I would like someone to turn this into a regualr size sig but instead of it saying crossfade make it say -deleted-
I would like someone to turn this into a regualr size sig but instead of it saying crossfade make it say -deleted-
can somebody pleaseeeeeeee do this for me i really want one
oh plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
At 3/6/05 05:02 PM, -deleted- wrote: I would like someone to turn this into a regualr size sig but instead of it saying crossfade make it say -deleted-
Fuck that
I made you a sig, As well as Velocitom.
In fact, it was just yesterday.
Like I said, Fuck that.
No siggy for you.
At 3/6/05 07:09 PM, -Onslaught- wrote: No siggy for you.
Huh? Are you in ISM?
At 3/6/05 07:17 PM, -Stoic- wrote:At 3/6/05 07:09 PM, -Onslaught- wrote: No siggy for you.Huh? Are you in ISM?
That's -solo- I think
It is, just look at the way he speaks, rude and fucks up the yin yang. It's -Solo- for sure. lol
Yea, it's me, -Solo-
Hey...Feck you.......I don't fuck up the ying yang. Lol.
At 3/6/05 01:23 PM, romeo1211 wrote: can someone make me a sig that says The Time Lord in big letters, with gold trimming and a marble type blue, like different types of blue mixed together to make a marble effect. Also, a gold stopwatch in the corner. ANd can you make the background twisted, horny rose vines also, that would be great. It may sound challenging, but i would very much appreciate it.
is anyone going to make this thing? WTF I really want it! Please make it for me, its really urgent
At 3/6/05 09:00 PM, romeo1211 wrote: is anyone going to make this thing? WTF I really want it! Please make it for me, its really urgent
Shut your cake hole. When it's your turn you'll get a sig, your not royalty around here so you wait with everyone else on the list.
Thank you.
At 3/6/05 09:34 PM, -deleted- wrote: You defy my request?!! How dare you!
Well I didnt before but I do now. Have a nice day.
At 3/6/05 09:35 PM, -Punk- wrote:At 3/6/05 09:34 PM, -deleted- wrote: You defy my request?!! How dare you!Well I didnt before but I do now. Have a nice day.
I wasn't talking to you....talking to -Onslaught-
At 3/6/05 09:47 PM, -deleted- wrote: I wasn't talking to you....talking to -Onslaught-
Then quote him smart man, dont post after me and expect me not to think you werent talking to me. Sorry for the mix-up. But still, lay off the spamming douchebagerry.
At 3/6/05 09:48 PM, -Punk- wrote:At 3/6/05 09:47 PM, -deleted- wrote: I wasn't talking to you....talking to -Onslaught-Then quote him smart man, dont post after me and expect me not to think you werent talking to me. Sorry for the mix-up. But still, lay off the spamming douchebagerry.
I havn't done it in awhile but sorry for the mix-up.
umm i know you made the thing i got yesterday but it sucks so
can i get one that has:
Twisted flames and lava for background and my name in (animated) blood dripping and has poisen ivy growing in viles along edges plz
thx you alot
At 3/6/05 09:52 PM, -deleted- wrote: I havn't done it in awhile but sorry for the mix-up.
No wprries man. Sorry for blowing up at you. I have no patience for people who act stupid anymore.
At 3/6/05 09:47 PM, -deleted- wrote: I wasn't talking to you....talking to -Onslaught-
At 3/6/05 09:59 PM, -Punk- wrote:At 3/6/05 09:52 PM, -deleted- wrote: I havn't done it in awhile but sorry for the mix-up.No wprries man. Sorry for blowing up at you. I have no patience for people who act stupid anymore.
O believe me I tottaly agree with you. I would of done the same thing.
At 3/6/05 09:06 PM, -Punk- wrote:At 3/6/05 09:00 PM, romeo1211 wrote: is anyone going to make this thing? WTF I really want it! Please make it for me, its really urgentShut your cake hole. When it's your turn you'll get a sig, your not royalty around here so you wait with everyone else on the list.
Thank you.
sorry, i was just a little angry cause no one was answering, so i thought you were ignoring me. I didnt know there was a list, im sorry. I wasnt expecting to be treated royally, but someon shoulda told me there was a list
At 3/6/05 10:20 PM, romeo1211 wrote: but someon shoulda told me there was a list
Ok. Hold on.
goes and reads the past 200+ pages. Well who would have guessed, there are lists here.
Seriously, thats not an excuse. Your just too hasty.
OMG... Will everyone just shut the fuck up.
All right, it's about time I did another rant. I'm fed up with the shit that goes on in here. So listen up. This is how things will go from now on. If you don't like it, there's no point bitching, just leave.
Firstly, the next person I catch saying something like "WTF? Where's my sig? It's been 2 hours and no one's doing it! Please make my sig. It'surgent. I really need it. etc. etc." will be denied ALL future requests in here. It's a sig people. You won't die if you don't get it done quickly. Let's face it, you won't die as a result of not getting it at all. It is never urgent.
Below are the three main reasons why your sig request may be overlooked.
1. If you request something that seems impossible, or stupid, then it probably will get overlooked. Not purposefully, just because we are more likely to pick up requests that we can do. Everyone has their own strengths when it comes to sig making, and unfortunately, that's the name of the game.
2. If you constantly bitch and moan that your sig isn't being done, then there's even less of a chance of it being done in the future. If you have placed a request, wait until the next updated list gets posted. Then you may politley remind us if it appears that it isn't being done. If you post a request and then 14 minutes later, post a "Where the hell is my sig?" post... expect to have the crap blown out of you, by any one of our members who just so happens to be having a bad day. And never bother coming back.
3. You're a sig whore who requests a new sig every 2 days. Basically, you're a douche.
Now... There are several main ways to request a sig. Below is a good example of most of them...
a: The n00b Approach
You guys seem kewl. Someone please make me a sig.
If you request a sig like this, you are giving us complete control of the sig. If you request a sig like this, you shouldn't be coming back to us complaining afterwards. If you have something specific in mind, tell us first, so we don't waste our time.
b: The Pedantic Approach
Here is what I want. I want a pic with all of the planets in our solar system on the right, a picture of all the characters of Family Guy in tuxedos on the left, and my name in the middle in red bloody writing. Underneath my name, please write "Go to hell anyone who doesn't like my club!" in green glowing writing. The background should be grey grungy, with diagonal scanlines.
If you request a sig like this, you are giving us no control over the sig whatsoever. More importantly, a sig like this can be impossible to make and still look good because of the amount of detail in it. A sig should be a recognisable to anyone else reading through the NGBBS, but not contain more detail than the roof of the Sistine Chapel. If you seriously want us to take a request that is so in-depth, then please be prepared to provide us with the actual pictures you are talking about. Obviously, finding a pic of all the characters in Family Guy wearing tuxedos is very difficult, so if it exists, post it. If you haven't seen the pic, and don't know where to find it, then there's a good chance you won't get it. Deal with it.
c: The Insignia Approach
I was recommended to ask in here for a sig cause you guys are great. I would like a signature with the following please. A blue/purple colour scheme. A grunge feel. My name in a celtic font. A picture of Avril Lavinge (see attached). And a thin border. Thank you.
A type of request that we don't see too often. Gives us some guidelines to work to, but still gives us the freedom to experiment a little. Also written politley. And the actual pic was included. This makes it a hell of a lot easier to get our job done. Out of these three examples, c will be snatched up first, followed by a. But the requestee will complain about the result of an a request 90% of the time because it wasn't right. I can't remember the last time we got a compliant about a sig done for a c request.
<sigger's rant> We all have lives, this is not a business, we don't owe you anything. We do this because we love (or at least did at one point in time) making sigs for appreciative people. People who are appreciative of the fact that we took valuable time out of our days, when we could be visiting people in hospital or whatever, to make you a sig, regardless of whether you like it or not. If you hate the sig, that's fine. No-one's forcing you to wear it. But a "Thank you for your time though" would be appreciated every now and then. And before you crack the shits at us... make sure you're justified for doing so. </sigger's rant>
Onslaught> Consider this a warning. Swear in caps llike that again, and you're out. No questions. You're still a temp. Actually, cut back on the swearing altogether. You're fagging the place up.
deleted> Your request is denied because you're an idiot, a sig whore, and you insulted us. Come back in a little while and try again.
romeo> Consider this a warning. We'll do it this time, but pull that "urgent" crap again, and you can stay away from us for a very long time.
midgetmofia> You got what you asked for. Come back in a week.
At 3/6/05 10:34 PM, Zamochit wrote: OMG... Will everyone just shut the fuck up.
Yessir. Thanks for not yelling at me :-D. I just dont see how anyone can miss these rules. Well, i'll be on tomorrow and i'll try to get some requests done, if you wouldnt mind posting a list that would help a lot. Sorry to bail on you in the heat of the moment and all but I needs me sleep for school.
At 3/6/05 10:34 PM, Zamochit wrote:
Actually, cut back on the swearing altogether. You're fagging the place up.
I haven't laughed that hard at a post since DirtySyko posted "so stop saying sorry before I kick you in the vagina."
Anyways, a bunch of unappeasing requests as well as requesters have come in lately.. and it's enough to make a sigmaker's penis go limp...... FOR AN ETERNITY - or.. something like that. I'll try to milk 3 more sigs out of myself before I disappear into piles of homework and ridiculously difficult readings.
Note: I hate you Heidegger, and I hope you die for writing readings complex enough to make brains flow out of my ears.
hey i havent been on in a long time, so i kinda need a new sig, can i have a neutral background(black, white, grey) with not too much color, have something to do with a coffee-grinder, and have Coffee-Grinder in the middle?
Of course, on a side note I am aware that Heidegger is already dead, and from wishing death upon him, I'm just figuratively hoping that he is suffering in the afterlife.
The_REDCOW - page 220
Can someone make me a sig with " The_REDCOW " and " spokesman for the human race " and of course " redcow.8m.com " . You can use your imagination here. Maybe put a red cow in the background. I don't care.
helldemon666 - page 222
can someone make me a moving slipknot sig like this its not mine but i want one like this
The_Bone_Thug - page 223
d like a sig with my name spelled out in bonesand in the background id like the rap group Bone,Thugs n Harmony thank you
-SHIT_TANK- page 224
can someone do this with my namehttp://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/diamonds/diamonds.htm
i would really apreicate it
DrKill - page 224
Long ass request. See page for details. And I'm giving it a go. ~DP
wiggerandproud - page 224
can i get a sig with a 9mm and an ak47 that says wiggerandproud straight from the ghetto
Mr_SaMsON - page 225
Hey can you guys put together a sig that says " Marztek Militia " that looks tag/ graffiti inspired whenever you guys get some time? That would be dope.
WAR_CRAFT_GOD - page 226
Umm... If you can get around to it please make me a sig with my name WAR_CRAFT_GOD with an orc on the right and human on the left and in between them red in the background
Marioman48 - page 226
i want a sig thtat looks AWESOME!!!!
romeo1211 - page 226
can someone make me a sig that says The Time Lord in big letters, with gold trimming and a marble type blue, like different types of blue mixed together to make a marble effect. Also, a gold stopwatch in the corner. ANd can you make the background twisted, horny rose vines also, that would be great. It may sound challenging, but i would very much appreciate it.
ToeNailWarrior - page 226
Your request has been denied.
midgetmofia124 - page 226
Your request has been denied.
DrunkenPenguin - just after he realised Chromius is only doing three more sigs before disappearing again.
And Chromius> Glad you had a good laugh. Good to see you're hanging around more.
At 3/6/05 07:53 AM, VeryProudofYa wrote: Can I get a sig based around this?
Please don't put my alias on there as I am going to be using this on a different forum.
You seem to have addressed everyone but me, I feel I made a nice request. Maybe you guys simply missed it because it was the last post on a page. I even included a pic for you to work with. Well if that pic was to difficult I found another. or, if you simply missed my post here's the original.
I'd like if you guys would base it off the first link rather than the second. I would ask for both, but you guys seem a bit to busy dealing with assholes and morons
At 3/6/05 10:53 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: I'd like if you guys would base it off the first link rather than the second. I would ask for both, but you guys seem a bit to busy dealing with assholes and morons
Sorry VPOY. Thought you might not need it cause you changed your name back on the Crypt. I only just thought that you might be a part of other forums.