At 3/19/03 08:07 PM, TheJoe324 wrote: I should be leveling up in 5 days
At 3/19/03 08:07 PM, TheJoe324 wrote: I should be leveling up in 5 days
At 3/19/03 11:20 PM, chaos_reign wrote: Hey, do people still post blam urls in the forum?
Don't mind me, I'm just an uninvited guest...
just after you've blamed a selection(voted 0)the url will be there just copy and paste in the fourum, my son
jesus_clock Blams!
At 3/20/03 08:24 AM, Dethyl wrote: Good day to everyone here.
Good day to you right back
man this is a big club......all i cna say is BLAM ALL THE SHIT ON THE PORTAL WOO
I've been without a pc for over a week, my dad erased something and the pc fucked up...I have told him not to do that but he never listens...around how many blams/protects have I missed this past week?
At 3/20/03 08:55 AM, Sephiroth_Phantasy wrote: man this is a big club......all i cna say is BLAM ALL THE SHIT ON THE PORTAL WOO
If only it were that easy....
If Apple Jacks aren't going to taste like real apples, then they can get a regular job like everybody else.
So, I voted zero on a movie today, "stick street fight" or something like that....anyways....It was terrible beyond belief, and I voted zero on it, and it had a total score of 0.0, it was on the verge of death so it made me laugh
In comparison to all the terrible movies that have made it through has comedic value no?
I also saw the animation that pops up if your vote directly causes a movie to be blammed the other day, it's quite cool, you should see if you can put it on the bc web site
Spam (you`ll see why im doin this.)
Well hello all, I have fridays off so I am here chilling. Oh man last night was great. me and the blam queen had quite an intresting conversation.
You could say on to some fun
At 3/21/03 12:10 PM, ramagi wrote: You could say on to some fun
shouldn't you be in class. you do your work young lady. on a happy note. 28 more points and I reach a new rank. OH YEAH!
At 3/21/03 01:05 PM, Jonny_Fingerfuck wrote: I am a dumbass.
Hey hey, you're right!!
hey peeps, just testing to see if my new sig pic works
hello again everyone. I know I haven't been on this topic for a while now but I truthfully didnt know it was moved. I dont like this forum so now you are now all safe from the plan I was scheming. carry on with your boring topic now.
At 3/21/03 06:40 PM, MagicalMusicalizax wrote: hello again everyone. I know I haven't been on this topic for a while now but I truthfully didnt know it was moved. I dont like this forum so now you are now all safe from the plan I was scheming. carry on with your boring topic now.
LOL, oh that is funny. you didn't do anything cause you knew you would get a ban so shut it. anyway I have just hit my frist star rank. my power has gone up a tad. yay!
At 3/22/03 12:01 AM, zeano wrote: im bored
Then go do something
At 3/22/03 10:00 AM, ramagi wrote:At 3/22/03 12:01 AM, zeano wrote: im boredThen go do something
that would reqire effort
Hello teh Blam Club. Even if I'm not in your club. Well, I almost feel like I have to visit once in a while, since I've destroyed so much hard work with my little fingers!
Hey Ramagi, ever though about this: If you left for a whole month, no Blams/Protect, You'd still be in the top 2-3! Nuts! And I'm really pissed since I found out how many exp. I missed while not depositing for month! I could have 8940, or something. AAAAAAArg!
Well anyways, maybe I'll stay a while.
At 3/22/03 01:05 PM, poxpower wrote: And I'm really pissed since I found out how many exp. I missed while not depositing for month! I could have 8940, or something. AAAAAAArg!
Well anyways, maybe I'll stay a while.
heh, I left NG for like 9-10 months after I signed up until I started depositing again, I found out once that I would be on level 18 or 19 if I didn't leave.
Coming here and seeing all the pointless n00b spam makes me feel good.
Makes me realize that even though I'm dumber than a drunk GW Bush, there are people that are worse.
BASTARD! i wanna rusty bit of plumbing for my level pic. oh well ive only been here for 3 weeks so i guess a black spikey fist is okay
i cannot think of anything important to write, but im trying to make atleast 1 post per day to the BLAMclub forum. so blah
Well Poxpower, I am not going to be stoping for a month any time soon.
EVERYONE: We are definately NOT, I reapeat NOT doing our jobs!!! Usually our count is 100+ on the entries deleted. Lately I've seen 70, 60, 50!!! We HAVE to get on the ball here and start blamming away the crap in the portal. Who's with me? Blam every slightly bad entry you see!!! AHHHH!!!
Well I think I been doing my part..
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 15,000 crappy entries
At 3/22/03 11:56 PM, ramagi wrote: Well I think I been doing my part..
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 15,000 crappy entries
you just love to brag don't you?