At 8/3/04 05:31 PM, wondereyes wrote: could one of you guys make me a simple sig related to my alias?
yes i will
At 8/3/04 05:31 PM, wondereyes wrote: could one of you guys make me a simple sig related to my alias?
yes i will
At 8/3/04 10:54 PM, ILoveKaollaSu wrote: site
The buddy icons on that site become DreamWeaver files when I saved them
At 8/3/04 05:31 PM, wondereyes wrote: could one of you guys make me a simple sig related to my alias?
I could but I am busy with finding animated GIFs for ILKS
On Friday the 6th of July I will be leaving for a 2 week holiday. I am able to post from there because there is an internet bar, that will cost some money (wich I don't have a lot) so I won't post often
hell i would LIke a whole new sig plz It has to have my name at the mid bottom and have the pbj banana guy dancing aroudn and also bouncing off the sides and shit going all over that little rectangle so yes thx all!!!
can somebody please make me a sig thats all blue and has a cute blue bunny on one side and b.b. hood (from darkstalkers i think) i want b.b hood's clothes to be blue instead of red. thats all please somebody make it for me
At 8/4/04 04:04 PM, bluebunnyhood1 wrote: can somebody please make me a sig thats all blue and has a cute blue bunny on one side and b.b. hood (from darkstalkers i think) i want b.b hood's clothes to be blue instead of red. thats all please somebody make it for me
Can somebody make it for me please
what's up chaos folk how many are in ths crew anyway?
At 8/4/04 07:34 PM, peanutbuttajellytime wrote: what's up chaos folk how many are in ths crew anyway?
None, its a dying crew that shouldn't even have been started. We had enough sig make clubs when this one was made. It also was just started because they were pissed that the ASM and SSM made fun of them and didn't do their sig. So just request in the ASM and the SSM but don't make request in any other club when you ask in the SSM, its really inconsiderate.
At 8/4/04 07:20 PM, bluebunnyhood1 wrote:At 8/4/04 04:04 PM, bluebunnyhood1 wrote: can somebody please make me a sig thats all blue and has a cute blue bunny on one side and b.b. hood (from darkstalkers i think) i want b.b hood's clothes to be blue instead of red. thats all please somebody make it for meCan somebody make it for me please
yes im doin it
can someone make me a sig related to my name and the compass on it has to look like a ball with a compass on and my name next to it with it saying from the compass crew
well plan b, it would appear tht the search for an animated kaolla is going nowhere, so if you could just fix it a little (and not make the name so blank) you know what i mean. i would appreciate it. so then........thanks for the effort and uh........FIX IT! thanks.
I'd like a resident evil themed sig, something from "outbreak" if posible
At 8/5/04 04:30 AM, MasterStalker wrote: I'd like a resident evil themed sig, something from "outbreak" if posible
ill try
and heres your sig Dusk_compass:
Kaolla Su dude. Here it is. I won't take any more sig requests because I am going away tomorrow (check ma vacation post)
At 8/5/04 11:16 AM, Plan-B wrote: Kaolla Su dude. Here it is.
There is not animated sprite or gif on that. Hell, there isn't even ANY animation on that sig. I do believe that he wanted animation, maybe he should go ask in the ASM, cause they can make it quicker than you seem to be able to.
At 8/5/04 11:20 AM, QuikFox wrote: There is not animated sprite or gif on that. Hell, there isn't even ANY animation on that sig. I do believe that he wanted animation, maybe he should go ask in the ASM, cause they can make it quicker than you seem to be able to.
Maybe you should pay more attention retard because he said that I had to post the sig for him, WITHOUT animation because I couldn't find one. I asked for links but it seems that noone could
At 8/5/04 11:31 AM, Plan-B wrote: Maybe you should pay more attention retard because he said that I had to post the sig for him, WITHOUT animation because I couldn't find one. I asked for links but it seems that noone could
I know exactly what he said. He also said a while back that he wanted animation. If someone wants an animated gif or something for somthing you should get one and put it on there. Thats what would have gotten done in one of the original 2 clubs, hell it would have gotten done in the other rip offs.
At 8/5/04 11:49 AM, QuikFox wrote: I know exactly what he said. He also said a while back that he wanted animation. If someone wants an animated gif or something for somthing you should get one and put it on there. Thats what would have gotten done in one of the original 2 clubs, hell it would have gotten done in the other rip offs.
Dude, I already explained it. I know he said that he wanted one in it. I searched and I tried to find one but the only thing I found was that buddy icon, that ain't a problem but when I tried to save it in ma PC, it became a Dreamweaver file (and I know nothing about Dreamweaver). He also said later (just a page ago) that he noticed that my search failed. He asked if I could post the sig (without the animated Kaolla Su) wich I did so what is your problem?
At 8/5/04 01:03 PM, Plan-B wrote: so what is your problem?
You can import dreamweaver files into Fireworks so if you use that program why didn't you just use it? And if you use photoshop just change the extension to .gif, that would have made it a gif file and you could have imported it then. What is your problem with adding a few frames of animation?
At 8/5/04 01:13 PM, QuikFox wrote: You can import dreamweaver files into Fireworks so if you use that program why didn't you just use it?
I didn't knew that. I told you that I don't know anything about Dreamweaver files
And if you use photoshop just change the extension to .gif, that would have made it a gif file and you could have imported it then.
I don't have Photoshop
What is your problem with adding a few frames of animation?
There is no problem. I can do that. I don't want an animation, I want an animated GIF
this has happened before. two people bitchslapping eachother over getting my order right. you sig makers. soo competitive.
anyway, to clear things up, it's true that i origionally wanted an animated kaolla on my sig. after much searching for one, from me and plan b, we were unable to find one other than an animated buddy icon at this site then click buddy icons and then kaolla on the left (and btw, thats the last time im posting this link. im tired of it.) so, after failing our search i decided to just have an unanimated one.
HOWEVER it appears quickfox knows how to animate that sucker. perhaps you could give it a shot, plan b? both you and i have nothing to lose. exept time. o well.
have a glorious day.
At 8/5/04 01:35 PM, ILoveKaollaSu wrote: link stuff
I know that link and I tried to do something with that buddy icon but I don't know how to import Dreamweaver files in Fireworks (what according to Quikfox should be no problem)
HOWEVER it appears quickfox knows how to animate that sucker. perhaps you could give it a shot, plan b? both you and i have nothing to lose. exept time. o well.
Yeah, sure. Fine by me
have a glorious day. mean evening (in the Netherlands)
At 8/5/04 01:21 PM, Plan-B wrote: I didn't knew that. I told you that I don't know anything about Dreamweaver files
Ok, Macromedia makes both dreamweaver and Fireworks. So don't you think that they might be able to work with each other? Especially since they both are for web design.
I don't want an animation, I want an animated GIF
Dumbass, an animated .gif is an animation. It will add more frames to the document your working on because of the animation. Do you even know how to add .gifs? You fuckin join/make this damn sig making club and you don't even know how to make sigs. Nice, real damn nice.
At 8/5/04 01:43 PM, QuikFox wrote: Ok, Macromedia makes both dreamweaver and Fireworks. So don't you think that they might be able to work with each other? Especially since they both are for web design.
Well, how to import it then?
Dumbass, an animated .gif is an animation. It will add more frames to the document your working on because of the animation. Do you even know how to add .gifs? You fuckin join/make this damn sig making club and you don't even know how to make sigs. Nice, real damn nice.
What are you talking about?! I know how to make them. Here, an example