I'm gonna take this baby TO DA MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNN!!!!
I'm gonna take this baby TO DA MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNN!!!!
At 4/21/03 12:27 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:At 4/21/03 12:09 AM, Dobio wrote: We don't have numbers anymore. They've been abolished.Yeah, because some people think they are worthless because of their # or some shit like that.
We could do it again...but we'd need a new script. Sheltered was the only one with the source to that script. But yeah, #390 is my number, ill never forget it.
I never made a big deal about my number. I let my actions speak for me.
http://newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=92144, id appreciate it, i wanna put my past behind me
At 4/27/03 03:53 PM, xsk8er311 wrote: http://newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=92144, id appreciate it, i wanna put my past behind me
dude we can't blam that it is past 100 votes. sorry
This thread is really slowing to a crawl.
How's this club doing, member-activity-wise? I was thinking of joining, being a person with no life who gets like 100 b/p points a day and all...
Sir MI4_real_2001, I have important question for you! Do you hate clockys? I do! Thats why I have club named clockslayers!
Hey M14, guys....how's the Blam Hunt doing?
We have around 40 active members, really, that post on the forums or go to the chat with any regularity..you are welcome to join at http://www.adgbc.com ..
At 4/28/03 11:51 AM, clockslayer wrote: Sir MI4_real_2001, I have important question for you! Do you hate clockys? I do! Thats why I have club named clockslayers!
No we do not hate clocks, in fact we have a couple of members who are clocks, and our own forum on the Clock Crew web site. But we still target crap flash if it is clock or not.
I haven't posted here lately, largely due to being busy in other areas. I will try to post here more regularly, though.
At 4/28/03 10:31 PM, Dobio wrote:At 4/28/03 01:56 PM, Dragon_Knight_470 wrote: Hey M14, guys....how's the Blam Hunt doing?Why do you post here....you aren't wanted here, don't try to be nice.
You were banned from the BC for a reason.
OMFG! Can you lose an grudge for once in your only life?
There's nothing wrong with being nice, you misjudge quickly than you think.
At 4/28/03 11:51 AM, clockslayer wrote: Sir MI4_real_2001, I have important question for you! Do you hate clockys? I do! Thats why I have club named clockslayers!
I do not hate clocks.
Hey Dobio!
Next time, try something less original because the truth is all over ADG/BC Forum, and Vash got the e-mail. I got this to say to you before going to bed, "Game Over, Dobio".
At 4/29/03 02:36 AM, Dobio wrote:
Sigh...you just don't get it...
Whatever...it's not going to happen.
Okay, I'll let go my grudge for now. Dobio head my warning, If you ever return to Friendly People, or cause harm to others, I'll make sure the crime goes unpunished like the "NG Mafia", agree?
God damn! You two act like little girls. Just hold hands, make up and share a nice cup of STFU!
yeah those two are retards. you two know that you are teh only ones acting like this. take your shit elsewhere. go on AIM and yell at each other. fuckin grow up. do you see anyone else acting like the way you two are? sit down, shut up, and fuckin relax
Have to go now, the library gets closed. See ya tomorrow!
At 4/29/03 02:54 AM, Dobio wrote:
No. I have zero respect for you.
I'll do whatever it takes to get you banned from ADG/BC and even NG.
Same here!
From here on, I'm post an final post here, as an restaining order! (It will state that Dobio or any Blam Club Member can't approah me by 500 feet, or they be removed on the spot.)
Farewell, forever.
At 4/29/03 03:02 PM, Dobio wrote: Ryo, I have a right to be pissed off.
He's been following me around, quoting my posts, and calling me a spammer.
He made a topic, trying to get me banned at the Blam Club.
My arguments are justifiable, and he keeps threatening me with bans....when he has no banning power at all.
I'm ignoring him though, and waiting for him to fuck up, so I can ban him again (from the ADG). Stuporman talked to him...so it's good now.
Look I more than anyone knows how much of a dick he is. I am just saying ignore the guy and don't say shit to him. so he waste's posts by calling you a spammer big deal? just let him do what he wants. the rest of teh BC knows how much of a dick he is but that is why none of us say shit to him. just forget him and let him say what he wants. we all know he is a nOOb so no reason to take his shit to teh heart.
At 4/29/03 03:16 PM, Dobio wrote: Good point....no one takes n00bs seriously...and this guy is an eternal n00b.
Heck, no one in the BC took him seriously...
See now you understand. just do what you got to do to have a good time on NG. don't let him ruin that for you.
At 4/29/03 03:14 PM, RyoHahn wrote: Look I more than anyone knows how much of a dick he is.
I believe I might know how much of a dick he is more since you weren't very active on the bc forum and never came to chat, you haven't even seen half of the things he's done.
At 4/29/03 04:03 PM, TheJoe324 wrote:At 4/29/03 03:14 PM, RyoHahn wrote: Look I more than anyone knows how much of a dick he is.I believe I might know how much of a dick he is more since you weren't very active on the bc forum and never came to chat, you haven't even seen half of the things he's done.
that may be true. I am sure many people know how much more of a dick he is than I do. I just said I know how much of a dick he is cause of all the shit he did on NG. all his posts, all the smack he talked. I believe joe it was you who filled me in on what he was doing at teh old BC site that got him a life time ban. I am just saying that people just need to ignore him. let him talk all the smack he wants. it doesn't bother me
hey what is the link to the bc website? seeing as how teh old one is gone and I know you guys go to some new site. plus seeing as how I am a member of the BC I should be posting their.
At 4/29/03 10:32 PM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: I like cheese
WTF? You don't post just saying I like cheese. what's wrong with you? that would be like me posting just saying "I have balls" it is usless. I think the prez is losing it people
Hey Ryo, Im glad to see you again!