Response to Tell me your favorite music genre and I'll describe something about you! 2024-07-16 22:13:06
At 7/16/24 03:29 PM, OVERSCORE wrote:I like all DnB, but especially atmospheric DnB/breakcore. I also love hyperpop, color bass, and most other electronica!
90s chill music also hits, and Good Kid!!
You're a dancer. I don't mean the ballet kind, no. Anytime something hard, you're immediately in the middle, breaking down on the dance floor. You lead the best DJ mixes with your flow and have great cardio. You choose not to sing to be a public embarrassment, but probably sing in the shower anyways. You enjoy stuff from the 90s like Koolaid and Sonic the Hedgehog in Honey Nut Cheerios cereal boxes. Always in the mood for Poptarts, and trust me, I can relate.