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NG Total Listing

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-30 00:41:53

At 10/30/04 12:22 AM, EKRegulus wrote: You also beat me at the quickdraw. You are much more sneaky that I thought.

Heh, sneaky like a cat, man!

Makes me wonder. Without this challenge, would your deposits be that important for you? Did you think about this challenge while depositing?

Eh. Even without, I'd still be depositing as much as possible. I've got a lot of missed deposits to make up for...

It's an even game! Although, I might miss some deposits during christmas because I will be away from home... ummm maybe I could get someone to help me there (not you of course :P).

Aw, come on, I'm trustworthy! >:-D

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-30 10:05:39

is the RRR list gone yet? lol, i know that i ask you this like atleast once ever 24 hours, but i wana know!!!! bleh...
you rock. for ... ya know... doing all of those cool thingies... like, ng total listing and such :P

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-30 10:28:03

At 10/30/04 10:17 AM, BonusStage wrote: I can't wait until this update comes around, and even though RRR won ... it lost, sounds like the 2000 election o.0

hahhah. yeh, it kinda does :)
hmm... im also looking greatly forward to it.
lets give him som motivation...
umm... go j00? lol.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-30 22:31:30

At 10/30/04 10:05 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: is the RRR list gone yet? lol, i know that i ask you this like atleast once ever 24 hours, but i wana know!!!! bleh...

Yes. The last updated list is still online, but as of tomorrow, it will be gone...forever!

you rock. for ... ya know... doing all of those cool thingies... like, ng total listing and such :P

Your appreciation is...appreciated...hrm... o.O

At 10/30/04 10:17 AM, BonusStage wrote: I can't wait until this update comes around, and even though RRR won ... it lost, sounds like the 2000 election o.0

Difference is, this ain't no representative democracy. It's more of a totalitarian dictatorship; this dictator just wanted to get a feel for the opinions of his people ;-)

At 10/30/04 10:28 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: hmm... im also looking greatly forward to it.
lets give him som motivation...
umm... go j00? lol.

No need to be motivating me, just gotta wait. I'm adding the Blam/Save Lifetime list in the next update, though. However...I was going to add rank changes to that BSL list, and I was going to do something cool for Halloween, BUT I misbalanced on my bike today and sliced the knuckles on three fingers on my left hand. The band-aids make typing a bit harder, and I also had to read half a novel for history class. Eh, there's always next update.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-30 22:47:37

At 10/30/04 10:37 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/30/04 10:31 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Difference is, this ain't no representative democracy. It's more of a totalitarian dictatorship; this dictator just wanted to get a feel for the opinions of his people ;-)
No you just wanted secks frum Marcus :o

:O indeed.

haha just like the Repub's are for this year's election :\

well, the RRR is gone, but really i dont care, because i know that i have a 1337 response rate :)
also, im looking foward to seeing the BSL up soon! yeeeh.
just reached 7k bp's today, and an additional .12 vp... i r t3h happy :)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 00:16:25

At 10/30/04 11:02 PM, BonusStage wrote: AGREEMENT MGOMMOGMOGMGO :o

lol, please start spelling properly, and use the correct craps locks... haha.

Not the only one, unless of course 40% is bad these days ;)

lol, well i could damn well have 50% if i only ever reviewed submissions that i knew would get me a response, gauranteed. heheh.
well, its still nice to no that i have like a number of responses thats 3 times your amount of reviews XD

Well i only hope i am one of the red's or maybe blue for the first time this update, i've been working my ass of collecting ):<

hehe, well, you've been doinga good job, i must say.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 05:14:01

Welcome to the Sunday, October 31, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing!

Wow, so much stuff:
* The Blam/Protect Lifetime list has been published.
* We had six people with more than 5 b/p's per hour.
* BonusStage is officially the world's biggest loser. He is the first person to get more than 6 b/p's per hour, with a record 6.268 b/p's per hour. Because of this, I've added a purple color for "6+ per hour", and I'll start adding stars next to people's names for each time they get purple </copying D0GMA>
* No more "no change" profiles in the B/P Alt Sort list. Cuts it down tremendously.
* Found a bug where the legends weren't being placed at the bottom of the pages. Will be fixed in next update.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 05:16:17

At 10/31/04 05:14 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: * BonusStage is officially the world's biggest loser. He is the first person to get more than 6 b/p's per hour, with a record 6.268 b/p's per hour. Because of this, I've added a purple color for "6+ per hour", and I'll start adding stars next to people's names for each time they get purple </copying D0GMA>

Wow. Well done Bonus! Thanks for the update SK, glad you got your old name back.

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 05:21:25

Hey SK, sup, kool that u updates your lists!

At 10/31/04 05:14 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Welcome to the Sunday, October 31, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing!

Wow, so much stuff:
* The Blam/Protect Lifetime list has been published.

Kool, ive been waiting for this for a while

* We had six people with more than 5 b/p's per hour.

Really, Holy shit, thats amazing!

* BonusStage is officially the world's biggest loser. He is the first person to get more than 6 b/p's per hour, with a record 6.268 b/p's per hour. Because of this, I've added a purple color for "6+ per hour", and I'll start adding stars next to people's names for each time they get purple </copying D0GMA>

Pfft, loooks like he will be the only person EVER to get that, man BonusStage, thats just goin over the top with b/p!

* No more "no change" profiles in the B/P Alt Sort list. Cuts it down tremendously.

Thats good, coz it just wastes your space and looks more active aswell.

* Found a bug where the legends weren't being placed at the bottom of the pages. Will be fixed in next update.

Also SK, i was clicking on your link to b/p exp and others and they were not working, i dont know if it was me or just the site, i will try again, good stuff SK! Keep goin!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 05:21:41

At 10/31/04 05:14 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Welcome to the Sunday, October 31, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing!

ahhh, good good! *rubs hands together*

Wow, so much stuff:
* The Blam/Protect Lifetime list has been published.


* We had six people with more than 5 b/p's per hour.


* BonusStage is officially the world's biggest loser. He is the first person to get more than 6 b/p's per hour, with a record 6.268 b/p's per hour. Because of this, I've added a purple color for "6+ per hour", and I'll start adding stars next to people's names for each time they get purple </copying D0GMA>


* No more "no change" profiles in the B/P Alt Sort list. Cuts it down tremendously.

ahh thats good good.

* Found a bug where the legends weren't being placed at the bottom of the pages. Will be fixed in next update.

well, its official, BS sucks :P hahah.
thanks for another update, i gota go see what i got!!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 05:28:32

At 10/31/04 05:21 AM, -Josh- wrote: Also SK, i was clicking on your link to b/p exp and others and they were not working, i dont know if it was me or just the site, i will try again, good stuff SK! Keep goin!

Strange. I've clicked on all of them (I always do, just to make sure they work) and they worked for me. Try it again; I was changing a couple of links after the update, so they're probably working now.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 05:46:32

hmm, yeh i cant say i've ever encounted any problems...
apart from when i first went to the bp listings. you gave me a direct link to that mirror, and i kept going back to it about a week later wondering why it wasnt working :P
lol, but now im smart.... er... sort of... ish...

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 06:07:07

No offence (offense) SK, but that star look a bit crappy. I'd say someone who got over 6 deserves better... here's some stars
or here's something crap I made

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 06:09:28

Why o why are the browse and post it buttons so near to each other
Why a why am I so stupid

NG Total Listing

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 06:17:17

At 10/31/04 06:07 AM, Denvish wrote: No offence (offense) SK, but that star look a bit crappy. I'd say someone who got over 6 deserves better... here's some stars
or here's something crap I made

Yeah, those pictures are really just placeholders for now. I was kind of rushed to get this update out after I noticed BS's high b/p count. RedCircle's working on a pic for me at the moment, but I will keep that site in mind. Thanks!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 06:41:09

At 10/31/04 06:09 AM, Denvish wrote: Why o why are the browse and post it buttons so near to each other
Why a why am I so stupid

to get your post count up, silly! hahahah.
well, this is the best update ever, SK, well done. :)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 07:19:41

At 10/31/04 06:41 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: well, this is the best update ever, SK, well done. :)

Well, I'm glad to hear that you've enjoyed it. It was one of the most painful updates I've done, because I had to manually add all of that "6+ per day" blam/save stuff. But hey, it's all good. Just wait until Bonus gets on later today; I'm sure he'll take the opportunity to gloat as much as possible.

But anywho, I'm going to bed now. I've stayed up until 6:15 in the morning making sure that the new "6+ per day" code I worked up actually works, and I'm done for the night / morning / whatever. Oh, and I've started my 1,050,000 profile download a few days early; it's currently 13% done, and I expect it to be finished in about 28 hours. See you people later!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 07:44:31

At 10/31/04 07:19 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 10/31/04 06:41 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: well, this is the best update ever, SK, well done. :)
Well, I'm glad to hear that you've enjoyed it. It was one of the most painful updates I've done, because I had to manually add all of that "6+ per day" blam/save stuff. But hey, it's all good. Just wait until Bonus gets on later today; I'm sure he'll take the opportunity to gloat as much as possible.

Probably. Nice update and thanks =)

But anywho, I'm going to bed now. I've stayed up until 6:15 in the morning making sure that the new "6+ per day" code I worked up actually works, and I'm done for the night / morning / whatever. Oh, and I've started my 1,050,000 profile download a few days early; it's currently 13% done, and I expect it to be finished in about 28 hours. See you people later!

Hopefully no problems on this run through. Good luck!

I was checking through the lifetime list and noticed that ramagi's prediction is proving painfully correct. Any chance of making some split lists? Something on the order of "at least 1 year," "at least 3 years," or some such along those lines. I started 2 years ago and the current BP system was fairly recently in place. It would be nice to see the stamina of ramagi's 3½ years a bit higher than 29th.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 08:46:58

Man, 6+ an hour thats bastard isnt human, hes a machine, well done mate. Atfirst, i dunno why i thought it was j00bie, i even aimed him saying well done and shit, acht, i must still must be drunken or something.

I climbed a misserable 7 places, not bad for me i guess, i guess next time will be better :)

Well done all you coloured people, good work. And The fixit bot is almost being caught, thats the sweetest.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 08:50:48

At 10/31/04 07:44 AM, D0GMA wrote: I was checking through the lifetime list and noticed that ramagi's prediction is proving painfully correct. Any chance of making some split lists? Something on the order of "at least 1 year," "at least 3 years," or some such along those lines. I started 2 years ago and the current BP system was fairly recently in place. It would be nice to see the stamina of ramagi's 3½ years a bit higher than 29th.

Well take this into consideration I didn't get my first Blam point till almost a year after I signed up(10months). I can get date specific if need be. Then I when this lovely system started two years ago a lot of ppl had only a few blams. If you did from the start of this system then it would favor the ppl with the most b/p. If you look at all the people in my age range, I almost top everyone, silly robot of mine. Which would make sense. I accually took some time to calculate what my own B/P lifetime numbers at different points from when I had numbers saved.. My numebr is way up to what it was two years ago. If you look at the list you will notice only 3 people with over 1000 days lifetime were in the top 50. All three being the last rank which makes sense.

The list did come out how I felt it would. It was interesting to see.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 09:17:53

At 10/31/04 09:04 AM, BonusStage wrote: hah THANKS, :D you were so close thoug, just imagine if you weren't a kind samaritan that didn't help their DADDY ;D

Shit, I forgot about that. Why'd you have to remind me? I COULDA BEEN PURPLE!!! Right, that's it, I'm disowning my parents.

At 10/31/04 09:06 AM, BonusStage wrote: Oh yes, is that post enough gloating for you all :), because if it isn't then you can tell me

No, I thought it was thoroughly half-hearted

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 09:54:31

At 10/31/04 05:14 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: * The Blam/Protect Lifetime list has been published.

Very nice thank you, it's too bad I didn't start racking up the points until a few months after I signed up otherwise I wouldn't be so damn low on the list =(

* BonusStage is officially the world's biggest loser. He is the first person to get more than 6 b/p's per hour, with a record 6.268 b/p's per hour. Because of this, I've added a purple color for "6+ per hour", and I'll start adding stars next to people's names for each time they get purple </copying D0GMA>

Congrats Bonus, I must say that's pretty crazy... it's about that time where you realize you need to start going outside more... =P

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-31 14:27:16

BeFell 23 13778 Elite Guard Captain 365 37.75

Just in time for my 1st NG birthday.

Thanks that list is awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-11-01 09:21:20

I just wanted to say that the update is great SK, and I love the Lifetime list. I do agree that it would be nice to break it up into sections. Maybe 0-400 days, 401-800 days, 801-1200 days...or something.

/me ends rambling.

Thanks again ^_^

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-11-01 13:19:48

At 11/1/04 09:21 AM, RedCircle wrote: I just wanted to say that the update is great SK, and I love the Lifetime list. I do agree that it would be nice to break it up into sections. Maybe 0-400 days, 401-800 days, 801-1200 days...or something.

/me ends rambling.

Thanks again ^_^

Well Other than he would have to change some of his programing. It probably would take a little time to break it down. The earlyest possible date is 12/15/99. Could go by that date, that would give 4 groups, I wouldn't be in a hurry to add a 5th group with that date rolls around, at least till Febuary or later. Taht way they have time to establish an avg. If the list was done that way I'd be number two, You can leave it the way it is if you want I don't care I was just trying to make a good suggestion on when to possibly choose a date to break things up.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-11-01 17:54:13

Well, the monthly run has finished. Here's the stats, for those who are interested:

# B/P Profiles
| 15169 | 16044 | +875
# EXP Profiles | 65866 | 68536 | +2670
# VP Profiles | 65867 | 68537 | +2670

# Review Profiles
| 19112
# Batting Avg Profiles | 4969

As a reminder, here's the requirements to be included in each list:

B/P: At least 100 blam/protect points
EXP: At least 100 experience points
VP: At least 2.00 voting power
Review: At least 25 reviews
Batting Avg: A batting average

Additionally, I got a chance to test the two new lists out today, and everything worked perfectly. As a result, I'll be publishing the review list early, in the Wednesday update. The review list will be published bi-weekly, while the batting average list will be published weekly.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-11-01 19:38:32

At 10/31/04 07:44 AM, D0GMA wrote: I was checking through the lifetime list and noticed that ramagi's prediction is proving painfully correct. Any chance of making some split lists? Something on the order of "at least 1 year," "at least 3 years," or some such along those lines. I started 2 years ago and the current BP system was fairly recently in place. It would be nice to see the stamina of ramagi's 3½ years a bit higher than 29th.

Yes, but ramagi wasn't able to get b/ps the way we can NOW get b/ps for all 3.5 years. Just for the past 2 years or so.

ramagi 29 47753 Elite Guard Supreme Commander 1303 36.65

So yeah, 29th kinda bites considering she's #2... and that when the current system began, she was #1 in pure final-vote blams... before the first save on NG was gained.

But how about MY line, eh?

gfoxcook 79 45342 Elite Guard Supreme Commander 1716 26.42

My 1716+-day-old account is a huge liability on this list. But it's no fault of my lack of NG acitivity back in the day... like my low exp numbers and low VP numbers are... I started getting b/p only 2 months after the current system was enacted, so I actually didn't miss out on very much b/p-time, like I did with exp and overall VP.

As I recently mentioned to SK in an e-mail, I think the averages should be done since account date IF THE ACCOUNT WAS CREATED AFTER THE B/P SYSTEM WE NOW HAVE BEGAN... and be done since the system was set into place if the account was created beforehand (like my account, Recon's account, ramagi's account, Nemesis' account, Joe's account, etc. etc. etc.).

That would be the fairest way, but it also requires extra coding. :::shrugs:::

At 10/31/04 08:50 AM, ramagi wrote: Well take this into consideration I didn't get my first Blam point till almost a year after I signed up(10months). I can get date specific if need be. Then I when this lovely system started two years ago a lot of ppl had only a few blams.

Yeah, but compared to how easy points are to get now, as you've often reminded people, people hardly had any blams at all back in those days. Weren't there like 2 people over 1000 blams?

The current, modern blam + save system should be the measuring stick. Not the old one-blam-per-entry system. Thus, October whatever-th 2002.

If you did from the start of this system then it would favor the ppl with the most b/p.

Well, and not just that. It would favour the people with the most b/p PER ACTUAL DAY THE SYSTEM EXISTED. That's the key part.

Anyone who signed up prior to October 2002 is being massively penalised on the BP Lifetime List due to their account existing for however long when blams were hard to get and saves didn't even exist yet. Those were days when you simply COULDN'T get the amounts of b/p you can get these days.

If you look at the list you will notice only 3 people with over 1000 days lifetime were in the top 50. All three being the last rank which makes sense.

Yeah, and I don't even make the top 50. seventy-fucking-nine. Seventy-fucking-nine. ;_;

Still, it's an interesting list, even if SK doesn't find a fairer way to make it from when the system started... instead of when the profile system started. 1999 /= 2002.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-11-01 19:57:50

At 11/1/04 07:49 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 11/1/04 05:54 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: # EXP Profiles | 65866 | 68536 | +2670
# VP Profiles | 65867 | 68537 | +2670
just tell me how that work, WHO has 2+ Vp, but not more than 100XP o.0

good question... those numbers should be the same! haha.
well, thank you for adding so much stuff to your updates man, they sure do make a difference. also, i think that what gfox is saying would be a good addition, as it would then provide us with the data:
'Ramagi - 45876874 per day'
'gfox - 4375632 per day'
instead of 20s and 30s, hahah.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-11-01 20:39:11

At 11/1/04 07:57 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 11/1/04 07:49 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 11/1/04 05:54 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: # EXP Profiles | 65866 | 68536 | +2670
# VP Profiles | 65867 | 68537 | +2670
just tell me how that work, WHO has 2+ Vp, but not more than 100XP o.0
good question... those numbers should be the same! haha.

Um... Someone who probably has around 90 xp for 1.90 VP and then has a good b/p rank that boosts him over 2.00 VP, obviously. O_o

well, thank you for adding so much stuff to your updates man, they sure do make a difference. also, i think that what gfox is saying would be a good addition, as it would then provide us with the data:
'Ramagi - 45876874 per day'
'gfox - 4375632 per day'
instead of 20s and 30s, hahah.

..... I don't think it would boost my 26 or whatever and ramagi's 36 or whatever by THAT much. It would probably double our amounts, basically.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-11-01 20:45:58

At 11/1/04 08:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Um... Someone who probably has around 90 xp for 1.90 VP and then has a good b/p rank that boosts him over 2.00 VP, obviously. O_o

oh, right... yeh they'd have to have a few hundred for that stat i guess...

..... I don't think it would boost my 26 or whatever and ramagi's 36 or whatever by THAT much. It would probably double our amounts, basically.

so you recken it would be more like 50-70 a day? sounds about right... lol.
mine is at around 18, so once i get to 20, ill be as happy as Larry, i will.