At 11/24/04 08:20 AM, michaeloflaherty wrote:
I'am not a fan of Blammers because they got nothing else better to do than being a lame excuse for life and a waste of flesh and blood
Stop blaming it on anybody other than yourself. You know why your movie got blammed? Because it was shit, and if it makes you feel any better, you can blame it all on me. I voted zero because it sucked. Accept it, and go make a better movie. Life goes on.
Your post doesn't even make any sense. You're not a fan of blammers? Who the hell is. There are blammers, and there non-blammers. There are no "fans." Furthermore, you're reason for not being a fan absolutely sucked. Think of a better way to vent your anger, because you're only making yourself look like an idiot.
:) Now back to b/ping. I've got 895 b/p so far, only 105 till police captain. Hopefully I'll have it by the end of tomorrow. Congrats on any recent rank-ups.