At 2/4/25 05:59 PM, Anonymous-Frog wrote:I meant on a technical level.
And on that you're correct. The issue is that even with detail and fluidity granted, "the type of stuff that usually makes 1st pace, tend to be significantly higher in skill and effort" is just wrong. The ability to produce detailed and fluid animation is a skill, yes. As I mentioned though, the ability to convey ideas efficiently and with brevity is also a skill as is knowing what not to include. Producing animation at a cadence definitely requires effort. You just don't make a good case that the one set of skills/effort is "higher" than the other and you definitely don't make the case that they earn 1st places more consistently, since your own examples undermine that.
Look, maybe all you were trying to say was something like: "This would do even better with more polished animation. I would love to see an extended "special" showcasing that with an extended runtime."
I too would love that too actually. The confrontational "expert" tone probably isn't the way to get there though.