe324 wrote:At 11/29/04 02:51 AM, Mrbadass666 wrote: And whats up with bizzaro why is he being so rudeNot rude, it's the truth.
1) We haven't really done anything as a club for at least a year.
2) ADGBC does suck. The administration there is horrible.
ADGBC is a joke. It's basically final justice on the blam club via a Clock that claimed he was "helping" the BC, only to kill the whole club outside of NG via powermad nazi vendettas against anyone that threatened his self-appointed position at the top.
You can't even make a silly joke at someone else's expense there anymore without either having your post deleted or being threatened with a ban... To hell with the whole concept.
I've thought about buying a new blamclub site but to be honest I don't think it'd be worth it, the club's got no format anymore and I don't know if there's any way to establish a new one. Basically, the new voting system killed this club, which has for so very long been n important if not misunderstood piece of newgrounds history.
It's a fucking shame it happened too, because look at NG without the BC now. It's more cluttered with filth than ever, and the users don't even care anymore. They just think "OOH YAY PROTECT POINT FOR ME!" and fifen the most rancid garbage on the portal because it has a big name on it. Whoever thought up the blam/protect point system is a grade A bonified IDIOT and is almost singlehandedly responsible for the complete all-around decline of this site in the last couple years.
This place has become a cesspool, and it's all because of point mongering and shitty overhyped flashes drawing in 13-15 year olds...
Something needs to change. Severely.
If Apple Jacks aren't going to taste like real apples, then they can get a regular job like everybody else.
At 12/6/04 09:50 PM, ramagi wrote: I know how something like that got passed. It is called point hungry people. They see a name like pong, or some other game give an auto 2-5, because a lot of people vote good on those movies. I remember voting 1 on that when it was UJ and didn't like seeing the score it had after I voted.
Yep. prettymuch. The point system has ruined newgrounds.
If Apple Jacks aren't going to taste like real apples, then they can get a regular job like everybody else.
At 12/11/04 09:14 PM, nimmer wrote: bye topic and hi rama ;)
Well Wade is MIA so :/
Even though most of the people are not active. No one bother wishing this old club a happy birthday.
I am sorry to see such harsh feelings have been expressed. There seems to be no going back in time at this point at time. I am not sure if that would even change anything. I not sure I even care anymore. Say that is just a shame.
Maybe it is time for the old to move on and let something else begin a new.
Half the users nowadays are total fuckholes.
This topic lasted for 3 years.
It's time to put the Blam Club down for good. It will be nothing but history soon.
At 12/12/04 02:55 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: Half the users nowadays are total fuckholes.
yeah and they have no f*cking dignity
read this
At 12/12/04 08:31 AM, eviludy wrote: Hallo dutch ppl club.
één request. Kunnen jullie alle submissions die vandaag de portal in gejaagd zijn en een blauwe kleur hebbe een vette 0 geven (en dan bedoel ik voornamelijk deze:
Dat vergroot de kans voor mij en Yoow op een Daily Feature. Ik red het vandaag nog wel om dat spel uit te brenge.
-translation- : hello dutch people club. one request can you give all blue portal entries a big fat 0 (and especially this one [see link above] ) that hightens mine and floow's chances to have a daily feature.
At 12/12/04 03:20 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: This topic lasted for 3 years.
It's time to put the Blam Club down for good. It will be nothing but history soon.
WHY NO WAIT TILL JANURARY 1st NOT BEFORE CHRISTMAS! please :) dont ruin my christmas
At 12/12/04 09:11 AM, jamie_mcguire wrote:At 12/12/04 03:20 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: This topic lasted for 3 years.WHY NO WAIT TILL JANURARY 1st NOT BEFORE CHRISTMAS! please :) dont ruin my christmas
It's time to put the Blam Club down for good. It will be nothing but history soon.
no today is a symbolic date