At 3/12/05 12:03 AM, D0GMA wrote: I feel fulfilled ... I beat Joe =)
well Joe should be happy he was on the list, he seems to have bad luck of depositing and not showing up on the list at all.
I'm a little bit worried over what Wade has recently posted in "The Thread Thread", regarding automated stat collection:
How long were you running your scripts to gather that information? This might explain why everyone is getting Internal Server Errors, because your scripts maybe over loading our database. We're getting fucking sick and tired of people running shit like this to find out stats. I can't say for sure what impact this has had, but similar things like this have fucked up the site for everyone. STOP WITH THE FUCKING STATS. If we want you to have certain stats we'll gather them in a manner that won't screw up the site. If we learn that your actions have been taxing our site it's nothing sort of a DOS attack and you can face legal action.
Some of you think you're doing no harm and are being helpful, well YOU ARE NOT. STOP RUNNING YOUR FUCKING SCRIPTS.
This rant might encompass my listing, in which case the upcoming March 20 update will be the last one ever. I've posted an inquiry, and I'm awaiting his response now.
At 3/13/05 09:08 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: I'm a little bit worried over what Wade has recently posted in "The Thread Thread", regarding automated stat collection:
This might explain why everyone is getting Internal Server Errors, because your scripts maybe over loading our database.
Some of you think you're doing no harm and are being helpful, well YOU ARE NOT. STOP RUNNING YOUR FUCKING SCRIPTS.
This rant might encompass my listing, in which case the upcoming March 20 update will be the last one ever. I've posted an inquiry, and I'm awaiting his response now.
I honestly don't think that the stat threads/pulls are the problem. I mean you, Gfox, D0GMA and everyone else with a stat thread has been doing this for a while. The Internal Server Errors are just a recent nuisance, and seem to be happening at all sorts of hours, not just times people are doing updates.
I don't think its to do with this one, because this only runs at like 12 - whenever when people aren't on newgrounds
At 3/13/05 09:53 PM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote: I don't think its to do with this one, because this only runs at like 12 - whenever when people aren't on newgrounds
i guess i am wrong
At 3/13/05 09:29 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:At 3/13/05 09:17 PM, WadeFulp wrote: How often is it banging away at our servers?19,000 profiles on Wednesdays, about 90,000 profiles on Sundays, and all 1.2 million possible profiles every month.
You know if we logged you doing something like that we could probably have you arrested? Please stop running those types of things. It's similar to a DOS attack which is illegal.
Yea I was on aim, I had to get off cause everyone decided to msg me about it as the same time. I know as much as the rest of everyone. Not that anyone cares about the little list I do anyways. I have time to decide what I am going to do.
At 3/13/05 10:32 PM, ramagi wrote: Yea I was on aim, I had to get off cause everyone decided to msg me about it as the same time. I know as much as the rest of everyone. Not that anyone cares about the little list I do anyways. I have time to decide what I am going to do.
I would truly miss your list if it were to end... how bad is your list if it only updates once a month?
i hardly ever see a server erorr and when i do it doesn't last long.
At 3/13/05 09:08 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
This rant might encompass my listing, in which case the upcoming March 20 update will be the last one ever. I've posted an inquiry, and I'm awaiting his response now.
Read at least my first post in that thread. I'll pose my questions ~9:30am when she gets in, then it's just a matter of waiting until I get at least a preliminary response. In the interim, business as usual.
I can't wait to see the bill for making her go learn New Hampshire internet legislation ^^
As of March 20, the NG Total Listing will be permanently discontinued, due to threats made by our very own Tom Fulp. You can see them here: I'll admit, the number of hits I place on the database (especially on the monthlies) is quite high, but resorting to such threats was rather low. He could have just asked me to stop, and I would have complied, no questions asked. Accusing me of attempting a Denial of Service attack was especially low. I've lost a great deal of respect for the people who run this site.
I will, however, keep my Quick Draw program running for three reasons:
1) It's relatively low-impact. It loads the same number of pages that I would if I were manually saving the pages.
2) There's no plans for a true NG replacement for this list.
3) It's rather popular with NG users.
Granted, the NGTL was especially popular (I get 200-300 hits every Sunday), but it has been specifically targeted for shutdown. Also, I'm leaving my NGLister running, because the people that use this program would be manually pulling the exact same pages anyway, and in much fewer numbers than the NGTL. Sometime next week, I'll see about making a cumulative change list for b/p and experience from August 28 to March 20 (7 months, the entire span of the NGTL).
It's been a fun seven months, and I'm glad I've helped as many people as I have with these lists. I do plan on remaining a member of this forum, unless Wade decides that reloading the forum page to check on new topics is a DoS attack and threatens to have me arrested.
At 3/14/05 06:39 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: IMPORTANT
As of March 20, the NG Total Listing will be permanently discontinued, due to threats made by our very own ***Tom*** Fulp.
CORRECTION: That's Wade, not Tom.
I dont think you should continue the quickdraw either... im pretty sure Wadeyboy said if you continue to run your program that he could have you arrested...
I wouldnt risk it to please a handful of people over the internet.
I've posted an online poll regarding the future status of the Quick Draw listing. Make sure you read this thread before voting:
You can vote here:
At 3/14/05 07:09 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: You can vote here:
No 100% 1
That is me 8-)
At 3/14/05 07:14 PM, Sevenstar wrote:At 3/14/05 07:09 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: You can vote here: 100% 1
I voted No as well. But it's not as much to do with Wade's threats as much as TheJoe324 has basically a monopoly on that first spot, and when he's not first he's usually second.
At 3/14/05 06:39 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: IMPORTANT
Where the fuck has Wade been for the past few months? Obviously not in Wi/Ht? anyway. And I'd like to know when was the last time he and liljim had any correspondance, because liljim was aware of all the stat lists and never said anything against them.
Don't get me wrong, the stat lists, as good as they are, have to go if they're having a serious negative impact on the site. But letting them run unchecked and unhindered for months and then suddenly bursting onto the scene and firing legal threats all over the place is a piss poor way to handle the situation. It's obvious Wade took no counsel with anyone but himself before posting.
Everybody should read D0GMA's posts in that thread SK linked to, she made some very valid points, superbly reasoned and argued, to the extent that instead of Wade pwning SK, I believe D0GMA thoroughly pwned Wade!
At 3/14/05 07:37 PM, Eldarion wrote: Everybody should read D0GMA's posts in that thread SK linked to, she made some very valid points, superbly reasoned and argued, to the extent that instead of Wade pwning SK, I believe D0GMA thoroughly pwned Wade!
I'll second that entire post.
Oh yeah, and here's what it's at so far...
Yes 50% 7
No 50% 7
14 votes total
It's trully sad that the lister will be going, but this clearly is of importance to Wade, i think the Quickdraw should stay as you EST, people seem to like it. Ah well it was fun while it lasted...
Well I voted, I was gald to see James post even though he is on vacation.
I voted and it seems that keeping the Quick Draw is winning.
I am glad that you are doing one final NGTL, but i am sad to see it go. It was my favourite list. LilJim better do nearly - if not - everything that you had, becaus ei sued a lot of those stats lists.
As for Wade resorting to threatning to charge ppl and what not, i found it a little sad of him, but he does run the site and as much as i know he most likely wont charge anyone, he really does co-run the site and we should do as he says, even if i dont like him very much.
And i remember back in Janurary when LilJim got in on the whole argument about the list and tried to point out flaws but said that the lists would be obsolete here anyway, because he was working on them, but never once claimed we had to stop. I know my list is not very popular or even not very important to most, but the fact that Wade started jumping down throats without even waiting to converse with LilJim is a little irrational.
Anyway, it sucks that the NGTL is being killed SK, but i thank you for all the time and work you have put forth thus far on it. I know i appreciate it for one, but i do hope that LilJim gets these stats up quick as he can (of course after his - i am sure, much needed - vacation), because i know a lot of people enjoyed them.
Thanks, anyway (inverted sentence, not a sarcastic remark - just noticed that it could be read wrong). ^_^
I thoought I would be quick draw list :(~~. I deposit around midnight (EST) everyday. Maybe its my clocks are inaccurate settings. I voted No on the poll. So I check the totallist one last time and see my exp chg I stopped reviewing and b/p. And say goodbye as we wait to see what Jame's stat/list page will be and look like.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 3/15/05 08:56 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: As for Wade resorting to threatning to charge ppl and what not, i found it a little sad of him, but he does run the site and as much as i know he most likely wont charge anyone, he really does co-run the site and we should do as he says, even if i dont like him very much.
Oh yes, it was never my intention to go against the will of the site owners. I'm just offended at the way he treated the situation, and the things he said.
Alright, the NG Quick Draw poll results are tied up, so I'm going to go ahead and discontinue the list as of March 20. I'll leave the list up, however, as a historical reference. Maybe someday NG could implement something similar to this.
It had a good run when it was alive, and i am going to miss it,
Well, I just got back in my room, and I've got a bit of bad news. For some reason, the NGTL program decided not to run this morning. So, I'll be posting the March 16 (b/p lists) and March 13 (all other lists) updates in the next hour or so. I'll also be uploading the Quick Draw list as of this morning.
Welcome to the Sunday, March 20, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing.
Just as a reminder, this is the final update for the NGTL.
* The B/P lists are as of March 16.
* The other lists are as of March 13.
* The Quick Draw list has also been discontinued, as of March 20.
NG Total Listing
August 28, 2004 - March 20, 2005
At 3/20/05 06:11 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: NG Total Listing
August 28, 2004 - March 20, 2005
It was fun while it lasted.
Thanks for the work SK.