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Insignia Sig Makers

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Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-23 18:05:01

I love my sig but can someone keep it all the same and have a little sprite animation in it? somthing with inuyasha or a baby wolf demon or baby inuyasha?

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-23 18:08:30

At 3/22/05 12:18 AM, Zamochit wrote:
Whoa.... Can't believe I did that. Got two requests mixed up. I don't like Sonic, but here you go TWONE.

WOW that's awesome.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-23 18:08:50

Um, If I could commision someone to make me a sig,

I would like to have Juji Kabane from Gungrave: Overdose (its a game) In a pic with a grey background, and my name (chachibenji, of course) in red lettering across the bottom of the pic, with blood spots on the pic. If anyone wants to do this, great, thank you, But if nobody wants to do it, thats fine, thanks anyway.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-24 08:18:35

At 3/23/05 10:57 AM, FoxyJ9 wrote: I was actually saying hello to Evil_mind..................

Hi Foxy.
Long time.
Last I heard of you, you were having family problems. :/
Well anyway, whats up?

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-24 10:13:51

Ok, im back once again, with new joys in my life (therefor im asking for another sig)... Ok heres what im gonna do, im gonna give a list of a bunch of the joys in my life rite now, and if somebody could put as many as possible into a really cool sig i'd be really really happy... The List:
Apples, Skateboarding/Skateboard, BMX, Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, Grr from Invader Zim, American Dad, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Newgrounds, Toon-Network, Bouncing Souls (the band, although and interpretation of Bouncing Souls would be really cool)... And then i'd like my alias, and if possible this quote: "Don't Forget That You Are Born Free." ~Bouncing Souls... I know this may seem like im asking a lot, and i guess i am, but if somebody could do this i'd greatly appreciate it...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-24 14:33:46

Ok, last request, could i have a sig with a llama wearing a pimped purple hat.

with a matching avatar, saying "SHIZNAT", and "Fuzi0n" in the sig. thnxs

The images, could you use these:

And if you find any yourself, feel free to use them. the pimp hat you can draw yourself in flash or wateva. thnxs!

If you have any questions about fonts, or sizes, just do whateva you like!

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-24 14:39:30

hey u think u guys could make me one that says donnie darko lives on it, with a pic of frank the bunny and donnie from the movie

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-24 14:42:07

could you guys make me a sig that has to do with congress and have it say Darkdevil92 and NG Congress in the small in the corner
try for like a greyish color
and some cool design
please and thx in advance

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-24 16:08:23

im sorry for bein a sig whore, but iwant a new sig, an animation

a metal gear solid one, where solid sanke *right* and otacon *left* are on the codec having a chat saying,

solid- that acethedealers a di---------

otacon- snake snake snaaaaaaaaaaaaake

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-24 22:20:37

sheesh...the requests we get lately...
plus the number of members who are active....

I'd hate to think this place is going the same way as the SSM, but it ain't looking good....

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-24 23:38:08

It's time to move onto bigger and better things for me, gentlemen.
Please DP, if you'd be so kind.. either remove me from the memberlist or put me down under the inactives. I might still try to drop by on rare occasion.. but otherwise, I'm done - I just don't find the entertainment or spark that I used to.


BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-25 07:44:46

At 3/24/05 11:38 PM, -Stoic- wrote: It's time to move onto bigger and better things for me, gentlemen.
Please DP, if you'd be so kind.. either remove me from the memberlist or put me down under the inactives. I might still try to drop by on rare occasion.. but otherwise, I'm done - I just don't find the entertainment or spark that I used to.


Sorry to hear that Stoic. Hope you still visit and make a few sigs here and there.
well, enjoy easter! have fun

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-25 08:01:32

Good luck to you, and keep in touch compadre!

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-25 09:21:48

wow things have changed here on insignaia sigs, for the worse :'( there used to be requests everywhere but its dieing, noooooo i love this club and dont want it to die

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-25 12:50:43

Yall should recruit some people from the ASM, there are some really good artists there, and some not so good ones...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-25 18:49:31

dp knows that if he needs help he has people he can call on.
he has been busy latly with real life things so dont be fast to judge. the ism wont die.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-25 21:07:24

Guys may I plz get two sigs done for my website If you make them for me I'll put your names on the site appreciate it. These are the name of them. I need them asap I really apprecite it.

"yetti" ( you could us a cartoon or gif version of big foot for it)


"chucks" (with a woodchuck or beaver)

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-25 21:30:49

i am requesting a BANNER for my website

500 x 150

text - Ice Aura

sub text - ...for RPG fans

theme - icy (frozen)

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-25 21:50:24

Can someone make me a Samurai Themed sig plz I need it ASAP thank you

Well I don't have a signature so....let that be a lesson to you.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-25 21:54:36

I have a specific sig request....well just an odject

It has to have a crow in the middle of it.

not a real crow just like a drawing of one ok thanks.
it would be cool if you could make the pp with it

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-25 22:13:19

You can make me a sig if you want, I'd really appreaciate it!

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-26 03:06:37

At 3/25/05 09:54 PM, -repent- wrote: I have a specific sig request....well just an odject

It has to have a crow in the middle of it.

not a real crow just like a drawing of one ok thanks.
it would be cool if you could make the pp with it

This is probably gonna be one of my last sigs/pps done here on NG. So here's the PP, and the sig is coming up in a minute....minimalism.

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-26 03:09:54

here's the sig

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-26 03:11:05

haha, my bad, forgot to post the damn thing. I won't be making any sigs for a while now. I might be back sometime to make sigs, but I feel like sigging has lost all the enjoyment I use to get from it...

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-26 03:12:10

hmm, the color doesn't seem right on the sig...let me try that again..

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-26 03:14:29

okay this isn't a good way to end my sigging at NG >_< . (this is -emo)

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-27 03:32:33

Can someone please make me a sig? I would like a sig with AC/DC in it with a nice border around it. Also, the last douchebag didn't put my name in the sig. Can you please add that to it?

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-27 07:10:32

At 3/27/05 03:32 AM, AC_DCFaNaTiC wrote: Can someone please make me a sig? I would like a sig with AC/DC in it with a nice border around it. Also, the last douchebag didn't put my name in the sig. Can you please add that to it?

something like this?

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-27 07:29:06

could i join guys im nto very good my sig is a preview i have a sig stand at this url if you wana see way more http://rsm.8.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=3

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-27 09:40:43

Well guys, i'm gonna have to take a leap of absence. I just dont find the whole taking requests thing fun anymore. It's too troublesome, plus there's a lot of annoying people that throw me off. Maybe sometime i'll come back but until then it's been fun. Cya round.

BBS Signature