At 12/18/24 06:56 PM, Painbringer wrote:Animated emoticons:
Woah, I forgot about these guys! Remember the screamer jumpscare if you held your cursor over an angry faic?? Launched me out of my chair on multiple occasions. Can't find a video of it anywhere.
At 1/1/25 09:26 PM, MyDogIsSoCool wrote:The general board.
I understand it was probably a heinous thing to put up with, but without General the place feels less lively. Plus we've denied a whole generation their version of "cock in the top left corner." Think of the children, Tom!
I lament the decline of forums in favor of individual-post-based social media in general. I don't know if it's really a downgrade or I'm just not the right age for it anymore, but the current internet feels so impersonal, interchangeable and stupid compared to what it used to be. Obviously it was always stupid, and aggressive, but the people had more personality or something.
"Dead internet" gets bandied about a lot but that doesn't articulate the change imo. It's more like "corporate internet." What used to be a vast open land is now a puny walled garden. Probably a big part of it is how much anonymity has collapsed - there used to be quite a firm mental separation between IRL and internet, which isn't really observed on the biggest sites anymore.
At 12/18/24 04:50 PM, CalamityGanon wrote:I share your love for the old design.
Like you said, the new design is great, but I feel like Newgrounds is going through simplification much like many other brands.
I definitely miss the tank in the logo too, it honestly feels a bit flat and lacks that feeling of adventure and discovery from the early days of the internet.
It hadn't even dawned on me how much the tank has retreated, although I think it was dropped simply for thickening the header too much on mobile. Is it on any of the main pages anymore? All I can think of off the top of my head is being in the default flash icon for uploads that don't have one.
Despite the very cool backdrops the internet's shift toward blandness has definitely seeped into NG too. I particularly miss all the grungy urban details in the 2012 design. Although this is also still peak website to my eyes (and now that I'm looking at it, remember the store???):