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Insignia Sig Makers

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Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 15:27:08

Hey think you can make me a sig please?
It's for another forum so I would like the sig to say "Grove4L" - I would like the word either in gun shots or a slash with blood, whicher works best. aI would like it to be GTA:SA based and exciting - for example maybe a picture of one of the GTA:SA characters or the background as a gun or something. Basicly I want it to be fierce, GTA:SA, funky and perhaps with silver or green in it - match that "Grove4L" title in an imaginative way :)


Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 15:43:32

Can somone make me a sig with my name in the middle and on both outsides some howitzer cannons... kthx

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 16:11:12

At 3/15/05 09:54 AM, Hilary_Duff wrote: make me a sig, wit pics of me, designed like the one i have now if possible wit my new Alias name :) thanks much..

Enjoy :)

Insignia Sig Makers

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 16:14:49

At 3/15/05 04:11 PM, -Punk- wrote:

Enjoy :)

So that's what you needed the pic for. In case you didn't know it's "YOU'RE"
not "YOUR"

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 16:17:00

punk, so THAT's why you wanted the picture of the guy from family guy?! tut tut..

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 16:19:13

oops, sorry vpoy snap. ^-^

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 16:34:04

can i have 1 with stick death i made 1 in MS paint but it suks

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 17:08:29

At 3/12/05 09:39 AM, Bio- wrote: Hi, could I please have Light Blue sig, that says bio-, and is kinda biological, with spikes, (blue have transperent ones), and etc.

HI... please don't forget this (my) request..

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 17:53:58

well gee i see this group is good, cant even make my sig. amatures.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 18:39:14

At 3/15/05 05:53 PM, B_M_W wrote: well gee i see this group is good, cant even make my sig. amatures.

lol It's a joke signature. Given your name at the time, SquiD made it because you aren't Duff. Thus saying you are a phoney. I'm sure they will make you a new one, but he didn't want to waste his time making a signature that you wouldn't wear. This theory is clear now seeing that you changed your name back.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 19:25:55

Ok I made a request about a week ago here. And I dont want to be rude or anything, but if no one wants to do it just tell me and I'll go elsewhere. I've seen a lot of people who asked after me and got theirs. I know its a hard request but I would just like an update. Thanks ya'll

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 19:33:10

Mhhh Can anyone make me a sig plz ???? thnx

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 20:18:45

Considering most of the members here haven't been coming around lately....I don't know...
I do know that I'm getting sick of the guys who have been promoted to this club, only to disappear after "making" it here. Christ, you make a couple of good sigs and think you are the shit? Prove it...prove me wrong by showing up and helping out here...

end rant/disgruntled sig maker....

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 20:26:35

Hey guys i was wondering if you could make me a sig....Dont use this user name for it, use Yellow Ninja. I want a ninja type theme in it with yellow and black colours...thanks for your time if you get around to making it.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 21:00:28

At 3/15/05 08:18 PM, -Juggernaut- wrote: Considering most of the members here haven't been coming around lately....I don't know...
I do know that I'm getting sick of the guys who have been promoted to this club, only to disappear after "making" it here. Christ, you make a couple of good sigs and think you are the shit? Prove it...prove me wrong by showing up and helping out here...

end rant/disgruntled sig maker....

I know I haven't been around much lately, but it's cause my browser hasn't been functioning properly and it make NG all fucked up looking and, well, it was a scary sight.... I just got rid of mozilla, and now I use IE again, and everything's fine! I didn't think that the problem was mozilla, but I guess it was, meh. SO now I'm back and I'll be making sigs again :)

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 21:22:52

At 3/15/05 05:53 PM, B_M_W wrote: well gee i see this group is good, cant even make my sig. amatures.

I could have easily made you another one, but with an attitude like that maybe I wont. And seeing as how Master confirmed for me that your name is changed back, what would the use of that sig have been?

And on another note, do you really think me being names punk would make a sig of Hillary Duff, not likely. :)

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 21:23:53

At 3/13/05 03:57 PM, Armads wrote: Could you one of you make me a sig using my profile pic pls?

You skipped me :'(

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 21:29:58

Oh and heres Oxymorons. Its so bad its good.

Insignia Sig Makers

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 21:37:13

At 3/15/05 09:29 PM, -Punk- wrote: Oh and heres Oxymorons. Its so bad its good.

thats awesome thnx

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-15 22:21:54

I'm really sorry to do this to ya -Emo (as I can see you worked hard on it) but you're creation isn't what I was looking for...I was looking for something with a little more life to it, considering I'm a generally nice guy. So a label pic that looks like it just came from a Friday the 13th movie just doesn't suit me. I was looking for something with a little more life to it (but not too much, after all it IS subliminal)

Here's a lil example done by ISM's own Chromius (this is for his label)

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-16 02:02:10

At 3/15/05 04:11 AM, -Onslaught- wrote: I didn't make it,
But I gave it a go.
I think the font was self made with a brush...

Well I sorta wanted the original author to make it for me,
I like it but I see it as theft.

Thank you any way..

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-16 07:24:57

At 3/15/05 03:27 PM, Tiger_Chick wrote: Hey think you can make me a sig please?
It's for another forum so I would like the sig to say "Grove4L" - I would like the word either in gun shots or a slash with blood, whicher works best. aI would like it to be GTA:SA based and exciting

Something like this?

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-16 07:57:03


romeo1211 - page 226
can someone make me a sig that says The Time Lord in big letters, with gold trimming and a marble type blue, like different types of blue mixed together to make a marble effect. Also, a gold stopwatch in the corner. ANd can you make the background twisted, horny rose vines also, that would be great. It may sound challenging, but i would very much appreciate it.

CoffeeGrinder - page 227
hey i havent been on in a long time, so i kinda need a new sig, can i have a neutral background(black, white, grey) with not too much color, have something to do with a coffee-grinder, and have Coffee-Grinder in the middle?

Teh_Fury - page 227
Can somone make a me a sig with the band Bury Your Dead in it... do what you want with it... thx

RobG096 - page 227
Hey again Insignia, I got a sig from you guys a while back. I liked it a lot but I want to make a get a new one fomr you guys again.
OOK then, The theme I want is to be superman. If it were possible I would like a spinning superman symbol on it. It should be red, white, and blue for the most part. I want it to say Gouldness some where on it. Also, a good superman render somewhere on there. Blended oh so smoothly ;) Hop someone can have fun with this one. Keep up the good work guys.

Darwin7 - page 229, 230 and 231
Your request has been denied, because you're a sig whore. Try again in a little while.

JoOiShHeNtAi - page 229
can someone make me one or two ridiculously awesome sigs? gray text saying JoOiShHeNtAi and a black backround preferrably. if you want you can include my b.p level or rank lvl, and/or some funny humor plz.

Bio- page 230
Hi, could I please have Light Blue sig, that says bio-, and is kinda biological, with spikes, (blue have transperent ones), and etc.

_Twone_ page 231
I asked another sig maker to make this for me, but he didn't. >:o
I would like a sig that is blue and black. I want the dead kennedys symbol on it, and sonic the hedgehog on it. I also want my name on it (_Twone_) in a silver color. Thanks a lot!

Ratchety - page 231
could one of you fine artists create me a sig? err, could it say ratchety in like fun letters, not gothic or serious. and could you please integrate one of the pictures here where theyre happy. and could the colourscheme be bright.
a rather brattish request, im sorry, but if someone could that would be lovely.

Armads - page 231
Could you one of you make me a sig using my profile pic pls?

-Evil- page 232
i would like a plain black background with my name in the middle in bankgothis text. and really really blurry (the text)
or one where the names all twitchy like it is now. only with plain black background. n bankgothic text.

Garnoman - page 232
Hey guys I'm in real need of a signature saying
"Republic of Dissent" for a clan I have. I will credit you on our webpage and anywere else I can. If you can make it can I have one with the writing clear, any design and kinda dark coulors, Thanks alot, peace

_Artillery_ page 232
Can somone make me a sig with my name in the middle and on both outsides some howitzer cannons... kthx

Carpow - page 232
Your request has been denied because you're a douche.

doped_up_hippy - page 232
Hey guys i was wondering if you could make me a sig....Dont use this user name for it, use Yellow Ninja. I want a ninja type theme in it with yellow and black colours...thanks for your time if you get around to making it.

Kaosvibes - page 232
Re-request: .I was looking for something with a little more life to it, considering I'm a generally nice guy. So a label pic that looks like it just came from a Friday the 13th movie just doesn't suit me. I was looking for something with a little more life to it (but not too much, after all it IS subliminal)

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-16 08:20:39

I tried this one off the list...it's been here for a while now.

Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-16 08:20:46

At 3/16/05 07:57 AM, Zamochit wrote: UPDATED REQUEST LIST
romeo1211 - page 226


Insignia Sig Makers

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-16 08:58:14

JustintheDevil returns, with another lame name stealing escapade. How... predictable.

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-16 09:01:30

Punk, if you fix up the text on the phony sig I'll use it.

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-16 12:27:22

Hello, now i have got my firefox and internet explorer working, i will be able to fill some requests next time i will have enough spare time will be weekend so i will do as many as i can of the best quality so i can hope fully can become a full member.


BBS Signature

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-16 14:47:40

At 3/16/05 07:24 AM, -Juggernaut- wrote:
Something like this?

Wickedness, thanks :)
Could you just add a silver border though. As cool as it can be. Sorry I forgot to mention that before.

Response to Insignia Sig Makers 2005-03-16 17:35:36

At 3/15/05 06:58 AM, Zamochit wrote:
At 3/15/05 03:56 AM, Crap_Clock wrote: Ok Zamochit These are the new staff:AllMightyBruce,DF64 and Lord_IndustrialDarth
hope you can make the sigs please.Btw can you please post them on my topic i know your busy tell me about it.

Nice new name where you get it?
And Number Three.

Thank you so much dude!