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Insignia Sig Makers

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Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 18:23:23

At 3/20/05 05:31 PM, -Onslaught- wrote: Foxsphere,
Send it to me.
I'll do it.

Did you get my email? I just wanted to make sure. Thanks

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 18:33:39

Fuzion, gimme an email, cause I cant post it, its too long.

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 18:34:29

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 18:35:29

At 3/15/05 08:26 PM, doped_up_hippy wrote: Hey guys i was wondering if you could make me a sig....Dont use this user name for it, use Yellow Ninja. I want a ninja type theme in it with yellow and black colours...thanks for your time if you get around to making it.

I know you guys are busy but im just checking to see if you forgot or not

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 19:09:27

-Punk- its almost been half an hour since u said ud email it. Whats happening

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 21:34:43

Sorry man. I can't get it within the Ng file size limit.
Well technically I can, but with only 16 colors. So it looks shitty within the limits.
This is what it looks like though.
Sorry man.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 21:45:35

At 3/19/05 10:46 PM, BillyTalent wrote: request

Nevermind, I got one done at the ASM. Thanks anyway.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 22:18:21

could someone make me a kill bill style sig with my name in japanese style lettering for my name?

i'm back with 46 and 2 ahead of me

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 22:38:30

It won't let me save sig as gif or jpg why id that onslaught

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 22:51:54

At 3/21/05 06:20 PM, samurai_320 wrote:
At 3/21/05 06:05 PM, Re-Spawn wrote: Give a picture all i can find is power ranger sword guns
i don't really need that man it was just a suggestion I'll let you decide what would be cool thx

I just did a paint pall gif

Insignia Sig Makers

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 23:25:22


CoffeeGrinder - page 227
hey i havent been on in a long time, so i kinda need a new sig, can i have a neutral background(black, white, grey) with not too much color, have something to do with a coffee-grinder, and have Coffee-Grinder in the middle?

Teh_Fury - page 227
Can somone make a me a sig with the band Bury Your Dead in it... do what you want with it... thx

JoOiShHeNtAi - page 229
can someone make me one or two ridiculously awesome sigs? gray text saying JoOiShHeNtAi and a black backround preferrably. if you want you can include my b.p level or rank lvl, and/or some funny humor plz.

_Twone_ page 231
I asked another sig maker to make this for me, but he didn't. >:o
I would like a sig that is blue and black. I want the dead kennedys symbol on it, and sonic the hedgehog on it. I also want my name on it (_Twone_) in a silver color. Thanks a lot!

Ratchety - page 231
could one of you fine artists create me a sig? err, could it say ratchety in like fun letters, not gothic or serious. and could you please integrate one of the pictures here where theyre happy. and could the colourscheme be bright.
a rather brattish request, im sorry, but if someone could that would be lovely.

Armads - page 231
Could you one of you make me a sig using my profile pic pls?

-Evil- page 232
i would like a plain black background with my name in the middle in bankgothis text. and really really blurry (the text)
or one where the names all twitchy like it is now. only with plain black background. n bankgothic text.

Garnoman - page 232
Hey guys I'm in real need of a signature saying
"Republic of Dissent" for a clan I have. I will credit you on our webpage and anywere else I can. If you can make it can I have one with the writing clear, any design and kinda dark coulors, Thanks alot, peace

_Artillery_ page 232
Can somone make me a sig with my name in the middle and on both outsides some howitzer cannons... kthx

Carpow - page 232
Your request has been denied because you're a douche.

doped_up_hippy - page 232
Hey guys i was wondering if you could make me a sig....Dont use this user name for it, use Yellow Ninja. I want a ninja type theme in it with yellow and black colours...thanks for your time if you get around to making it.

Kaosvibes - page 232
Re-request: .I was looking for something with a little more life to it, considering I'm a generally nice guy. So a label pic that looks like it just came from a Friday the 13th movie just doesn't suit me. I was looking for something with a little more life to it (but not too much, after all it IS subliminal)

mattman1 - page 234
hey can some one make me a really kick ass zombie one maybe with shots from the new dawn of the dead movie or something please and thank you

BillyTalent - page 234
Since my club is all but dead, I think it's time I got a new sig. I would like it to be Billy Talent themed. I'd like it to have the band's album cover and a pic of the band performing live incorporated into it. If someone could make it for me, I would greatly appreciate it.

-BAWLS- page 234
Shit, you guys are pretty good. Even though it looks like your request list is packed, I might as well keep you busy. ;)
I'd like something BAWLS oriented, please.

Killha - page 234
Can you make a sig that shows a warrior with two swords and it shows his normal apperence and it shows his demon side.....The demon should look like a human form......not a monstrous form.
Can the sig be in a anime format

Jedi_Coconut - page 234
You said it yourself. You're a sig whore.

Crashman - page 235
I want a new sig please. Ive seemed to grow tired of my older sigs so I need something new. Thanks for your time.

Fuzi0n - page 236
Can you please shut up? And you're requesting an awful lot of sigs for someone with >30 posts. Don't request again for a while.

DrKill - page 236
Ok... Something a little different. I have a guild in World of Warcraft called "Steel and Stout". I need a logo for this guild, and I happen to have the artistic skills of moss. The image needs to be a bit larger than a NG profile pic. I'd like an battle axe or a large mug of beer to be the focus, or perhaps a combination of the two. Thanks!

charleslightsaber - page 236
could someone make me a kill bill style sig with my name in japanese style lettering for my name?

I'm back for now. I'll give a few a go,

And foxy, if you read this, jump on MSN or email me.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 23:34:40

At 3/21/05 11:25 PM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST
CoffeeGrinder - page 227
hey i havent been on in a long time, so i kinda need a new sig, can i have a neutral background(black, white, grey) with not too much color, have something to do with a coffee-grinder, and have Coffee-Grinder in the middle?

Done. Let me know what you think.

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-21 23:51:30

At 3/21/05 11:25 PM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST
Teh_Fury - page 227
Can somone make a me a sig with the band Bury Your Dead in it... do what you want with it... thx

Ok. Hope it's what you're after.

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 00:10:16

At 3/21/05 11:25 PM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST
JoOiShHeNtAi - page 229
can someone make me one or two ridiculously awesome sigs? gray text saying JoOiShHeNtAi and a black backround preferrably.

Done. I really like this. Hope you do too.

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 00:18:11

At 3/22/05 12:10 AM, Zamochit wrote:
At 3/21/05 11:25 PM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST
JoOiShHeNtAi - page 229
can someone make me one or two ridiculously awesome sigs? gray text saying JoOiShHeNtAi and a black backround preferrably.
Done. I really like this. Hope you do too.

Whoa.... Can't believe I did that. Got two requests mixed up. I don't like Sonic, but here you go TWONE.

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 00:24:42

At 3/21/05 11:25 PM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST
-Evil- page 232
i would like a plain black background with my name in the middle in bankgothis text. and really really blurry (the text)
or one where the names all twitchy like it is now. only with plain black background. n bankgothic text.


Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 01:25:43

I'll do these ones.

Garnoman - page 232
Hey guys I'm in real need of a signature saying
"Republic of Dissent" for a clan I have. I will credit you on our webpage and anywere else I can. If you can make it can I have one with the writing clear, any design and kinda dark coulors, Thanks alot, peace

_Artillery_ page 232
Can somone make me a sig with my name in the middle and on both outsides some howitzer cannons... kthx

doped_up_hippy - page 232
Hey guys i was wondering if you could make me a sig....Dont use this user name for it, use Yellow Ninja. I want a ninja type theme in it with yellow and black colours...thanks for your time if you get around to making it.

-BAWLS- page 234
Shit, you guys are pretty good. Even though it looks like your request list is packed, I might as well keep you busy. ;)
I'd like something BAWLS oriented, please.

Crashman - page 235
I want a new sig please. Ive seemed to grow tired of my older sigs so I need something new. Thanks for your time.


Be done these in a while.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 01:32:11

At 3/21/05 11:25 PM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST

Jedi_Coconut - page 234
You said it yourself. You're a sig whore.

lol. I are an official sig whore now...
<3 to all of insignia.
So Zamochit is this comp okay with you?
If not ignore the request.
OMFG! I lol'd!
lol I OMFG'd!

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 01:39:15


Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 01:50:20


Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 02:00:37

Yellow Ninja. Don't ask lol.

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 02:05:31


Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 02:10:31


Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 02:25:52

Nice stuff, I like

Lol Myspace

Jemry is where children come from.

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 02:51:38

At 3/22/05 12:24 AM, Zamochit wrote:
At 3/21/05 11:25 PM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST
-Evil- page 232
i would like a plain black background with my name in the middle in bankgothis text. and really really blurry (the text)
or one where the names all twitchy like it is now. only with plain black background. n bankgothic text.

thanx..it looks great

"it puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!"


BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 03:11:44

At 3/22/05 02:10 AM, -Emo wrote: crashman

Thank you again.

XBL GT: SleepyB 408

I Xbox 360 Club I MLB Club I

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 06:52:22

At 3/21/05 11:25 PM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST

*sniff* why wasnt i on? my request was a GTA San Andreas sig... is that too hard 4 u? PLZ do my request cuz my sig and pro pics need to be updated

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 10:00:23

I would like a new tiger sig please (this one's for the NG), I've grown tired of this one and have used it for a long time, so I'd like a more updated one.
Basicly I want this one to be fierce and tigery as always, Such as bite marks for the border or fierce tears. However, I want this one to be more fierce than my current one, I want it to be more violent, such as blood in the sig somewhere maybe with the slashes. I want the tiger to look manic and angry (sort of like my profile sig pic but more evil), and evil! The colour scheme can be of a tiger one, I want black stripes in there somewhere but the colour could be something more evil like red. Oh, and I would like a tiger(s) (obviously) to be in the sig somewhere, but I would like the pic if possible not just to be one from google, but edited to look evil in some way - like I said, if possible.

Sorry abotu being so vague, but I can't really explain accurately what I want. I just want a fiercer, more violent tiger sig, and I want it to have a darker and gloomier mood than my previous tiger sig.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 10:22:21

At 3/21/05 11:25 PM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST

charleslightsaber - page 236
could someone make me a kill bill style sig with my name in japanese style lettering for my name?

I gave it ago but i was unsure on what you ment for your name so i did it in symbol and letter style. Ashame no urma ethier.

Insignia Sig Makers

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-22 10:27:11

At 3/22/05 10:22 AM, Re-Spawn wrote:
At 3/21/05 11:25 PM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST

charleslightsaber - page 236
could someone make me a kill bill style sig with my name in japanese style lettering for my name?

Blink rate thing had no delay here is the symbol one -> http://img202.exs.cx/img202/4122/untitled17qv.gif

And here is the letter one -> http://img176.exs.cx/img176/9614/untitled24iq.gif

BBS Signature