At 8/30/04 12:25 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 8/29/04 07:00 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
I've finished a mini-update of the blam/protect list. This is to test/demonstrate the new features of the list. Remember, it's only been one day (35 hours to be precise), so there's a LOT of "unchanged" profiles on there.
I updated the update. :-D Now there's a full listing page. It's 650KB (the experience list will be ~4MB). It's got every profile ID listed, with links to the listing page containing that profile. Sorry guys, but this is the only way I could do this ...
If people have access to the profile, they have the ability to create a PID list from them; IOW everyone can. The registration requirement puts a damper on the situations that concern me. As gfox mentioned in the DM thread, chances are really good that, without access to a pregenerated PID list, my fears would never be an issue, but better safe than sorry. Realistically, if you supplied the 96k Lvl2+ IDs in an input file along with an open access program, a lot of people would simply have run it in its entirety just to see what happened. Providing it requires effort to generate and maintain a list, propogation shouldn't be an issue. It's kind of amusing that I have to Page Down 48 times to get to the first profile link I haven't used ...
The worst way to look at all time you've put in to create the fixes to prevent problems wasn't necessary, as no one was ever going to abuse it, but that James is aware of the fact that you've been proactive in ensuring your product does not mess with his.
Nice work with the update. I was going to whine that there wasn't a colour key ... until I noticed that you've got the tables breaking every 50 entries and stuffed it in there ;) The light grey makes the inactives extremely easy to pass over, so good choces on the colour shceme ... except for that big, bright whitespace in the background lol
I like the preface comments lol Asking for removal is extremely rare (I'm up to three times in 14 months) but that was an amusing way you put it lol
Due to the rank-numbering schematic being used, presumably this is the case with your XP list as well, you might want to tweak your comments with respect to the vagrants. The vagrants are given NG ranks, but your list simply skips them and numbers everyone else as if they did not exist. Rather than adjusting the program and system you've developed, it's easier to simply change the comments.
For the purposes of this list, vagrants do not exist. As such, you may notice some discrepancies between the rank listed here and your NG rank on the date of the update. The further down a listing you are, the greater number of vagrants above you, and the greater the difference you will see. Twiddle with something like that and see what works for you.
It's unfortunate you don't have the webspace for old updates =(
At 8/30/04 05:26 AM, -Josh- wrote:
My rank is going up in b/p, yesterday i got around 40 b/p:)
140 and I moved zero ranks :-P~~~