At 11/22/04 02:21 AM, SeeD419 wrote: I have no idea. How does a batting average sound? It's a thing Wade would have to change first though, you can't even vote on audio more than once. There's no review count and no review total. There's also no download count. Now, you could just take any of the previous stats and make it into a top 50 or something. I think that would be pretty cool. It just really seems to me like something sk isnt going to do though...
With the current voting system, it would be a travesty. I've submitted stuff recently that deserves a 3+ score (not big-headed, honest <-me), but because there are submitters who do vote on music regularly, and presumably don't like competition, within a couple of days, it was down to 2-.
The audio portal system really annoys me, it needs a massive overhaul (and I'm not submitting anything else there until it gets one). Personally, I think there should be a blam/protect system over there that gets added to your Flash BP - some of the crap that gets through is just cluttering up the place and preventing good submissions from being heard.
I spent nearly a WHOLE DAY finding 8 suitable audio clips for Overrun, because some of the best stuff is buried well below Page 1 for its category. And a lot of the stuff on Page 1 of a category is utter shite that shouldn't have ever been allowed to stay on the AP.
The author's comments are too restricted to allow enough detail to make the AP search any use. Ugh, it's a great idea, with great potential, but it's underused and underappreciated because it's just not user-friendly enough. With some encouragement (eg a BP system), the AP could become one of the best resources for home-grown music and songs on the net.
I know liljim has plans for some upgrades on it, I just hope he gets them in place relatively soon, and that they go some way to improving things for both the submitters and the flash authors that use the loops
Sorry SK for going off on a totally irrelevant rant in your thread. It's just something I feel strongly about, my primary skill being music.