first time voting and, although i have no idea how the previous voting UI looked like, i can confirm the new system is definitely easy to use.
i was especially worried about being locked out of editing my choices once i was done with the first selection but i'm glad i can go back indefinitely to make changes as many times as i want.
ended up here because i decided to look up how other people are doing, in regards to the submissions.
since i pretty much only play games here, having to vote on movies, art and music as well felt especially daunting because i don't feel nearly as "qualified".
managed to keep up with the 10-submission limit so far, but the audio submissions have me stumped.
i've somehow narrowed it down to about 35 of the originally 100 entries, and still sifting through.
i have absolutely 0 music knowledge so this selection is entirely based on "vibes" and nothing else.
how do you people manage to choose only 10? any method to the madness that you'd like to share?
all of these are so good, i honestly have no idea how to pick them out