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NG Total Listing

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 02:58:56

At 10/26/04 11:49 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Sk forgot to update his quickdraw list again... or he's just very unlucky :p

Nah, I got the data from last night. I was just too busy playing an RPG to be bothered with such matters ;-P

Your quickdraw is missing many deposit lists(one per day) so you are going into your ShitKit#1 period :P

Hey, hey, hey, any days that are missing are not my fault. Disregarding the occasional one or two-day backlog (which, in the end, works out anyway), every missing day in that list is because (A) my computer hates me OR (B) Newgrounds hates me.

Speaking of which, anybody get the first few deposits? I've only got from EKRegulus (12:00:07) and back. Who deposited before EKRegulus, and at what times? If nobody has this list, I can't post tonight's numbers, because NG screwed up the list page again.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 05:02:47

At 10/26/04 11:40 AM, Shat_the_Kat wrote: The poll is pretty divided, but that's a recent occurence (it was mostly "no" votes until yesterday). I'm still leaning towards removal myself; unless if the poll enormously swings to "yes" in the next few days, then the RRR list has already had its last update, and will not appear this Sunday.

hmm, now that i have another look see at it, yes it is.
well, YES is in favour atm...
i think that you should just up the minimum reviews for the list, because not too many people are interested in it.
say 200-250. then you would be doing a practical amount of work for the number of people that visit it...
OR, you could simply do a Top Reviewers List with like the top 100 :P haha. seeing as though you get the reviews pulled in when you do the RRR, i cant see it being too much of a problem for you, hahah.
also, i would like to see you change your name to Shat_t3h_Kat for a day or so, hehehe.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 06:57:12

At 10/27/04 02:58 AM, Shat_the_Kat wrote: Nah, I got the data from last night. I was just too busy playing an RPG to be bothered with such matters ;-P

Which rpg? I don't play any games right now :(
Is it an online rpg?

Hey, hey, hey, any days that are missing are not my fault. Disregarding the occasional one or two-day backlog (which, in the end, works out anyway), every missing day in that list is because (A) my computer hates me OR (B) Newgrounds hates me.

so you aren't good at making friends? hehe
Alright, I didn't know. I thought that you were just lazy.

Speaking of which, anybody get the first few deposits? I've only got from EKRegulus (12:00:07) and back. Who deposited before EKRegulus, and at what times? If nobody has this list, I can't post tonight's numbers, because NG screwed up the list page again.

Same here, I didn't see anything before my name. I was probably on top10 but not on top3.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 07:41:46

At 10/27/04 07:21 AM, BonusStage wrote:
i did it was at 12:00:01 as well, i remember seeing the list mess up right as EK as well so ... :\

Now, you all know how I cheat :P
Ng loves me.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 09:15:57

At 10/27/04 02:58 AM, Shat_the_Kat wrote: Speaking of which, anybody get the first few deposits? I've only got from EKRegulus (12:00:07) and back. Who deposited before EKRegulus, and at what times? If nobody has this list, I can't post tonight's numbers, because NG screwed up the list page again.

dude, I got 12:00:00, and it fucked up AGAIN.

Just drop the quickdraw, it's too much work, and it doesnt work anymore.
Just... drop it.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 10:48:44

At 10/27/04 06:57 AM, EKRegulus wrote: Which rpg? I don't play any games right now :(
Is it an online rpg?

"The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind". Nah, it's not online, but it's still pretty fun.

so you aren't good at making friends? hehe


Alright, I didn't know. I thought that you were just lazy.

Nah, 'cuz you see, I've got a computer program that pulls the deposit list for me each night. All I have to do is take the numbers out of that website, put them in the Quick Draw list, and post the list.

Same here, I didn't see anything before my name. I was probably on top10 but not on top3.

I swear, if I get time today, I'm going to fix this problem once and for all...

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 10:49:58

At 10/27/04 09:15 AM, j00bie wrote: Just drop the quickdraw, it's too much work, and it doesnt work anymore.
Just... drop it.

Nah, I've got an idea that should fix everything, if I ever get around to implementing it. You must have patience, young grasshoppa.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 14:46:40

Welcome to the Wednesday update of the NG Total Listing.

Two things of note today:
* We almost had a "blue" person on the Alt Sort list. MPA had 4.986 B/P's per hour, falling just 1 point short of 5.000. So close!
* This update marks the 2 month anniversary of the NG Total Listing (or, as close as I could get with an update). The first NGTL lists were posted on August 28. Quite a long and bumpy way we've come...

Tomorrow, I'll be making my final decisions on what stays and what goes, based on public response in the polls. So if you haven't voted yet, VOTE TODAY!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 15:27:12

Denvish 4.884

Folks, this is what i like to call embarassment.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 15:45:04

j00bie, you're doing fine for the amount of time you have available for voting. Don't worry about it. You're way ahead of the vast majority of BP'ers. You should see it as a good thing that you don't spend your entire life stuck in front of the Portal...

So just chill out, man..

On a sidenote: this has probably been spotted several hundred times before, but it's the first time I've noticed it... has anyone ever clicked the 'link' on the 'Post A Message' page?

NG Total Listing

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 15:55:16

At 10/27/04 03:45 PM, Denvish wrote: On a sidenote: this has probably been spotted several hundred times before, but it's the first time I've noticed it... has anyone ever clicked the 'link' on the 'Post A Message' page?

I remember someone mentioning it in the General forum. It's pretty cool to see how NG has progressed in a year and a half. Also, everything has been archived from that exact date, so you can see what was on the BBS or Portal on that day.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 16:09:25

Heh, I see that there were Clubs and Crews in the general forum, because there want a seperate forum id yet.
I see a simpsons one by TooCool, and the Blamming Club:Enemies of CRAP by MI4_REAL in there.

Moderated by: Freakapotimus, HAQnSPITT, olskoo, Shrapnel, Stuporman, and TannerCenterwall.


Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 16:57:59

At 10/27/04 03:27 PM, j00bie wrote: MPA___4.986
Denvish 4.884

Folks, this is what i like to call embarassment.

That is ok, if you lived on the portal liek they did, then it would be embarrassing.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 18:20:13

Wow 4th on the alt sort, thats my best yet! I'm pretty surprised, I thought my points per hour would have dropped quite a bit with all this school/homework I've been stuck with lately =\ ...It's too bad I can't get to newgrounds from school... but hey what am I saying I'm gonna go blind from staring at this computer every night as it is hehe

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 19:44:02

At 10/27/04 02:46 PM, Shat_the_Kat wrote: Welcome to the Wednesday update of the NG Total Listing.

Thanks much =)

* This update marks the 2 month anniversary of the NG Total Listing (or, as close as I could get with an update). The first NGTL lists were posted on August 28. Quite a long and bumpy way we've come...

Grats. Nice to see how it's come along.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 20:30:42

Well I for one am very happy SK showed up and came up wth his lovly program.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 20:45:59

At 10/27/04 08:06 PM, BonusStage wrote: heh SK weird how only two months ago you showed up (along with EK RIGHT AFTER, CONSPIRACY ... anyways) and now you have over 1000 posts and it seems like the lists just started yesterday, with all the new ones all the time and such ;P

The fact that we both have the same amount of experience makes it even more suspicious. We will probably end up will the same vp :O.

I have browsed this section since the start of the summer to check my stats in elite guard rank list so I'm not that new. I just decided to post because I was bored and then I didn't stop coming to give my opinion or to annoy bonusstage :P.

Sk started to come almost at the time as me because... well ... it's a conspiracy so I can't tell you, espicially when you are the targets (woops .. hehe shouldn't have typed that word :P).

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-27 23:51:46

At 10/27/04 08:06 PM, BonusStage wrote: .....it seems like the lists just started yesterday, with all the new ones all the time and such ;P

Heh, gotta keep it interesting, no?

At 10/27/04 08:32 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 10/27/04 08:30 PM, ramagi wrote: Well I for one am very happy SK showed up and came up wth his lovly program.
not the only one ramagi *toast* to SK :D

I'm feeling the love ;-)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-28 00:05:54

You probably didn't miss the list but I'm going to post it anyway.

Here's the list for 28 october fastest deposits:

1. thepunisher131 4/27/2004 M 1,230 12:00:20 AM, Oct 28, 2004
2. Tanukitsune 2/23/2001 M 12,620 12:00:20 AM, Oct 28, 2004
3. Markus13 3/10/2004 M 60 12:00:15 AM, Oct 28, 2004
4. Bergmo 6/3/2004 M 1,400 12:00:15 AM, Oct 28, 2004
5. jim101010 8/13/2004 M 50 12:00:08 AM, Oct 28, 2004
6. Shat_the_Kat 2/6/2002 M 2,505 12:00:06 AM, Oct 28, 2004
7. Baron_Von_Bad_Guy 7/15/2003 M 4,050 12:00:04 AM, Oct 28, 2004
8. 5in1killa 2/25/2004 M 870 12:00:05 AM, Oct 28, 2004
9. Gooch_20-04 5/24/2003 M 1,725 12:00:04 AM, Oct 28, 2004
10. BonusStage 4/20/2004 M 1,910 12:00:04 AM, Oct 28, 2004
11. SevenStar 2/9/2004 F 2,610 12:00:03 AM, Oct 28, 2004
12. EKRegulus 12/20/2003 M 2,505 12:00:03 AM, Oct 28, 2004
13. Crono- 7/27/2002 M 7,550 12:00:01 AM, Oct 28, 2004
14. strungout132 2/5/2004 M 180 11:59:13 PM, Oct 27, 2004

So close Bonus :D Good luck tomorrow. Congratulations to crono- for his third first place finish.

ummm I wonder why I made sure this one will be added to the quickdraw.. oh yeah I'm second :D

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-28 00:08:36

At 10/28/04 12:05 AM, EKRegulus wrote: You probably didn't miss the list but I'm going to post it anyway.
ummm I wonder why I made sure this one will be added to the quickdraw.. oh yeah I'm second :D

Heh, can't blame ya. But yeah, I managed to get the list tonight. :-D

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-28 00:18:42

At 10/28/04 12:08 AM, Shat_the_Kat wrote: Heh, can't blame ya. But yeah, I managed to get the list tonight. :-D

Oh wow, it's already on the site. That's what I call impressive efficiency.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-28 02:46:54

At 10/28/04 12:18 AM, EKRegulus wrote: Oh wow, it's already on the site. That's what I call impressive efficiency.

Actually, it's because I got tired of having my computer lock up every five minutes while playing my RPG game. So, I gave up for the night and hung out on Newgrounds. In fact, I would have gotten a higher score on the Quick Draw if I hadn't been flaming those n00bs....it's all their fault....

Speaking of Quick Draw, guess what guys! I finally got off my ass and made a preliminary version of the Quick Draw program using my new technique. Not only should this eliminate "screwed up list" problems, but I also computerized the list, so it should completely maintain itself. No minor feat, considering this is the first program I've made that reads and modifies old HTML files. I'll be testing it for the next week, while still running the old program in case if something goes haywire. Wish me luck!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-28 02:59:19

Good luck! That'd be a pretty major achievement, codewise.

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-29 13:56:10

Great Work Sk. It eems just like yesterday, a few people started depositing right at midnight and it became a little game for them. Now it expanded into this.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-29 15:46:54

At 10/29/04 01:56 PM, ramagi wrote: Great Work Sk. It eems just like yesterday, a few people started depositing right at midnight and it became a little game for them. Now it expanded into this.

Agreed ramagi, it all started as fun, now its a damn competition, well good on you SK, you sure have made a fucking major impact since coming back, well done buddy. I expectto see your name on the "you know what" very soon :)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-29 17:14:18

At 10/29/04 03:46 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Agreed ramagi, it all started as fun, now its a damn competition

Eh, all of life is a competition. I'm just putting it into words ;-)

well good on you SK, you sure have made a fucking major impact since coming back, well done buddy. I expectto see your name on the "you know what" very soon :)

Fingers are crossed. It's always fun to have a status symbol. Probably explains my affinity for point-gaining activities.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-29 19:52:20

At 10/27/04 02:46 PM, Shat_the_Kat wrote: Welcome to the Wednesday update of the NG Total Listing.

thank you good sir

Two things of note today:
* We almost had a "blue" person on the Alt Sort list. MPA had 4.986 B/P's per hour, falling just 1 point short of 5.000. So close!
* This update marks the 2 month anniversary of the NG Total Listing (or, as close as I could get with an update). The first NGTL lists were posted on August 28. Quite a long and bumpy way we've come...

but, werent there like 5 people with a blue listing last time around? im sure of it. someone even got 5.8!!!

Tomorrow, I'll be making my final decisions on what stays and what goes, based on public response in the polls. So if you haven't voted yet, VOTE TODAY!

yay! lol, wateva :P
hehe, i've clicked on the 'link' button before, and i was just confused for a little while, :P hahaha.
well, it is pretty cool. i wonder why it links back to april one though?

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-30 00:07:14

ROFFLE! You got me there. I really thought that you wouldn't deposit yesterday... so much hope... for nothing! YOU bastard sk :(((

3. EKRegulus 12/20/2003 M 2,525 12:00:01 AM, Oct 30, 2004
3rd :P
4. ShittyKitty 2/6/2002 M 2,525 12:00:01 AM, Oct 30, 2004
That's the one you made today. You beat me to it again :( grrr
18. ShittyKitty 2/6/2002 M 2,515 11:57:52 PM, Oct 29, 2004
..... why did you wait until 11:58pm?
What kind of hateful joke was that?

I guess that the challenge is far from over right now.

Btw, I can't wait for the updates on your lists. I managed to get good stats during school days :D

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-30 00:11:31

At 10/30/04 12:07 AM, EKRegulus wrote: ROFFLE! You got me there. I really thought that you wouldn't deposit yesterday... so much hope... for nothing! YOU bastard sk :(((
What kind of hateful joke was that?

HAHAHAHA!!! Beautiful, man! Beautiful! I was really hoping you'd see that. I almost screwed myself over, though; I had forgotten to deposit until 11:55, and then I had to get five more votes so I could try for Quick Draw. I came real close there...

I guess that the challenge is far from over right now.

Bring it on!

Btw, I can't wait for the updates on your lists. I managed to get good stats during school days :D

Sunday afternoon. Just a day and a half from now ;-)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-30 00:22:10

At 10/30/04 12:11 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: HAHAHAHA!!! Beautiful, man! Beautiful! I was really hoping you'd see that. I almost screwed myself over, though; I had forgotten to deposit until 11:55, and then I had to get five more votes so I could try for Quick Draw. I came real close there...

Oh yeah, I saw it... I clicked on your name and I saw 2525 pts in your profile then I checked the whole deposit list and I found out the unexpected truth. It was close indeed, you almost made my day :D

You also beat me at the quickdraw. You are much more sneaky that I thought.

Gotta love the suspense :D

I guess that the challenge is far from over right now.
Bring it on!

Makes me wonder. Without this challenge, would your deposits be that important for you? Did you think about this challenge while depositing?

It's an even game! Although, I might miss some deposits during christmas because I will be away from home... ummm maybe I could get someone to help me there (not you of course :P).

Btw, I can't wait for the updates on your lists. I managed to get good stats during school days :D
Sunday afternoon. Just a day and a half from now ;-)

I know when it is. I'm just overexcited.