"Are you on drugs or is this your naturally moronic self?"
LOL I just wanted to say that.
"Are you on drugs or is this your naturally moronic self?"
LOL I just wanted to say that.
At 4/9/03 08:38 PM, Dragon_Knight_470 wrote: Is Dobio around?
Besides I'm visiting as an ADG Member, not an outsider.
He's been banned for 7 days from the BBS.
At 4/10/03 12:43 PM, DaFreaK_B_ wrote: He's been banned for 7 days from the BBS.
really? what did he do? also tomorrow is my last day on NG before my vacation. MUST BLAM MORE!
Damn pointless waste-of-space clubs that keep popping up, pushing good clubs off the front page.
Yes i agree-
Every so often i will put up movies here that in want ALL users to RAID them with "0"'s o they can be rid of, or "BLAMMED".
The first culprit is: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=34630
RAID IT! Its only got a score of 0.17, so if we all go ZERO we can blam it.
At 4/10/03 08:13 PM, nick_flash_guru wrote: Yes i agree-
Every so often i will put up movies here that in want ALL users to RAID them with "0"'s o they can be rid of, or "BLAMMED".
The first culprit is: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=34630
RAID IT! Its only got a score of 0.17, so if we all go ZERO we can blam it.
ahh... I really love saying this...
ok, ready...
you sir, are an idiot.
that is all.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone accually takes the teim to read the NG FAQ????
ESP the part that says once it it is past 100 votes that is is not blamable.
hook me up im in!
At 4/10/03 09:06 PM, TheJoe324 wrote: you sir, are an idiot.
Someone should e-mail the "You Are An Idiot" flash to these geniuses..
well this is my last day of posting. as of tomorrow I head out to AC. I hope veryone has a good time and when I come back I will be blamming like crazy. nah, fuck that I am going to go gamble an dmake me some cash
At 4/11/03 10:38 AM, ramagi wrote: Sometimes I wonder if anyone accually takes the teim to read the NG FAQ????
ESP the part that says once it it is past 100 votes that is is not blamable.
See.... the problem with their "IF YOU GET IT TO 0 IT WILL BE BLAMMED" theory is that the score of a movie is an AVERAGE. Since "0" and "5" are the two extremes in voting, the only possible way to get a movie to either of those scores would be for EVERY vote to be a 0. Which means that if a movie is at anything BUT 0, it had to have at least 1 higher vote. So it can NOT reach 0.00
it may be late to join but... i`ll join!
i'm in to blam the crap from newgrounds. Just send me crap you thik should be blammed and i'll check it out. if i think its blam worthy then i'll blam it.
I can’t really say that I’m back in the blam club, but I’m just popping in, noticed the old blam club site is gone I have the link for the new one haven’t gone there yet .
can anyone give me a basic short quick update on what's been going recently.
I can’t visit NG all that much any more, I have to get some serious work done and start making real money or my ass will be in the street in about 6 months.
like i said I'm in, mrraynus@hotmail.com
At 4/11/03 06:42 PM, Hycran wrote: ill ber member like 1 million 800 thousand but i blam with a passion.
sign dis guy up
The main page is gone, dude.
some jackass is trying to start a Communist movement on NG club forum called the Red Faction
At 4/13/03 01:26 AM, Phantom_pen wrote: some jackass is trying to start a Communist movement on NG club forum called the Red Faction
Yeah I heard of that ...
Anyways, I just been informed that the BC topic has been moved here so ... Here I am, maybe I'll hang around here a bit much. :-)
Keep the crap out !
I hope everyone is enjoying thw weekend
ahh, 3 more days of school, then a break... yay
At 4/13/03 03:54 PM, ramagi wrote: I hope everyone is enjoying thw weekend
Yup I did.
At 4/13/03 03:54 PM, ramagi wrote: I hope everyone is enjoying thw weekend
Yep.. i had a fun weekend
So did I, but I'm already on vacacations.
It ends up in a week...
Time to BLAM.
damn! I havent posted here for a loooooong time, how's it blaming??
Blam ming about the same as it been for a while, Oh well time to watch some new stuff see hat is good out there.
At 4/14/03 02:39 PM, JuanManda wrote: damn! I havent posted here for a loooooong time, how's it blaming??
Fine lol...
Biggest Crew topic I guess we have.
I will join, my email is eric1989@cableone.net