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Chaos sig makers (CSM)

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Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 18:14:57

Dude, you gotta be joking.

There are already fuckin 5 unlocked sig makers. The Beginning Sig Makers, the Sinister Sig Makers, Amature Sig Makers, Chalk Board Sig Makers, and the Marvel Sig Crew. Why do we need to have a 6th? We don't. Also, I haven't seen one fuckin sig posted for anybody yet. Why don't you just join one of the 4 open sig making clubs, the ASM is a nice place to go for that.

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 18:21:12

At 7/23/04 06:16 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: Well thats not the point its just they dont reply or do anything at all.

Are you trying to tell me that the ASM, with over 700 pages does nothing at all? Or maybe the professional sig makers the SSM, with just about 500 pages doesn't do anything? Even though both clubs have to-do lists and all the sigs that are request get done. You've got some pretty fucked up reasoning.

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 18:23:15

Also, Crossofdevil, you should learn to fuckin properly quote someone if you want to do that. AND, when your making a post read that red text right under the text box that says

Note: do not quote an entire message. Only quote the parts to which you are responding.

That would make people understanding you a lot easier and then I would know what the fuck your talking about.

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 18:34:44

The problem with those clubs is that they are so big. Everybody goes join there and ask them for sigs

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 18:37:03

hey plan b......thanks for making (or attempting to make) a kaolla sig. CAN YOU DO BETTER THAN REF? CAN YOU? HUH? CAN YOU?
well anyway go for it. GOD.

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 18:37:05

At 7/23/04 06:34 PM, Plan-B wrote: The problem with those clubs is that they are so big. Everybody goes join there and ask them for sigs

So then, whats the point to making this one if everybody goes there and ask them for sigs? Since everybody is asking there, there isn't any request in this one then, thereby making this club pointless along with way overly done. Just join there, if if you join the ASM you can work on yor sigs and if you get good enough you'd be able to join the SSM, the professionals.

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 19:06:33

look, shut the fuck up. asm is shit. bsm is good. very good. this place. I would join but i'm the biggest beginner the world has seen!

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 19:09:08

i wonder how plan b is doin...think hes workin on my sig......?

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 19:10:49

At 7/23/04 07:06 PM, lost_chances wrote: look, shut the fuck up. asm is shit. bsm is good. very good. this place. I would join but i'm the biggest beginner the world has seen!

So then join the fuckin BSM. But, just so you know, if you join the BSM you won't be able to join the SSM. They only look for members in the ASM, so just join there. Also, use the damn quote feature so I know to what your refering to, its there for a fricken reason. You also should list some reasons why you think the BSM is good. And, why the ASM is shit, maybe also be carefull what you say, cause you might piss off someone, since all of the SSM members started out there including me. I happen to like the ASM quite a bit and it a very nice place to learn to make sigs.

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 19:13:45

At 7/23/04 06:34 PM, Plan-B wrote: The problem with those clubs is that they are so big. Everybody goes join there and ask them for sigs

When i asked for a sig from the SSM (they are sooo good) mine was created farly quikly afterwords. They just dont do some because the people who ask for one over and over again, well there request gets rejected.

Ps. I love mine thanx SSM!!

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 19:55:48

At 7/23/04 07:13 PM, Immortal_Flame wrote: When i asked for a sig from the SSM (they are sooo good) mine was created farly quikly afterwords.

As _AlucarD_ has said many a time, Everyone in the SSM has a different style, so the sigs don't get made in any particular order. You have to wait for someone who makes the type of sig that you are asking for to come on.

This is just getting stupid. It was so much better when there was just the ASM and the SSM. Now we have all of these copycats who want a piece of the action so they start their own club. Just stop for fuck's sake. Join an existing club if you want to make sigs, there are plenty of them out there.

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 20:00:35

At 7/23/04 07:55 PM, Canada_Rules wrote: This is just getting stupid. It was so much better when there was just the ASM and the SSM. Now we have all of these copycats who want a piece of the action so they start their own club. Just stop for fuck's sake. Join an existing club if you want to make sigs, there are plenty of them out there.

I couldn't have said that any better myself. I don't see the point in all these other clubes either. The SSM has people with many different styles so why can't the ASM have peope with different styles. No, we gotta have a fricken sig making thread for every damn style possible out there. I'm glad others see this and not just me.

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 20:19:04

At 7/23/04 08:00 PM, QuikFox wrote: I couldn't have said that any better myself. I don't see the point in all these other clubes either. The SSM has people with many different styles so why can't the ASM have peope with different styles. No, we gotta have a fricken sig making thread for every damn style possible out there. I'm glad others see this and not just me.

yeah...it's always been like this....someone thinks they have the next "sig of the week" and they want attention! Believe me when I say that you can get plenty of attention in either of the sig clubs if you do good work.....that's the key

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 20:50:25

is plan b even on? cause i am lookin forward to a kaolla sig......sorry for being impatient. o well

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 21:57:40

Omg how many sig making clubs are there, there are already enough we don't need this.

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:02:18

At 7/23/04 09:57 PM, Rendezvous_With_Anus wrote: Omg how many sig making clubs are there, there are already enough we don't need this.

This one was just about to die until you, you fuckin idiot, brought it back up to the top. I'm putting you on my hate list unless you can give me a good reason why you had to resurrect this topic with that kind of post. Especially when exactly what you said was said at least 10 times already.

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:24:50

At 7/23/04 10:22 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: im suprised the mods havent found u u should have ure account terminated for discriminating people you evil person all you want to do is get rid of peopls posts well i cant wait to watch you get banned for all the swering and telling people to go die u loser.

Me too, my hateful friend. The same goes for me. Please quit stalking me, which is against the rules, maybe you should read them sometime. That way you can actually tell me whats going to happen, instead of just threatening me with some shit. So, whats your problem with me, do you not like the PP I made you or something?

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:31:45

At 7/23/04 10:22 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: im suprised the mods havent found u u should have ure account terminated for discriminating people you evil person all you want to do is get rid of peopls posts well i cant wait to watch you get banned for all the swering and telling people to go die u loser.

Wow. You made a post to tell someone how hateful they were and insulted them in every sentence that you wrote. You have to be the biggest hypocrite that I've seen in a long time. Oh, when has Quikfox ever told anyone to die? He said that the guy was a moron for posting when the thread was about to die, he didn't tell him to die. If anyone should be banned here it's you for making a copycat thread.

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:34:34

At 7/23/04 10:22 PM, Crossofdevil wrote:
im suprised the mods havent found u u should have ure account terminated for discriminating people you evil person all you want to do is get rid of peopls posts well i cant wait to watch you get banned for all the swering and telling people to go die u loser.

Leave QuikFox alone...he is not doing anything wrong...He Will Not get banned because i read his posts and he always knows the right thing to say...

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:36:52

ok since your semi-new I would like a very specific sig

1.) sephiroth in the middle holding his hands out

2.) left side says welcome right side says to and inbetween his hands says HELL

3.) and the bacground being the bast damn fire anyone has ever seen

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:41:35

At 7/23/04 10:35 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: he swore in it also and thats not aloowed

I'm sorry, have I missed something? Since when has swearing been against the rules? If this were true, I'm sure that everyone on the BBS would be banned daily.
Oh, and Sephiroth, if I were you I would go to the ASM or the SSM instead of asking for a sig in a copycat thread. I'm sure that they would be more than happy to make you one.

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:41:56

At 7/23/04 10:35 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: yea sure wtv but he swore in it also and thats not aloowed but then again i might have read wrong cuz its 1 am and im uber tierd but 2 bad for him.

Since fuckin when did swear become against the rules on NG. I must have fuckin been on the shitter or some shit when that damn stuff when down. Swearing is allowed on these forums.
Fuck, shit, damn, hell, ass, bitch, and whatever else. They are all allowed, again, you should learn what you are talking about before you post.

Chaos sig makers (CSM)

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:43:32

At 7/23/04 10:38 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: go to the ssm thell make it hear they dont seem to make sigs.

The SSM makes all the sigs that get requested there. But a lot of people need to realize that people there have lives outside of NG and are not on all the damn time. They are also, most of all, doing all this for free. So people should just calm down. Besides I'll be making sigs later tonight.

BBS Signature

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:43:57

hey man can i join if i do I QUIT OF THE BBM ok heres some of my sigs i have made so far

Chaos sig makers (CSM)

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:45:26

heres another one

Chaos sig makers (CSM)

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:45:42

At 7/23/04 10:41 PM, Canada_Rules wrote:

Oh, and Sephiroth, if I were you I would go to the ASM or the SSM instead of asking for a sig in a copycat thread. I'm sure that they would be more than happy to make you one.

o i knew this but I just want to see if they can actually make a sig

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:46:46

these is the last one
sorry for double post

Chaos sig makers (CSM)

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:46:47

At 7/23/04 10:45 PM, evolved_sephiroth2 wrote:
o i knew this but I just want to see if they can actually make a sig

im not sure of this dude...i dont think they can or will.

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-23 22:49:56

At 7/23/04 10:45 PM, evolved_sephiroth2 wrote:
At 7/23/04 10:41 PM, Canada_Rules wrote:

Oh, and Sephiroth, if I were you I would go to the ASM or the SSM instead of asking for a sig in a copycat thread. I'm sure that they would be more than happy to make you one.
o i knew this but I just want to see if they can actually make a sig

ill try

Response to Chaos sig makers (CSM) 2004-07-24 03:53:10

At 7/23/04 08:50 PM, ILoveKaollaSu wrote: is plan b even on? cause i am lookin forward to a kaolla sig......sorry for being impatient. o well

I live in the Netherlands so it was very late when I posted that I am going to make a sig for you and when you were posting about the sig, I was asleep. I am awake now (10 mins) and I will make you the sig