I was first, for the first time ever for me. Cool for me on the quick draw.
I was first, for the first time ever for me. Cool for me on the quick draw.
euhm, i know that this may have already come up, but im wondering when exactly when you (SK) are going to do that uber big profile listing?!
that is ofcourse, if you already havent...
just wondering!
At 3/5/05 01:28 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: euhm, i know that this may have already come up, but im wondering when exactly when you (SK) are going to do that uber big profile listing?!
that is ofcourse, if you already havent...
just wondering!
Oops, I forgot to update the dates for that list. The last update was Feb. 26, and the next update is March 30.
I think the lister is frozen
At 3/6/05 03:06 PM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote: I think the lister is frozen
Looks like it since it was like that since midday GMT. Did SK sleep because of the Downtime or is he having problems with the FTP?
At 3/6/05 03:07 PM, Bahamut7 wrote:At 3/6/05 03:06 PM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote: I think the lister is frozenLooks like it since it was like that since midday GMT. Did SK sleep because of the Downtime or is he having problems with the FTP?
therewas no downtime
At 3/6/05 03:52 PM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote: therewas no downtime
I know, but he might have slept, because he knew that Newgrounds would be offline. I didn't mean to say that there was a downtime. I was just saying what SK might have done with the possible downtime.
My computer was being an uber pain-in-the-ass last night, and I was forced to restart in the middle of the update. By the time I got the computer back up, I figured it was too late to run the update, because of the planned downtime. So, I decided to wait to re-run the program until I woke up (just now). I'm running the update now, and it should be ready in 6 or 7 hours.
At 3/6/05 04:53 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: My computer was being an uber pain-in-the-ass last night, and I was forced to restart in the middle of the update. By the time I got the computer back up, I figured it was too late to run the update, because of the planned downtime. So, I decided to wait to re-run the program until I woke up (just now). I'm running the update now, and it should be ready in 6 or 7 hours.
It says its starting, what does that mean? how long does it take to start?(this isn't complaining, don't take it the wrong way.)
At 3/6/05 04:53 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: I'm running the update now, and it should be ready in 6 or 7 hours.
6 or 7 hours huh? I feel a "Lucy" coming on.
At 3/6/05 04:59 PM, Mr_Fluffykins wrote: It says its starting, what does that mean? how long does it take to start?(this isn't complaining, don't take it the wrong way.)
It takes a few minutes to start up (reading in all of the previous update data), but it's running now. The "estimated time" is a bit high at the moment, but it should settle down in 15-20 minutes.
Does your list automatically update? or is it aone time thing because i am incorrectly listed i think. (yeah i thought you wouldn't care)
At 3/6/05 10:39 PM, rabidrabbit wrote: Does your list automatically update? or is it aone time thing because i am incorrectly listed i think. (yeah i thought you wouldn't care)
The program runs automatically, but my computer had problems last night, so I had to delay the posting until later tonight. And although the list runs by itself, I still have to manually check and upload the stuff.
Good god, this thing is taking forever today. It's not projected to finish until 3am, but I'm going to be asleep at that time, so you guys will have to wait until Monday evening for the update to be posted. Damned computer.....>_<
Welcome to the Monday, March 7, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing.
Yeah, it's a little late. My computer was being a buttmunch Sunday morning, and I had to restart. I figured that the downtime was going to be a problem, so I delayed the update until Sunday afternoon. By that time, I guess network load was way up, because it took 8 hours to do the update. *sigh* Oh well...
* Because of Spring Break, there will be no March 13 (Sunday) or March 16 (Wednesday) updates. The next Sunday update will be March 20. There is still one more Wednesday update (March 9) before the break, but that only applies to the BP lists.
* For some reason, the ALR data backup isn't writing correctly. It's stopping at exactly 38KB. Until I figure that out, the ALR list isn't going to show previous data. Dang it...
At 3/7/05 03:29 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Welcome to the Monday, March 7, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing.
Thanks for the um...Monday update SK...even though....oh nevermind. Thanks for the update. :p
Wi/Ht? #28
Well glad to see things all worked out finally. Thanks for doing the update.
wow,so many rank ups for moi,just plain amazing ^_^
B/P: Hmm, not bad. Ranking up on position is quite good and an average of how many b/p points I'm gaining an hour isn't too bad. Eight days until rank up? Meh, that sounds reasonable.
B/P lifetime: Good, I'm ranking up and not going down like two Sundays ago.
Blams: 201 blams since last update? Hmm, I never seem to concentrate how much I got, but I find that quite good and I only need around 500 more to enter the top 300.
Saves: Close to entering the top 450, but top 400 is more of a focus than top 450, though.
EXP: Heh, I know how I got 80 EXP, but that's okay.
VP: Slowly climbing up. I'll get to the top 1000 someday.
Reviews: Hmm, I thought I would fall down on reviews since I only made three, but going up by 12, not bad.
Posts: Good.
Good update again SK and I understand what happened.
My first time seeing how many b/p I can get and I make 3 per hour, not to shabby.
Happy with what you have to be happy with
you have to be happy with what you have
to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have
how come under change it says -50next to most (including mine) names. Now i know i didn't go down 50 levels so what is up.
nvrmd i found it i turns out i was looking at the wrong thing. Jeez 176 since last update i had no idea. This is great.
I Just noticed now that the update is up. Thanks, and good update as always... that was wierd how it froze at 16% for a while there. : P
B/P - Still climbing, though i have slowed down due to Homework. Thank god next week i got the whole week off, time to do MAD catch-up. ^_^
At 3/7/05 07:40 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: I Just noticed now that the update is up. Thanks, and good update as always... that was wierd how it froze at 16% for a while there. : P
When in doubt, look at the "last update" line. When that line doesn't change for a few minutes, you know it's not running.
Welcome to the Wednesday, March 9, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing.
Important: This is the last NGTL update until March 20, due to Spring Break. Note that the ProgTracker will continue to update, because I am going to leave the programs running in my absence. However, although these lists are being built, I won't be around to post them.
Wow, congrats to MPA for pulling off star pace. Considering how shitty the past couple of days have been, that's pretty impressive.
Think my next two realistic targets are Level 16 and top 300 exp. Still need too many points for my 10000 saves =(
B/P: Plus 5 on position? Bah. And 1.1175 B/P points an hour? Ow!
B/P Lifetime: Yay, I'm about to enter the top 100. I thought I'd drop, but no. Well, that's good.
Blams: Slowly ranking up on blams.
Saves: Just one more position up to get into the top 450.
Well, good update again.
Not being lister reeeeeearly sucks testies, any ideas why i have sudenly disapeared SK ?
I really havn't been BP excessively latly, I need to get one more 1st place on the quick draw so I can have 3 2 1.
Haha, I didn't even get a 2+ per hour this go around. I've really be doing poorly. :'(
Thanks for the update though. ;)
Wi/Ht? #28