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Worst boss in games you love

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Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-14 19:02:43

We all have played games. And most games has bosses. You might love a game but utterly despise one of the bosses. And beacouse of that i wanna hear what bosses you hate in games you love. Examples is that it coud have a dumb difficulty spikes, be buggy as all hell or just not fit in the game at all.

As for myself: M&L Dream Team while being not perfect is a game i love a lot in its regular gameplay, art direction/animation and music. One of the two things i hate in the game is the gyro controls. And its not like its somewhat off. Nah, its completely broken and unplayable. So what happens when you have a boss that requires you to survive for a long amount of time and not die halfway trough? You get the Zeekeeper. Fuck this canser of a boss. When it pulls out that dimentional rift attack you might as well write your will. Dreamy Luigi will just hang out in the corner and you can barely move him. Like i had to play like i was wearing a VR headset to make him slightly move around. This boss is the only thing to not make me wanna replay this game i love and i wish so bad that the gyro controls actually worked to some extent.

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-14 21:22:32

Bed of Chaos

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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-14 22:50:56

Love the crud out of Super Mario Eclipse (Rom Hack Expansion of Super Mario Sunshine), but some of the additional bosses the devs added to the still needed a lot of work. An obvious example was Fiery Petey Piranha: that boss was unfairly tough the last time I played it and he was actually broken in an earlier build. Had the potential of softlocking the episode where you fight it!


Outside of rom hacks however, maybe the final Grunty fight in Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. Fun game but real rushed and disappointing conclusion to it all. It’s just three challenges but this time all back-to-back… with multiple choice questions.

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 01:30:23

if ROM Hacks are included: Goomboss in B3313, you have to knock Goombas into him, and it's so jank and unfun that I'm shocked it even made it into the final version. It just never aims where you want it to, and even when you do, it'll sometimes just kill the Goomba instantly. It's super annoying and I hope I never have to fight that boss again.

If ROM Hacks aren't included, Mecha-Bowser in Super Mario Sunshine, the camera is very slow during that boss fight, which is very bad when you have to look around, aim, and react fast, all the while you're on rails, constantly moving, so much is happening around you, and you have VERY limited ammo to shoot with, AND you have to use that ammo to shoot at missiles that are fired at you and follow you on the rails that you're on while also firing at the boss while also using F.L.U.D.D. to extinguish it's flames to not only avoid damage when passing it, but to also be able to shoot your missiles at it to win the fight.

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 02:56:50

Every boss in the 2D Mario games EXCEPT the Rhyno from World/New2.

Shame Mario Odyssey went the 2D Mario route and had obnoxious copy and paste bosses too, instead of having fun and unique bosses like all the other Marios excluding 3D Land/World (it had like, two tops, Bowser ironically enough, and the wooden Broodal robot).

I really hope shitty bosses isn't gonna become a thing with 3D Mario now with the last four 3D Mario games pussying out on decent fights (Land, World, Odyssey and Bowser's Fury)

Take it with a grain of salt, I am slower than a snail.

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i want to know who designed the shoe box you fight the capra demon in dark souls 1. this might not be a case of the boss it's self being bad. but it's arena being bad.

the capra demon arena is a small room with a stair case and 2 dogs. it becomes a game of 1) get locked against a wall by the dogs, die and run back all the way from firelink through the bridge shortcut 2) drag the dogs up the stairs and kill them then you kill capra first try cuz it is a joke without the dogs. the dogs run so fast you need time your roll to dodge them and have enough poise to not get stunned, i think i died more to those dogs than to ornstin and smogh.. am not kidding

good news is: boss is technically optional with the master key and skipping the depths(but it means you will miss out on the large ember for weapon upgrades, the gabbing dragon boss fight in case you wanted it's axe, and a kirk encounter if you want to finish his quest and most importantly a paper bag for fashion).

you can also cheese it by throwing bombs over it's arena's walls to kill it without even starting the fight, don't worry about fighting it, you will be fighting 5 more in izlith


This blonde mustachio-ed A-hole:


(From K.O.F 2002)

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 09:16:11

Jinpachi Mishima in Tekken 5. fuck this guy's stun + fireballl combo move that knocks out half your fucking health and you literally can't respond.


Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 10:26:27

I would say the first Unger fight in Death Stranding. The corridors just suck and are a pain in the ass to maneuver around. I love it in theory but it needed some balance tweaks.

The other two fights don't bother me too much honestly, Unger 3 is some of the most thrilling stealth combat I've ever experienced.

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 16:15:22

I was one of the people who liked Sonic Superstars despite it's flaws, like the bosses (especially this one).


The one-hit kills, and the pitfalls we're really annoying, and there are not checkpoints in this one either. So yeah, I hate it with a passion.

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 17:12:26

There's no boss I hate the most but Bear Hugger from Wii Punch-out, That mf killed me uncountable times.

Just remembering him got me angry


Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 17:59:41

At 11/15/24 02:56 AM, Drazah wrote:Every boss in the 2D Mario games EXCEPT the Rhyno from World/New2.
Shame Mario Odyssey went the 2D Mario route and had obnoxious copy and paste bosses too, instead of having fun and unique bosses like all the other Marios excluding 3D Land/World (it had like, two tops, Bowser ironically enough, and the wooden Broodal robot).

Rhyno? …Oh, Reznor!


Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 19:28:43

Poison Ivy from Batman Arkham Asylum, just long and frustrating.

I'd like also to mention the Sphinx from Wario Master of Disguises

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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 20:50:12

At 11/15/24 05:59 PM, OviManic wrote:
At 11/15/24 02:56 AM, Drazah wrote:Every boss in the 2D Mario games EXCEPT the Rhyno from World/New2.
Shame Mario Odyssey went the 2D Mario route and had obnoxious copy and paste bosses too, instead of having fun and unique bosses like all the other Marios excluding 3D Land/World (it had like, two tops, Bowser ironically enough, and the wooden Broodal robot).

Rhyno? …Oh, Reznor!

Yeah him!

I also forgot to mention the world bosses in New Super Mario Bros DS and Super Mario Land 1/2 as well!

Nintendo can make really fun bosses in Mario games, but always choose to just use their bland boss koopa ideas most of the time...

Take it with a grain of salt, I am slower than a snail.

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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 21:19:14

Ultra Necrozma from Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon

The boost in all stats in already a nightmare, but the fact the it's also about 3-5 levels higher than your team (most likely)is also insane, I'm like 99% sure it out speeds everything that you could possibly catch by that point in the game and all it's moves are high damaging, virtually one shotting everything. You can cheese the fight sure, but if you don't like doing that, then the only way I can see a win is X items on one pokemon and hope it doesn't get hit by a crit. And if you decide to go grind after losing, you have to do the dumb Warp Ring minigame game again, with forced Gyroscope controls, which at the very least can be changed...AFTER you beat the game.

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 21:41:00

id say bowser in Super Mario World, not necessarily because its the worst but it is pretty bothersome, i did though, eventually beat the boss and finish the game.

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 22:10:11

THIS YELLOW SON OF A BITCH...wait... no, fuck that thing.

Thank Konami for the glitch.


I like Pizza!

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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-15 22:27:31

This is Jasper Batt Jr., the final boss of No More Heroes 2.


Imagine you play a whole game where you ruthlessly kill 14 some odd bosses to avenge your friend, and the final boss is this dork. He's literally a joke that comes from an optional mission in the first game.

1.) 3 phase boss fight with no checkpoints. If you lose a phase you're back to phase 1.

2.) Insultingly easy first phase

3.) Absurdly hard second phase (bad hit boxes, spams attacks, can kill you in one hit by knocking you out of a window)

4.) Inflation fetish third phase.

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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-16 00:48:45

Probably Golem from Terraria. It's more fun cheesing it than it is actually fighting

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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-17 11:33:12

Cyberpunk 2077 Adam Smasher

I remember the fight against him being too easy. I played the game on hard mode and felt they could have done more to enhance the experience—perhaps by having the battle span multiple areas. I just wish they had made it more exciting.

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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-18 04:15:13

I'll give a really obscure example: the "Ghost Face" boss from Johnny 5 (by Kimberly Kubus).

Like, this whole game is one of those "So Bad, It's Good" games, but that frickin' boss fuckin' sucks. He's to difficult and annoying.

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-18 10:03:48

At 11/14/24 07:02 PM, Nebulate wrote:We all have played games. And most games has bosses. You might love a game but utterly despise one of the bosses. And beacouse of that i wanna hear what bosses you hate in games you love. Examples is that it coud have a dumb difficulty spikes, be buggy as all hell or just not fit in the game at all.

As for myself: M&L Dream Team while being not perfect is a game i love a lot in its regular gameplay, art direction/animation and music. One of the two things i hate in the game is the gyro controls. And its not like its somewhat off. Nah, its completely broken and unplayable. So what happens when you have a boss that requires you to survive for a long amount of time and not die halfway trough? You get the Zeekeeper. Fuck this canser of a boss. When it pulls out that dimentional rift attack you might as well write your will. Dreamy Luigi will just hang out in the corner and you can barely move him. Like i had to play like i was wearing a VR headset to make him slightly move around. This boss is the only thing to not make me wanna replay this game i love and i wish so bad that the gyro controls actually worked to some extent.

Sonic Generation's time eater. I refuse to beat Sonic Gen on PC due to that boss alone. I played it once on the ps3 in 2013. Yet I will later on add a mod to boost the FPS due to being on the steam deck. I still refuse to beat Time Eater due to how boring the boss is in comparison to all other bosses in the game and tediousness.

Join The Rat Cult and grasp firmly.

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-18 14:56:21

All the bosses in Lego games are absolutely overpowered.

In Lego Racers, the final boss has infinite power-ups and is allowed by the game to cheat against you.

In Lego Chess, they immediately set the difficulty to 100 and sometimes don't even tell you that certain pieces exist.

In Lego Island, the Brickster expects you to be a master go kart player with nothing except a laggy set of arrow buttons.

And in Lego Rock Raiders, the most difficult boss is your console as the game constantly crashes.

Who even made these games anyways? *sees EA on the back of the box* ELECTRONIC AAAAAAAARTS!!!

I'm just one of those people still on the path of getting themselves out there in the world. If you're confused by my mug below you haven't read my profile. I point you to it.

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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-18 15:31:26

This whole section of the game is a grueling slog on repeat playthroughs.

10/10 on your first go... every other time its a 0/10

От каждого по способностям, каждому по потребностям

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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-19 03:50:49

Matador in Shin Megami Tensei 3 is considered a turning point that separates the men from the boys, but that's just people talking up an unnecessary spike in early game difficulty before the tools to deal with that sort of thing are available. Unless you know it's coming, it requires backtracking and building a team specifically for that one fight which, yes, is something you'll do later in the game, but at the point Matador shows up, your available roster is too small to go at it with any degree of creativity.

Compare to later rite-of-passage fights like Minotaur in SMT4 and it's clear that you can make a super tough early game fight without it feeling like bullshit.

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-19 12:00:17

i'll confess a certain encounter with a certain boss team after a certain boss in mardek 3 is what made me quit that game.

i couldn't find a single guide that didn't require me to use that one character i hated in both mechanics and personality and therefore kept off the party up until that point.

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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-19 12:16:25

I remember the jester special challenge mode thing in fighters destiny 2 to be a total pain

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-19 12:28:57

Prolly the last boss of castle crashers. The spider thing. Fun to look at but not fun to fight. His strikes take a ton of life and cover a large part of the screen.


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Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-19 14:43:00

Mad Cow Mike J from Postal 2.

PLJerry - Animator/Artist/Voice Actor/TF2 Veteran

Response to Worst boss in games you love 2024-11-19 14:49:26

The final boss from Rayman 2

Sometimes I wanna see a cute girl, but there isn't any so I make one.

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