Ok how in the blue hell does the movie "B" have a 2.47 rating? it has to be the clocks giving it a 5 every day. dude come on that movie should have a 0.00 rating.
Ok how in the blue hell does the movie "B" have a 2.47 rating? it has to be the clocks giving it a 5 every day. dude come on that movie should have a 0.00 rating.
blam this shit!
Does anyone know what really happened to our private forums? Looks like the database got screwed....
At 3/16/03 01:33 AM, Dethyl wrote: Does anyone know what really happened to our private forums? Looks like the database got screwed....
That what it seems. Been down for a good week and a half now.
Also to save this topic per page (whole) I use 416 KB of space...if we multiply that by 466 pages...
193856 KB on average
We are looking at a 189 MB topic.
At 3/14/03 01:42 PM, Kainsdoom wrote:At 3/14/03 09:12 AM, D2KVirus wrote: Time to reopen the subtitles thread.No its not, I couldnt even open the page, much less see anything. Whats wrong with the forums anyways?
BC: If you can read this, the forums are working again.
Erm, why do you think I posted it here?
Propaganda is to a Democracy what violence is to a Dictatorship
Never underestimate the significance of "significant."
Hey guys been a really, really long time since the last time I post here, so what's going on?
How many clubs should one man belong???
am I...
The bc forums are still down. The webmaster is not available at this time... away from home.
go to chat #blamclub on irc.
Or resort too this thread. Thank you.
Club OP
im in ill kill any gay movie.i especaily want B dead that is the gayest.my email is: pandaexpress4u@yahoo.com .i want to cleanse NG's crap ridden portal.
Good morning Crew or good afternoon or good night :( damn diff time
Well it is Monday, ick. Time to get ready to go to class.
At 3/17/03 02:43 AM, PandaExpress wrote: im in ill kill any gay movie.i especaily want B dead that is the gayest.my email is: pandaexpress4u@yahoo.com .i want to cleanse NG's crap ridden portal.
You can't blam B, n00b. Read the Blam Club FAQ on the website.
At 3/17/03 02:58 PM, Travis wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=89015
can't be blammed. passed 100 votes. on a happy note. two more days and I will have reached a new blam rank. it would have happened sooner but I took some time off.
whats up guys just wanted to post really quick and say whats up... i haven't been in teh club for too long but i am moving on up like the jeffersons. just want to say whats up to all you guys i dont know, holler back at me.
At 3/17/03 02:43 AM, PandaExpress wrote:
i especaily want B dead that is the gayest.
I want the same thing as you, but that was made impossible a very long time ago. Sorry.
Good morning noon or night you know that time zone sucks
At 3/18/03 07:15 AM, Aeroknight wrote: Good morning noon or night you know that time zone sucks
Yippee! my ban is over! now I can send posts again! HOORAY!oh...sorry...!
Yeah, time zone sucks. Because the time zone, I cant take much contact to night_raider, my lieutenant in NGP.
At 3/18/03 08:20 AM, ramagi wrote: Why were you banned?
I'm listening too...
The forums are still down I wonder what even caused it. Reporting in.
hey folks, I am hungry and bored. so how are all my friends in the BC? I haven't spoken to some of you in quite some time. so how are my buddies?
Just saving a few pages of this topic, pretty much all I'm doing here.
heh.. hmmmm what to say.....
im reportin in.. nah to lame....
well i shall be lvl 12 in 3 weeks... :(
Seems like the club threads have been deprived of posts lately. This is starting to worry me and I am scared that the BC is starting to lose power. Or maybe everybody is ditching this thread and I am missing out on something. Could that be it?
Well since this ttopic got moved ehre the posting rate has dropped some. Plus you have to rememebr march and april are =busy months for alot of the colledge students.
ahh man I feel better, I just blew the whistle on a stolen game. yeah, it was fun