wow, ever since this topic was moved the posting rate has dropped. damn people always making shitty clubs so that had to amke a club section. dag burn it
wow, ever since this topic was moved the posting rate has dropped. damn people always making shitty clubs so that had to amke a club section. dag burn it
I almost for got to psot today since it was two years today that I started this account. Well I head out to have some fun.
hey my blamular buddies, how goes it?
ya it does look like ur club could need a few more active posters for this topic, the CCC on the other hand is doin' great, one day, in the distant future, we will most likely surpass you in pages
At 4/4/03 02:44 AM, BahamutReborn wrote:I noticed you wrote in your sig pic that you own the third biggest bbs topic. What can possibly be bigger than this!
The sheltered life server is gone (so is the page, obviously) and the answer to the question is no.
Rancidpsychos Anime Girls-18K Posts
Shrapnels Biggest Topic-24K Posts
Both closed.
I'm still here to serve the blam club.
the new BC home is
At 4/6/03 11:23 AM, nimmer wrote: the new BC home is
We're going to be hanging around here and in that website for a long while aren't we? Any possibility of recovering the sheltered-life server?
At 4/7/03 12:46 AM, K-16 wrote: We're going to be hanging around here and in that website for a long while aren't we? Any possibility of recovering the sheltered-life server?
no, its gone forever, we gonna be there now
At 4/6/03 11:23 AM, nimmer wrote: the new BC home is
Right now that hasn`t been finished yet, but you can visit the new <BC forum>
At 4/3/03 10:01 AM, Hice wrote: Sigh...
We are not against Clocks, just bad Flash
spin spin uh oh im daze
At 12/11/01 01:52 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: Only downside is that someone might actually help a bona-fide crap movie, so I will only enlist Dark Auras for now.
l0l! You're own aura is light!
At 4/7/03 10:39 AM, Aiwendil wrote:At 12/11/01 01:52 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: Only downside is that someone might actually help a bona-fide crap movie, so I will only enlist Dark Auras for now.l0l! You're own aura is light!
Look at the post date, that was OVER a year ago, now all are free to join.
At 4/7/03 11:39 AM, Hice wrote:l0l! You're own aura is light!Sigh....
Look at the post date, that was OVER a year ago, now all are free to join.
It was the FIRST post! All I wanted to say is: The funder of this club wanted everybody to have a Dark Aura, and now he's got a light one!
Been a while since I signed in. Let's get out there and take care of some pressing portal business!
Dang... Well thanks for the heads up TheJoe324 and nightspy56.
Aiwendil - First off, he used to accept only dark auras, and that was the time Newgrounds would calculate your votes and determine your aura (MI4_REAL_2001 was given a dark aura due to his votes). Now, Newgrounds will allow you to select what aura you want. So MI4_REAL_2001 decided to change his aura to light. At least I think that's how it went. I wasn't around until the propaganda flash animation.
At 4/7/03 12:15 PM, Aiwendil wrote: It was the FIRST post! All I wanted to say is: The funder of this club wanted everybody to have a Dark Aura, and now he's got a light one!
I was a light when I begun this topic. I turned my aura dark at Level 16 for a few days.
At 4/8/03 01:42 AM, K-16 wrote: Aiwendil - First off, he used to accept only dark auras, and that was the time Newgrounds would calculate your votes and determine your aura (MI4_REAL_2001 was given a dark aura due to his votes). Now, Newgrounds will allow you to select what aura you want. So MI4_REAL_2001 decided to change his aura to light. At least I think that's how it went. I wasn't around until the propaganda flash animation.
I was light the whole time. I was only dark when you could change your aura for a short period of time.
At 4/8/03 04:55 AM, Anarchy_Balsac wrote: sign me up
OMG, I think I am gonna thrash myself.
Here are step by step how to sign up.
1. Put your mouse on this link at click it
2. Press the sign up link and fill it out
3. There really aint a number 3
fuck that, why would i go and join some other board?
At 4/7/03 03:32 PM, BinLadenmustdie wrote: Been a while since I signed in. Let's get out there and take care of some pressing portal business!
At 4/8/03 06:07 AM, Anarchy_Balsac wrote: fuck that, why would i go and join some other board?
Since that first post you looked at, a blam club website has come and gone.
What happened to teh blam club site? It's gone!!! Sorry if someone already answered this, I didn't want to look at all the posts.
Well if youfor anyone that wants to know the old site is gone. We have moved to an entirely new site so please go to the new local forum. Some things are still in process. We are getting their.
Go here and check put the new board.
I just want to get this up so anyone that wants to join can go to the link i posted in the previous post.
It's kinda of strange to stand on your soil when you're in the worst turmoil in the club. It's kinds of makes somebody sad for a moment.
At 4/9/03 04:47 PM, Dragon_Knight_470 wrote: It's kinda of strange to stand on your soil when you're in the worst turmoil in the club. It's kinds of makes somebody sad for a moment.
fuckin idiot, anyway folks I am taking a mini vacation starting saturday morn and returning tuesday afternoon. where am I going? AC (ATLANTIC CITY) Friday is my last blam/save day till I gt back. which menas the blam queen can get an even bigger lead on me. well better make the most of my time.
Is Dobio around?
Besides I'm visiting as an ADG Member, not an outsider.