I'm so happy for Horizonauts series! I tried DynamoToon's cool game "Run Like Hell" and it made me interested in the animated series. I already love the style, character design and colours, can't wait to see the first episode! Thank you for promoting indie series that deserve to be discovered!
As for the site update I love the change in the blam threshold by raising it. Ultimately I saw many works with low efforts getting through the portal too easily, so thanks for this nice change!
This is the time of year for holiday cheer but it often ends up being a time of anxiety and existential dread. If you’re feeling sad, you aren’t alone! Try to keep up healthy habits and make time for exercise. If you aren’t getting much sunlight, consider a Vitamin D supplement and a Vitamin K supplement to help with D absorption.
Even though I don't feel anxious or sad in this period I really like these advice especially the advice on exercise. We know that physical inactivity is one of the leading risk factors for noncommunicable diseases. And any amount of physical activity is better than none; all physical activity counts. This is a nice infographic on physical activity made by WHO which I suggest to take a look.
As healthy habits I may also recommend to surround with people who care for you and love you for who you are, cutting ties with negative people or limiting at least and pursuing what you like. If you feel you need further help from professionals don't hesitate to contact them. Like Tom said, you are not alone!
Thank you for these cool updates. I already voted for the best of November, I look forward to seeing winners^^