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Playlist Update & Early November News

3,349 Views | 35 Replies
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Welcome to November! 

Voting for the Best of October begins this Thursday, the 7th. Now would be a great time to explore and vote on entries from the past month, favoriting the ones you like the most.

Audience scores play a big role in the nomination process for Art and Audio and if you’re on the judging panel, your high scores and favorites will appear at the top of the nominee list.

This would also be a great time to explore the Halloween Spooktacular entries!

I gotta shout out some of the phenomenal pixel art we saw this year.

Playlist Update

Playlists got an update yesterday! Supporters can now add up to 200 items to a playlist, instead of the default 100.

I’ve been managing a full list of Supporter perks in the wiki, if you’re curious to see them all. Supporters who voted in October are guaranteed a spot on the Best of October judging panel and can also participate in our new Takeover Tuesday event each week.

Bzzzt Art Contest

The Bzzzt Art Contest is in progress and we’d love to see your art inspired by this gorgeous indie game! The deadline is November 8th.

Bzzzt creator @ko-dll has been sharing a lot of his own art right here on NG:

Horizonauts Kickstarter

@DynamoToon announced the Horizonauts Kickstarter yesterday and shared a trailer on NG!

Consider tossing a few bucks in to make it happen!

Away From Home RPG Kickstarter

@SquishY-Bottom announced the Away From Home Kickstarter and shared a demo on NG!

Consider tossing a few bucks towards that, too!

A Way of Life

This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 10:49:17

I’ve been managing a full list of Supporter perks in the wiki, if you’re curious to see them all. Supporters who voted in October are guaranteed a spot on the Best of October judging panel and can also participate in our new Takeover Tuesday event each week.

It probably best idea to put all the supporter feature into actual supporter pages, because I think that where the majority of people gonna see all the perk they get insteads of wiki.

That aside, I really glad that Newgrounds is growing as time goes on. I was rather concerned back in 2020/21 that supporters and no-ads focus would failed in long term but glad I was proven wrong.


Ko-fi (Commission/Donation)

BBS Signature

All I got from that is that the phone number is always where you least expect to find it and that 10 downloads no rating food apps are pointless.

At 11/2/24 10:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

Not working on Nightmare Cops.

Also last post.

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 11:23:41

This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

Have you heard of Capcut?

Artist, animator, voice actor, editor and background artist.

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 11:23:55

Wow, that's great, I will be looking forward to using the playlist feature, if I have the time to do so.

SM/AMA/FAQs (Now both are ready, well sort of) My shortcuts

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 11:29:02

Really cool to see Newgrounds change over time, glad to be a part of the site's history.

And what a great Spooktactular it's been this year

Yay, I'm so excited for Best of October 2024! Looking forward to voting next week!

Also, love the new playlist updates!

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 11:36:52

At 11/2/24 10:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:A Way of Life

This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

A lot of these software annoyances are why I always try to use Open Source alternatives when possible, I find a comfort in knowing we could always fix it ourselves if the software goes to shit. Plus the obvious educational and troubleshooting benefits! The barriers being put up between us and the art we wanna make are just absurd at this point, its right on the money that we gotta start pushing back hard.

send me cake recipes

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 12:08:15

At 11/2/24 10:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:Welcome to November!

Voting for the Best of October begins this Thursday, the 7th. Now would be a great time to explore and vote on entries from the past month, favoriting the ones you like the most.

Audience scores play a big role in the nomination process for Art and Audio and if you’re on the judging panel, your high scores and favorites will appear at the top of the nominee list.

This would also be a great time to explore the Halloween Spooktacular entries!


I gotta shout out some of the phenomenal pixel art we saw this year.


Playlist Update

Playlists got an update yesterday! Supporters can now add up to 200 items to a playlist, instead of the default 100.

I’ve been managing a full list of Supporter perks in the wiki, if you’re curious to see them all. Supporters who voted in October are guaranteed a spot on the Best of October judging panel and can also participate in our new Takeover Tuesday event each week.

Bzzzt Art Contest

The Bzzzt Art Contest is in progress and we’d love to see your art inspired by this gorgeous indie game! The deadline is November 8th.

Bzzzt creator @ko-dll has been sharing a lot of his own art right here on NG:


Horizonauts Kickstarter

@DynamoToon announced the Horizonauts Kickstarter yesterday and shared a trailer on NG!


Consider tossing a few bucks in to make it happen!

Away From Home RPG Kickstarter

@SquishY-Bottom announced the Away From Home Kickstarter and shared a demo on NG!


Consider tossing a few bucks towards that, too!

A Way of Life

This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

I have a permanent section of my monthly finances allotted for newgrounds supporter and people from here who I support on Patreon, including James. I hope it's something I can continue until the day I die. We have to support the smaller creators in our community. These monopolies these larger companies have are hurting the bigger picture more than people realize.

| It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose|||Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel.||||

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 12:08:26

Roll on the Best of October voting! That and Takeover Tuesday give ya plenty to look forward to on the site, alongside all the great stuff that's posted here of course!

(GIF by @MKMaffo)

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 12:40:51

Finally, people can make more art collections without making as many "Favourite Art 1000" playlists!

Also, it is morally correct to pirate software from Adobe or other BIG companies that have done enshittification! ;)

[for legal reasons, this is only a joke]

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 12:49:59

A Way of Life

This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

We may not have all the answers to the what, how and why to this particular situation James comments on, but the best way is to spread the word to your friends and reconsider what you should or should'nt use. I recently transitioned to DuckDuckGo and it's going great!

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 13:28:49

At 11/2/24 10:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:I’ve been managing a full list of Supporter perks in the wiki, if you’re curious to see them all. Supporters who voted in October are guaranteed a spot on the Best of October judging panel and can also participate in our new Takeover Tuesday event each week.

This has already been said before, but I'd strongly recommend adding this to the main Support page, because most people aren't gonna go digging through the wiki to find out what giving you money entails.

This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

I hope Nox's video gives those alternatives some much-needed support - they need all the help they can get, and the corps need a kick in the ass.

he/they - pretty cool guy

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 13:54:42

Big ups for the playlist update! I still have it in my goals to get myself to Supportin' Newgrounds haha. this should happen hopefully soon enough!

huge respect for highlighting Nox's recent animation, and the general message it conveyed. i've personally been interested in cybersecurity in the past few years, and it's grown my love and respect for free and open-source alternatives. though funnily enough, due to this personal journey of mine, i've actually been able to disable OneDrive altogether on my laptop a long while ago :P LOL. it might not fit my youtube channel's identity, but i'd like to make videos highlighting that aspect of supporting independent, more trustworthy projects and software :DDDDDDDDDDDD

and i hope everyone here had a spooky Halloween!!!! <33

- wamy :3

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 15:14:04

At 11/2/24 10:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

really felt this.

my one remaining holdout is After effects, if my old brain can handle it Ill try my best to learn davinci resolve , and then maybe Ill be free from those chains.

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 15:16:18

Can't believe it's almost the end of the year XD Nor can I believe how quickly the stores went from Halloween spooks to Christmas decorations and sales within a day.

At 11/2/24 10:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:A Way of Life

This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

100% cannot agree with this more. Smaller teams and projects more often than not care about what their audience has to say rather than big corporations these days. The gaming industry is a perfect example of this (looking at you, Ubisoft, and your NFT nonsense XD).

Support animators who take that extra time to put thought behind their characters and storylines. Support artists who use fresh new techniques and styles. And have a look at alternative software out there. You'd be surprised how much you can push a piece of software if you know how ^-^

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 15:32:23

At 11/2/24 03:16 PM, StitchMiss wrote:Can't believe it's almost the end of the year XD Nor can I believe how quickly the stores went from Halloween spooks to Christmas decorations and sales within a day.
At 11/2/24 10:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:A Way of Life

This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

100% cannot agree with this more. Smaller teams and projects more often than not care about what their audience has to say rather than big corporations these days. The gaming industry is a perfect example of this (looking at you, Ubisoft, and your NFT nonsense XD).
Support animators who take that extra time to put thought behind their characters and storylines. Support artists who use fresh new techniques and styles. And have a look at alternative software out there. You'd be surprised how much you can push a piece of software if you know how ^-^

Exactly, to paraphrase Todd McFarlane, the biggest strength and weakness of big corporations is well, their size. They’re way too big to care about the slightest of things!

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 15:39:58

Exactly, to paraphrase Todd McFarlane, the biggest strength and weakness of big corporations is well, their size. They’re way too big to care about the slightest of things!

Even if they have every one of their customers angrily yelling at them, over a loss of quality, care or production, they just don't seem to listen anymore x_x Because they either make so much money, they don't need to care, or because they know despite the complaints, customers are unaware or unwilling to support competition over them.

And it very much is the case that majority of guilty parties are massive corporations that know these facts, shrug off their customers and keep implementing changes no one asks for or wants ^^;

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 16:06:42

At 11/2/24 10:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

It still baffles me why haven't we moved on to other alternatives on the workforce market and schools that aren't paid for or even developed an open-source, all-around program/app for drawing, editing and animation like Flash and Photoshop does, something a bit like Clip Studio Paint but vector graphics based, maybe convertible to bitmap too, to reanimate the spirit of long gone artistry and programming. Like Flash it could maybe be used for gamedev and webdesign maybe. AND THAT IT HAD A FUCKING BRUSH LIKE FLASH DOES I HATE ANIMATE 2024 ONE'S RAAAAH!! >:c

If i had the resources to do such thing rn I would call it "OpenSketchToonz" or "OST" for short.

Heck, "OpenFlashy" or "OFl", if no shit's are given.

And the situation doesn't stop here, I hate that we need to stay always online and be fed up with news that are either boring, depressive, repetitive, don't care about, or shitty spam stuff; or always be logged in on our phones and PC and the moment we log out, we log out forever if we have 2-Step verification on, kaputt, bye bye! And the shovelware Edge is basically just a browser with those annoying spyware tabs from back in the 2000s, but MISCROSOFTY!! YAY!! oDO

Don't get me started on AI Copilot and Gemini and Siri or whatever the fuck.

We need change!! Look for your family and loved ones and care for your works of art, animation, games and music, people. You can win the fight against evil corporations and AI when the day comes! Be not afraid!!

But most of all, be nice and be productive, that's cool. :3 We just need to be wary and a silent fight. >:3

I'd rather live with the problems of yesterday than the problems of the future. - Ricardo Aster

Just living a life of a world crumbling away.

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 16:39:06

At 11/2/24 10:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:Welcome to November!

Voting for the Best of October begins this Thursday, the 7th. Now would be a great time to explore and vote on entries from the past month, favoriting the ones you like the most.

Audience scores play a big role in the nomination process for Art and Audio and if you’re on the judging panel, your high scores and favorites will appear at the top of the nominee list.

This would also be a great time to explore the Halloween Spooktacular entries!


I gotta shout out some of the phenomenal pixel art we saw this year.


Playlist Update

Playlists got an update yesterday! Supporters can now add up to 200 items to a playlist, instead of the default 100.

I’ve been managing a full list of Supporter perks in the wiki, if you’re curious to see them all. Supporters who voted in October are guaranteed a spot on the Best of October judging panel and can also participate in our new Takeover Tuesday event each week.

Bzzzt Art Contest

The Bzzzt Art Contest is in progress and we’d love to see your art inspired by this gorgeous indie game! The deadline is November 8th.

Bzzzt creator @ko-dll has been sharing a lot of his own art right here on NG:


Horizonauts Kickstarter

@DynamoToon announced the Horizonauts Kickstarter yesterday and shared a trailer on NG!


Consider tossing a few bucks in to make it happen!

Away From Home RPG Kickstarter

@SquishY-Bottom announced the Away From Home Kickstarter and shared a demo on NG!


Consider tossing a few bucks towards that, too!

A Way of Life

This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.

This includes things like becoming an NG supporter (cough) and chipping in to the Kickstarters and Patreons of artists you like but it extends more broadly, in terms of the software you use and the products you buy in your daily life. When possible, look for those small teams of people who just want to pay their bills and make payroll, while creating something they truly care about.

Food for thought!

Super excited for best of october. Also I am working on my flash forward entry, hope I can get it done by april, stay awesome NG.


BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 17:29:09

Is the halloween playlist still being updated 'cause I used the tag "halloween2024" on a movie I uploaded on the 31st and I can't seem to find it in the list even though it was spelt right as when I clicked on it, it showed the other movies that are in the playlist. It got past judgement too so I'm not sure if this was an oversight on my side or something on the website side.

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 17:32:34

At 11/2/24 05:29 PM, RosieUV wrote:Is the halloween playlist still being updated 'cause I used the tag "halloween2024" on a movie I uploaded on the 31st and I can't seem to find it in the list even though it was spelt right as when I clicked on it, it showed the other movies that are in the playlist. It got past judgement too so I'm not sure if this was an oversight on my side or something on the website side.

Thanks for the heads up, I've added your movie now!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 18:07:50

I hope October has some audio gems, cuz I remember liking that Kurt cobain inspired "Clean your room" track a lot.

Here's hoping 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 18:14:28

@TomFulp Can we have keyboard controls for the audio player?

I want LEFT ARROW/RIGHT ARROW to skip songs.

If it interferes with the browser too much, then dont bother, sorry

Its still really cool that you were able to integrate SPACE to PLAY/STOP using hte video player tho.

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 20:34:22

how letting you have more then 1 playlist

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 21:17:04

At 11/2/24 10:35 AM, TomFulp wrote:[...]
Playlist Update

Playlists got an update yesterday! Supporters can now add up to 200 items to a playlist, instead of the default 100.

I have a rather esoteric question about this: If a supporter fills a playlist with 124 entries and loses supporter status afterwards, can said user still add entries to the playlist in question until it reaches 200 or does it cap at 124?

Asking for a friend. ;)


Are you an artist? Would you like help?


║ Guides, Tutorials & Other Help: Self-PublishingGeneral Art CreationGame DevelopmentAudio Production


Would you like to help me? If you come across a good tutorial, send it my way and I'll try to squeeze it in.

Would you hate to see Newgrounds shut down forever? Can you spare 3 to 5 bucks? Maybe even per month?

Click here to keep the servers running. (Click here for a full list of perks.)

My Frequently Given Replies.

Newgrounds Wiki: How to Detect AI Audio (New!) ("Is this really such an issue?")

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-02 22:38:23

At 11/2/24 06:14 PM, carbonlad wrote:@TomFulp Can we have keyboard controls for the audio player?
I want LEFT ARROW/RIGHT ARROW to skip songs.
If it interferes with the browser too much, then dont bother, sorry

Its still really cool that you were able to integrate SPACE to PLAY/STOP using hte video player tho.

Hotkeys for the audio player have been high on my personal list, I think they'd help a lot with my repetitive strain injuries! Jim and Josh are making progress with knocking out tickets so I'm hopeful that one will roll through.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-03 05:03:46

At 11/2/24 11:23 AM, Simoes1000 wrote:
This latest Nox video by JamesLee really lit a spark. After a number of videos railing against various types of software enshittification, James ended this one with a list of all the alternative software he used in production.

This is important for all of us to embrace; a handful of companies have consolidated so much power and have waged financial warfare on smaller players who struggle to compete. We can change this as consumers by supporting the smaller players who simply want to make a quality product and survive in the process.
Have you heard of Capcut?

Yes, and no one over the age of 15 recommends it for anything other than slop.

Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-03 05:30:06

bug: Credit role seems to be hidden when I click "show all X"



Response to Playlist Update & Early November News 2024-11-03 06:20:34

At 11/2/24 05:32 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 11/2/24 05:29 PM, RosieUV wrote:Is the halloween playlist still being updated 'cause I used the tag "halloween2024" on a movie I uploaded on the 31st and I can't seem to find it in the list even though it was spelt right as when I clicked on it, it showed the other movies that are in the playlist. It got past judgement too so I'm not sure if this was an oversight on my side or something on the website side.

Thanks for the heads up, I've added your movie now!

thank you! :)

BBS Signature