This club is open for all to join. MI4REAL, do we still have the entire membership roster?
This club is open for all to join. MI4REAL, do we still have the entire membership roster?
At 4/20/03 01:13 AM, Dethyl wrote: This club is open for all to join. MI4REAL, do we still have the entire membership roster?
We do, but the other OPs/leaders tend to get pissy about it when I bring it up again. It's also too long to post here in one post.
At 4/18/03 10:45 PM, Shadow_the_hedgehog wrote:
God, sometimes this pic is what you are...
You wonder how they get the sour cream in those burritos? How about how they get their refried beans their unique flavor?
At 12/11/01 12:59 PM, -bomb- wrote: Oh, get over yourselves. I've seen numerous blam crews, and they all lost their momentum. This one will whither away like the rest of them. And you know what? I don't blam as a means of regulating the portal. More than enough crap streams in everyday to be of any effect. I blam simply because I like to. Yeah, I'm a sadist.
One of the first thing written about the Blam Club, now look at it. Geewizz
You people have to grow up. Just because he came up with idea, and its kinda dumb, doesnt mean you should rip him a new one
How-didily-doodeley Blam-o-rinos?? I havent posted the last few days (not that NE of you noticed) cuz I was in Uruguay.
Gimme a number and ill join to BLAM the crap out of the portal!!!!
So whats going on around here?
Have a good easter?
Oh yeah, read my post a few up.
At 4/21/03 12:09 AM, Dobio wrote: We don't have numbers anymore. They've been abolished.
Yeah, because some people think they are worthless because of their # or some shit like that.
At 4/21/03 12:31 AM, Dobio wrote: She's in #blamclub chat though, just stop by to talk to her.
aka best chat ever!
At 4/21/03 12:29 AM, Dethyl wrote: Anyone seen Ramgi recently?
Yea like almost everyday on chat(#blamclub) and in the forums
btw dethyl... you really need to sign up for the adgbc forums thats where everyone is, most of us don't really post here anymore (like me)
and don't reply to me here because there is a 1 in 50 chance that I'm going to post on ng bbs anytime soon
At 4/21/03 12:29 AM, Dethyl wrote: Anyone seen Ramgi recently?
I've talked to her. She has been very busy recently. :/
At 4/21/03 12:29 AM, Dethyl wrote: Anyone seen Ramgi recently?
she doesn't come on Ng alot anymore. she has something that keeps her busy. I speak to her once and awhile, but I gues her things keeps her out of the house alot.
So what's been happening clubwise?
Nothing besides that the new forum seemed to have a small rollback.
OMG look how deserted the NG BC forum is!
At 4/24/03 06:18 AM, Dethyl wrote: Quiet in here, real quiet.
A little too quiet
At 4/7/03 12:46 AM, K-16 wrote:At 4/6/03 11:23 AM, nimmer wrote: the new BC home is http://www.adgbc.comWe're going to be hanging around here and in that website for a long while aren't we? Any possibility of recovering the sheltered-life server?
YES people read those messages in the front page
Too quiet here, but it may be a sign that others are starting to go to the new home of bc.
I am still lurking around, yea in the evening time my time which woulkd be Dethyl late morning if I recall correctly, is when I am sometimes in the chat room.
I have had lots to do latley. The end of the semester tends to be this way for me.
Hi dudes I would like to join! My email is
At 4/25/03 03:00 PM, SputnixMix wrote: Hi dudes I would like to join! My email is
I changed my mind. Nevermind.
At 4/25/03 12:24 PM, ramagi wrote: I am still lurking around, yea in the evening time my time which woulkd be Dethyl late morning if I recall correctly, is when I am sometimes in the chat room.
I have had lots to do latley. The end of the semester tends to be this way for me.
Yes, I know what you mean. Exams, submissions for module projects etc. really eats up a lot of time.
I'll still post and mingle here as well. This is where it all started, y'know.
Hooray! Now Im finally police sergeant!!
Well while I was waiting for some I managed to hit 16K in blams hehehe :)