At 11/24/04 08:34 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Welcome to the Wednesday, November 24, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing
Heh, I liked how you snuck this one in before you left to go home. Thank for that Josh.
Surprise! Everyone loves surprises, no? Well, the listing finished up much more quickly than I thought it would, so I've gone ahead and posted the b/p updates. And I'm yellow again!
Good job on being a coward! mean yellow in the update? Oh well...
At 11/24/04 05:46 AM, D0GMA wrote:
No worries. Mommie Dearest and I had it out (yet again), so I'm sticking with my plans to stay put for the holidays
Now see, you people won't be completely deprived of stat lists. It'll just be like it was before I started my lists.
That's the beaut of having two. One gets interrupted, and there is always the other one! But, we won't be able to see the other aspects. Shame...
Good. That's what I was referring to back when you first posted them. Hopefully, you'll set up the gain column the same way =)
Ah. Yeah, that whole extra decimal thing was goofy. But it will never, ever, ever, happen again. I've forcefully limited my numbers. And yeah, the gain column will also act the same way. The rankings will probably shift a little this Monday when I start using the new system, but after that everything will be fine.
Numbers can be a tricky thing, especially when you start letting your program do the calcs for you. You have to make extra sure that everthing is set up correctly before hand. We love to see perfect lists, but even I had problems, and thank god the people here are forgiving.
At 11/24/04 07:41 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
Have a nice holiday anyway SK, and just because you cant run your lists doesnt mean you cant sign on and chat right ?
He better come on once in a while SCD. You better do the same! I know I'll be here everyday or close to it. The reason I will be here everyday is because NG helps me unwind after work, I have to work steadily for me to be able to pay rent, and paying rent is good for the fact that I really like to have a roof over my head. It's a human thing.
I'll try, but I don't know how easily I'll be able to get online. More than likely, I won't be able to, but if I am, I'll be sure to drop a line.
You fucking better Josh, or I'll fly down to Lousy-anna, or Houston, or wherever the hell you are, and force you to type out a post explaining how you are doing, even if it consists of posting about how some random NG member flew to your house and forced you to post on NG.