At 8/1/04 04:26 AM, DarkEnemy wrote: erm were can i get jappenesse writting from?
From here
At 8/1/04 04:26 AM, DarkEnemy wrote: erm were can i get jappenesse writting from?
From here
At 8/1/04 04:27 AM, Plan-B wrote:At 8/1/04 04:26 AM, DarkEnemy wrote: erm were can i get jappenesse writting from?From here
ok thanks for tellin iz!
At 8/1/04 04:41 AM, LockLock wrote: Hey i can post again !
Well, I will gladly join your sig group. Is it too late? Or am I still allowed a lil' leeway? If you need a sig for entrance exam or something, just let me know. I'll hook ya up!
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
At 8/1/04 04:49 AM, Rextex wrote: Well, I will gladly join your sig group. Is it too late? Or am I still allowed a lil' leeway? If you need a sig for entrance exam or something, just let me know. I'll hook ya up!
SURE YOU CAN JOIN and welocme back from your ban locklock!
At 8/1/04 05:17 AM, LockLock wrote: Hey, for the logo contest here's mine
thats cool i forgot to tell people were having a logo contest for the forums. and heres your sig fcuk_ninja666
At 8/1/04 05:22 AM, DarkEnemy wrote: thats cool i forgot to tell people were having a logo contest for the forums. and heres your sig fcuk_ninja666
Nice sig. Well...tell them :D
hi guys i wld like a sig envolving my name (duh!) and either a wolf or some form of winged vampire, just make it a dark sig and i will love it, no animation required, thanks in advance :D
At 8/1/04 05:28 AM, Wolfman22 wrote: hi guys i wld like a sig envolving my name (duh!) and either a wolf or some form of winged vampire, just make it a dark sig and i will love it, no animation required, thanks in advance :D
I will make it. I got nothing to do
At 8/1/04 05:32 AM, Shadow-Knight wrote: Try me, just make me a sig based off my name, i wanna see how creative you guys are
ill get working on it
At 8/1/04 05:59 AM, DarkEnemy wrote: Shadow-Knight:
Thanks, i guess its better than what i had before, and i just use my alt account for avoiding the rate limit anyway so its not like im concerned about having the perfect sig, thanks again
Here's the T-Shirt logo I made for our marching band...
"That's what the internet is all about. You have to feel like a retard before you can learn to not be a retard." -- Squidbit
At 8/1/04 06:26 AM, Rextex wrote: Here's the T-Shirt logo I made for our marching band...
how do we get our done sigs to work it says their not teh rigth kind of picture cause its got diffrent letter on teh very end of it
At 8/1/04 07:05 AM, tazard_falcon wrote: how do we get our done sigs to work it says their not teh rigth kind of picture cause its got diffrent letter on teh very end of it
was it in .jpeg ?
At 8/1/04 07:22 AM, LockLock wrote:At 8/1/04 07:05 AM, tazard_falcon wrote: how do we get our done sigs to work it says their not teh rigth kind of picture cause its got diffrent letter on teh very end of itwas it in .jpeg ?
what do u mean?
At 8/1/04 07:28 AM, LockLock wrote: what was the ending name?
.jpg, .jpeg, .gif?
no thats the problem its not one of those I take it straigth outta photo shop and its like phs or sumthin
At 8/1/04 07:30 AM, LockLock wrote: And its a pic?
for in your sig?
sure y not I dunno what I'm doin with it
oh i now the problem
you made a pic in photoshop right? and then you saved
the pic? but you must first export em then choose
.jpeg click ok and voila
File>export>jpeg>click ok> save it!!
At 8/1/04 07:33 AM, LockLock wrote: oh i now the problem
you made a pic in photoshop right? and then you saved
the pic? but you must first export em then choose
.jpeg click ok and voila
File>export>jpeg>click ok> save it!!
ok thank u dude
At 8/1/04 05:22 AM, DarkEnemy wrote:At 8/1/04 05:17 AM, LockLock wrote: Hey, for the logo contest here's minethats cool i forgot to tell people were having a logo contest for the forums. and heres your sig fcuk_ninja666
dude jus wat i wanted ty thankes csm roks service is quiker than any other sig clubs
Here is the sig for Wolfman22. The internet crashed so I couldn't come online for about 2 hours, sorry for that
i'm not that good at photoshop, where do you get
those pictures for in the sigs ( like the wolf?)
or do you draw it?
At 8/1/04 08:43 AM, LockLock wrote: i'm not that good at photoshop, where do you get
those pictures for in the sigs ( like the wolf?)
or do you draw it?
U mean my pictures?