Too Much Jam
@KingCrowned has announced the Too Much Jam winners! Thank you everyone who participated in this animation jam, you can watch all the entries here:
Pass the Page Collab
@Joshua brought together 70 artists to create nine books for the Pass the Page Collab. Have a look!
Deltarune Collab
The Deltarune Collab organized by @TerminalRepo has launched!
Wegra Fundraiser
Anyone who has used the BBS at any point in the history of Newgrounds is probably familiar with @Wegra. As it turns out, shitposting doesn’t pay the bills and Wegra’s day job has dramatically cut back his hours. If you’d like to help Wegra out, please consider donating to his Ko-Fi.
Newgrounds Jump Comic Contest
The Newgrounds Jump Comic Contest deadline is fast approaching! Check out this wall art by @NoMoreChie, we’re planning to run this again when winners are announced:
There are a lot of events on the Calendar and if you’re interested in getting involved, it’s best to take some time each week to read the list and see if anything jumps out.
Gretel & Hansel
Gretel & Hansel fans will be excited to hear @makopudding has a big update! He will be releasing a remake of Part 1 and Part 2 along with Part 3 as a single game this year. Here are the original web games if you aren’t familiar:
Game API Update
PsychoGoldfish recently announced a library for ActionScript 2.0, to replace our old Flash API. You can use this in the Flash Forward Jam and it includes features from our modern API like Cloud Saves. Read the post for more info.
Ruffle News
NG uses Ruffle to keep running Flash games and movies in the browser. Ruffle has continued to progress in 2025 and it looks like some incoming updates will give it a performance boost.
@ninjamuffin99 filed his first Ruffle PR this week, fixing Paper Wings.
Other News
The big news this week was going to be an update to our text editor, however that got shelved because Quill 2.0 doesn’t currently retain empty rows when you copy and paste text from Google docs. We’re hoping this gets fixed in Quill, rather than us implementing a workaround on our side.
Quill is open source, if anyone wants to take a stab at that! It appears that Quill is looking for <p><br></p> for empty lines, while Google docs is formatting it as </p><br><p>, between the end and start of two paragraphs vs being in its own paragraph.
Lots of other under-the-hood progress continues.
Check out our Best of February!
If you’d like to help keep NG going, we have a new t-shirt featuring a fresh take on the tank logo by @Zals, as well as a logo hat and a vibrant orange hat variant.