At 8/1/04 10:20 AM, Plan-B wrote: Wolfman22, I got a sig here with your name on it so come and get the candy
cheers thts gr8
At 8/1/04 10:20 AM, Plan-B wrote: Wolfman22, I got a sig here with your name on it so come and get the candy
cheers thts gr8
At 8/1/04 03:43 PM, LockLock wrote:At 8/1/04 03:34 PM, DarkEnemy wrote: well guys im sorry but im gonna close rthe forums coz some gay people on ng have spammed therre lotzzzzyou can close the forum your not the admin
well i'm not gonna close i'm just gonna make it
availbel for members only :)
ok and delete krappy shit posts ok
At 8/1/04 03:38 PM, -Apocalypse- wrote: 1. delete all the spam posts.
Duh, whats the fuck is wrong with you damn CSM admins/mods.
2. make the "post" option avaliable to members only, that way, you can ban ppl.
But they can't do that cause the everybody who wanted a sig would have to make an account and they would end up with a bunch or inactive accounts. And those free forums have a limit on the amount of accounts you can have.
Also, to the bitch who said I spammed his forums. I didn't I have better things to do then to sit and try to fuck with your gay ass club. I do have a life.
well its not a free forum and there's no limit for accounts
i'l just ban the noobs
i don't say that is was you
At 8/1/04 03:53 PM, QuikFox wrote: Duh, whats the fuck is wrong with you damn CSM admins/mods.
dude, one of them thought about closing the forums. i just told them that deleting the spam posts would be a better idea. therefor, nothing is wrong with me.
But they can't do that cause the everybody who wanted a sig would have to make an account and they would end up with a bunch or inactive accounts. And those free forums have a limit on the amount of accounts you can have.
they can delete accounts (inactive ones) you know.
At 8/1/04 04:06 PM, -Apocalypse- wrote: nothing is wrong with me.
Haha, I guess I should have been more specific. I ment those people that are mods or admins on their site, not you.
they can delete accounts (inactive ones) you know.
Yeah, but that would end up being quite a chore. I know, I have to do that one 1 forum that I admin and sometimes I gotta do that on another forum I mod. Its gets really annoying.
At 8/1/04 04:09 PM, QuikFox wrote: Haha, I guess I should have been more specific. I ment those people that are mods or admins on their site, not you.
yeah... next time don't do any mistakes!!! ya hear me!?!
Yeah, but that would end up being quite a chore. I know, I have to do that one 1 forum that I admin and sometimes I gotta do that on another forum I mod. Its gets really annoying.
yup, but if you don't want ppl to spam your forum and that shit, you gotta do it (and ask others to help you).
you can also do something like a self-destruct to the account, like, do don't sign in for a month and the account gets deleted. (not really original idea but it works)
At 8/1/04 04:18 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: hey quickfox im not here to start flaming with you but in ure signature it says ure against the csm but yet ure postin here??? Im not gonna flame can you please anser??
I know what my signature says, and it doesn't say that I'm against the CSM, all it says is that I hate it. There is a difference, be it a slight one, but its still there, get it right. To answer your question, its a public forum I can post where ever the hell I feel like posting.
At 8/1/04 04:36 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: ok see ure starting again tho i dint do anything do you mind calming down?
You know, telling me to calm down when I am calm really doesn't do much. So what was the point of that? My last post was just a normal post, I did nothing that is flaming and I didn't get anywhere near angry. Even though I should be pissed due to the fact that I got accused of spamming your forums when I did nothing of the sort.
At 8/1/04 04:41 PM, Hell_Fire3 wrote: Behold Michigan Clock-Lock!
Yes, I know you are a loser. I saw your gay ass thread, and I must say that thread is right up on the list of retarded topics right under this one. Don't spam again.
See, CSM, that is a spam post. Now, that you know that, you cannot accuse me of spamming in here anymore.
At 8/1/04 04:42 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: its a public forum I can post where ever the hell I feel like posting.<--- Thats anger.
How the fuck can you possibly tell me that that is how I express anger? You definately don't know me at all, so how can you tell me that is angry? That is exaclty how I always post, look thru all my posts and you'd see that, I swear and post stuff similar to that all the time, even when I'm being nice and supposrtive.
hey yall i made a sig for my friend and it was my second sig i ever made,,.. is it good?
At 8/1/04 05:05 PM, SkyZoNg wrote: hey yall i made a sig for my friend and it was my second sig i ever made,,.. is it good?
No, its not. But maybe you should post it in the Sig Rater Crew. Someone there will rate it and tell you what needs improvement and all that nice shit.
i just wunna know can i add a picture to my sig by using photoshop elements!?
At 8/1/04 05:12 PM, GhaiAKAChaos wrote: i just wunna know can i add a picture to my sig by using photoshop elements!?
You can't because your asking in the CSM. They can't do all that fancy pants stuff like importing an image. Maybe you should ask in the ASM cause they are the ones that know stuff and make pretty decent sigs, plus they were around WAY before these guys.
Here is one I did a long ass time ago.... It has a cool effecting look to it.
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
At 8/1/04 09:48 PM, CaribuDude wrote: Could someone please make a sig for me?
Nooooo! don't ask in here, they are the bad sig makers. They are very bad, people steal in here, none of their ideas are original or anything. You should ask in either the ASM, if you want it right away, or in the SSM, if you want a high quality sig but are willing to wait a bit.
At 8/1/04 09:51 PM, QuikFox wrote: Nooooo! don't ask in here, they are the bad sig makers. They are very bad, people steal in here, none of their ideas are original or anything. You should ask in either the ASM, if you want it right away, or in the SSM, if you want a high quality sig but are willing to wait a bit.
Ok I'll try those out.
Thanks for helping me out.
At 8/1/04 02:29 PM, j00bie wrote: Someone make me one where it shows a picture of a guy doing a girl up the bum bum.
Then make it say "INNAPROPRIATE" in front of it for no apparent reason.
Dang, i was really hoping i'd get one </sarcasim>
At 8/1/04 09:57 PM, j00bie wrote: Dang, i was really hoping i'd get one </sarcasim>
Dammit, I was hoping someone whould have made it also. A guy even asked you what kind of pic you wanted on it. You should have e-mailed him one to see if he would post the finished sig for you.
quikfox i need to talk to u im trying to get u but u keep moving boards
can sum1 make me a sig that says baybeespic on it she wants it girly cuz shes a girl
At 8/1/04 10:07 PM, r3ne51s wrote: quikfox i need to talk to u im trying to get u but u keep moving boards
Yeah, I've posted responses to you in a couple. Bertuzzi44 is making you a sig in the SSM and he is very good at sigs so he'll make you one that is great. Don't worry about it, just be sure to tell him what you want on it.
At 8/1/04 10:06 PM, QuikFox wrote:At 8/1/04 09:57 PM, j00bie wrote: Dang, i was really hoping i'd get one </sarcasim>You should have e-mailed him one to see if he would post the finished sig for you.
heh, must have missed that post.
At 8/1/04 10:14 PM, r3ne51s wrote: ok but how do u know ehs making me a sig?
He posted a reply to you in the SSM thread. He asked what you wanted on it. Just go back there and make a post telling him everything that you wanted on it.
i really need a sig. if u can, make it about CounterStrike. Obviously the name is Darkness12. when its done please send it to