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What is the most mentally insane community you had the audacity of being in?

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Was into Smash Bros up until the announcement of Ultimate (i.e. when i was a teen) and holy fuck, how has nobody mentioned them?

A good chunk of the community's made up of middle-aged psychos who don't even like the games, they just think it'll fix the current state of their most-wanted's series. Every post I see from them is either a wishlist, complaining that said wishlist didn't come to fruition, or getting into slapfights with others because someone's wishlist didn't match theirs.

delphox and zoroark are milfy lesbians

the gaming community as a whole

Not working on Nightmare Cops.

Also last post.

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At 3/1/24 09:35 PM, KrisKagura wrote:A good chunk of the community's made up of middle-aged psychos who don't even like the games

No no no no, they like one of the games. Just Melee because they grew up with it.

Ever had to knock on wood? 'Cuz I know someone who had.

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How the hell has nobody mentioned Rainbow Six Siege yet? Unless I’m blind?

Out of a lot of competitive multiplayer game communities, that one has to be one of the worst I’ve ever seen. It’s full of toxic masculine “sigma male” teenage boys going absolutely feral with slurs to anyone who’s even remotely bad at the game.

Just take one look at the reviews for the game on Xbox, they are fowl.


This screenshot I took actually has more reviews, but I cropped them out because they’re quite bad, this one was the tamest.

My brother has gotten a fair amount of private messages from people having a go at him for being bad at the game lol.

Absolutely sweaty community.

Chillin' and grillin'

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At 3/3/24 05:44 PM, MondoBilby wrote:How the hell has nobody mentioned Rainbow Six Siege yet? Unless I’m blind?
Out of a lot of competitive multiplayer game communities, that one has to be one of the worst I’ve ever seen. It’s full of toxic masculine “sigma male” teenage boys going absolutely feral with slurs to anyone who’s even remotely bad at the game.
Just take one look at the reviews for the game on Xbox, they are fowl.

This screenshot I took actually has more reviews, but I cropped them out because they’re quite bad, this one was the tamest.

My brother has gotten a fair amount of private messages from people having a go at him for being bad at the game lol.
Absolutely sweaty community.

Just any online game. I'm surprised I haven't gotten a message from someone I pissed off in TF2

Ever had to knock on wood? 'Cuz I know someone who had.

BBS Signature

At 3/3/24 04:11 PM, CIGG wrote:
At 3/1/24 09:35 PM, KrisKagura wrote:A good chunk of the community's made up of middle-aged psychos who don't even like the games

No no no no, they like one of the games. Just Melee because they grew up with it.

Even Melee's a bit divisive, since if you criticize anything from the Bamco-produced Smash Bros games they'll accuse you of being a Melee elitist.

delphox and zoroark are milfy lesbians

At 6/19/23 09:55 PM, Chdonga wrote:I haven't seen a single sane Nintendo community to be frank.
The only gaming community I consider myself to have truly *been in* was LittleBigPlanet. And booooooy oh boy. It was an experience

I started off as a content cop aspiring to be an artist. I got disillusioned from seeing so much garbage on the front page. But once I pulled the stick out of my ass I'd give up my dreams of becoming a renowned LBP level editor and would instead join the ranks of shitposter. That said, LBPVita was chill as hell. Probably because of the much more niche userbase. Either way I made a handful of good friends from the shitposting side of LBP. Anyone here know HorseFolder? He was an LBP guy at first.

I beta tested both LBP Karting and the PS3 version of LBP3, and the amount of people telling everyone to quit whining about the bugs because it's still in beta, would make you want to pull your hair out. Both games were glitchy messes on release and it's probably because of all the apologists in the beta swooping in to downplay the severity of every bug that got discovered.

The PS3 servers would eventually have to be shut down after hackers discovered that it ran on an unsecured network and ran some exploits to... engage in mild acts of buffonery... tomfoolery... hooliganery... erm, chicanery, even...
Which is a huge shame because the PS4 version of LBP3 is missing a criminal amount of content compared to the PS3 version. Truly sucks to suck. I sometimes wonder if LBP3 was kneecapped on purpose in order to not overshadow the ambitious spiritual successor to LittleBigPlanet, called Dreams, but Sony likes to pretend that game doesn't exist either so who the fuck knows.

PS4/5 servers are gone now too

And yeah lbp was my first experience with a mental community aswell. Before then I had just been an observer from the outside

As for the most toxic community, I feel like every community nowadays has a rabbit hole or 2 so deep and fucked up that it becomes hard to determine which is the worst. The most outwardly rabid one is definitely roblox tho

At 6/18/23 10:34 PM, RCGCbro wrote:
Someone had to say it.

Probably the Alpharad Plus community when it existed a couple of years ago. The channel was somewhat rebranded, at least, in name, because of all the weird and wacky shit that got posted on twitter. It all culminated with a prolific member faking his death for clout, and a bunch of weird drama that boiled over outside of the internet. There were a lot of stupid bits we all played that, at the time, was probably pretty funny. I miss the comradery, but not the degeneracy.

The last time I "joined" a fandom (as in like, I cared about discourse, drama, and actively sought out people to talk to about the piece of media) was Undertale, everything else has just kinda been grandfathered in though I actively ignore anything to do with fandom happenings. Looking back, I think it laid the groundwork for a lot of things that we see happening nowadays. There was a weird purity culture to it, like not just disliking or not caring for nsfw art, but active hatred and aggression towards artists that drew it. And it was somehow this big affront to the character and everyone who had to see the art if you drew anything beyond PG-13.

Maybe this one was just my view, but there were also a lot more otherkin than I'd ever seen before, and nowadays that shits rampant. Kinners were Very Normal about fanart of their believed other, of course, why wouldn't they be?

All of the memes and in-jokes sucked, but I think that's actually just every fandom (or I'm just no fun).

The truly enlightened view is accepting that any gathering of people on the internet where the only shared thing is a piece of media will overwhelmingly attract a majority of psychopaths and weirdos who have nothing but the clout they believe themselves to have online.

𝖘𝖔 𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙.

The newgrounds community

Rockerella Meets Merman

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Smash Brothers: Take a drink every time some snot-nosed brat/manchild bitches how his favorite character didn't get into the game (or in Mewtwo's case, was replaced) and rabidly hate the character that was revealed/replaced Mewtwo instead. Seriously, there was a time I hated Mewtwo and King K. Rool because of this shit. I even remember someone who was threatening Nintendo because K. Rool wasn't being announced as playable for Smash 4, I'm dead serious.

And while I never gave a shit for Fire Emblem or Xenoblade, the hate those franchise got just because they had characters that got in instead of the characters the brats want was fucking stupid and tiring.

At 6/18/23 10:34 PM, RCGCbro wrote:
Someone had to say it.

god why did you need to call us out like this?

If there is one fandom is I can say is populated with people who can't tell fiction from reality, it's the Danganronpa fanbase.

-Doxing people over opinions on a ship? Check

-Getting overly offended and defensive when you make an edgy joke of one of the characters that a lot of people make? Check

-Decorating their entire houses with cardboard cutouts and other stuff of their favorite character? Check

-Thinking they're married to their waifus IRL? Check

-Wishing a YouTuber groomed children over a joke? Check

Seriously, this fandom might rival the Sonic fandom in terms of insanity.

Eddsworld fandom.

BBS Signature

At 6/18/23 10:34 PM, RCGCbro wrote:
Someone had to say it.

ive never really been part of a fandom heh ;))))

I'm the best for a reason.

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At 6/18/23 10:34 PM, RCGCbro wrote:
Someone had to say it.

Same here buddy.

Still am.


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At 6/20/23 09:58 PM, OVERSCORE wrote:No like Splatoon community? I will DESTROY EVERYTHING YOU EVER LO-

No, I’m just kidding. I’m not really in the “community,” I just love the game itself. I wasn’t aware that so much hate goes toward people who play it?? I’m innocent! You have to believe me lol

Yikes! You are innocent. But there's a lot of cursed NSFW, plus most of the community is...Slightly obnoxious... to say the least

-Fellow cephalopod

The Fallout community is full of sweaty neckbeard redditors, “self proclaimed sigma males”, and weird political jargon. I stay away from those people

BBS Signature

Probably when I was in the Brony community when I was like 7 years old and staid up extremely late on school nights to watch pirated episodes of My Little Pony on youtube.

this one

this signature belongs to an idiot who doesn’t even know how much of an idiot he is, i’m surprised he’s even capable of turning on a computer...what an absolute buffoon

BBS Signature

Literally this one in current year

No pods, no casters

At 4/7/24 12:17 PM, Caniac77 wrote:The Fallout community is full of sweaty neckbeard redditors, “self proclaimed sigma males”, and weird political jargon. I stay away from those people

that's just fallout new vegas fans

this signature belongs to an idiot who doesn’t even know how much of an idiot he is, i’m surprised he’s even capable of turning on a computer...what an absolute buffoon

BBS Signature

yea i got into jojo's at 2010, i got to see that community morph into every brand of bad community, lol.

At 6/21/23 06:44 AM, Prismisho wrote:You cannot last 15 seconds in this game!

Yea i started needing to mute the voice call in that game around 2021. Was bad before hand, just kept getting worse though.

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The Tetris community... According to that woman in the news

Being 100% alive means taking a 50% of actions and having a 50% of perspective

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At 4/7/24 12:17 PM, Caniac77 wrote:The Fallout community is full of sweaty neckbeard redditors, “self proclaimed sigma males”, and weird political jargon. I stay away from those people

Good call, I can't find any insane community i've been pert of. Think i've been lucky. But i know there is furry cosplay community for VR, so that's that.

At 6/24/23 01:19 PM, DioShiba wrote:Deviant Art and just about every sub-community from that site.

Fuck that shit hole. I could also talk about the insanity that went on in two of my colleges but... that's a whole other can of worms that doesn't do with online.

Any big media platform these days. And it's not the community (probably). It's the mods and the Ai spam bots pretending to be real people that is the fake and gay shit.

Splatoon is a contender for one of the most annoying I've been a part of. It's not really THAT bad, but it's more annoying than anything.

At 5/6/24 01:23 PM, ActionActiveOfficial wrote:https://youtu.be/on8m3OG_XkI?si=9MtzreEw2odm44kB

That community is weird, I can agree on that.

BBS Signature

At 5/6/24 05:07 PM, MalwareShop wrote:
At 5/6/24 01:23 PM, ActionActiveOfficial wrote:https://youtu.be/on8m3OG_XkI?si=9MtzreEw2odm44kB

That community is weird, I can agree on that.