This is the preview of it. I'll be gone some hours. See yah
At 7/28/04 07:51 PM, Master_lnuyasha wrote:At 7/28/04 06:56 PM, ChaosFVII wrote: anyhere make me pp ?i will but I have no idea what you want on it so i guess I won't unless you tell me sooooooooon!
sry but i havent Checked the BBS lately ..i wunt my pp to have Cloud in the middle and in the bottum right corner it says ChaosFVII and the background is like white and black ! just try to make it like that .!
If anybody knows a site where I can find Kaolla Su animated GIFS I will redo the sig for ILoveKaollaSu
At 7/29/04 11:06 AM, Plan-B wrote: If anybody knows a site where I can find Kaolla Su animated GIFS I will redo the sig for ILoveKaollaSu
ill help u find one. oh yeah when is the tournament?
also im finish with the sig looks pimptastic
the competion ends tomorrow! and the new rank list will be out
At 7/29/04 11:21 AM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: ill help u find one. oh yeah when is the tournament?
also im finish with the sig looks pimptastic
What tournament? U mean the competition? It already started. It ends tomorrow with winner decision on Saturday
At 7/29/04 11:26 AM, Plan-B wrote:
What tournament? U mean the competition? It already started. It ends tomorrow with winner decision on Saturday
can i submit it right now if i whant
At 7/29/04 11:27 AM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: can i submit it right now if i whant
Yeah, sure. D, what do yah think of the preview of the sig for Snare? I am working on it now to finish it
does teh sig have to be in blan-b's name? for that competition
At 7/29/04 11:30 AM, Quickslvr17569 wrote: does teh sig have to be in blan-b's name? for that competition
The objective is to make a sig for me.
Hi i'm lookign for a sick and twisted sig, blood=good:-D Thanks in advance.
At 7/29/04 04:57 AM, DarkEnemy wrote: heres ya sig -snare-
Ummmmm.............................................................good quality, but not what you'd expect when you hear the word -snare-.
At 7/29/04 05:07 AM, Plan-B wrote: This is the preview of it. I'll be gone some hours. See yah
HHHmmmmmm, looks promising..................
Do a sig which comes into your head when I say
At 7/29/04 11:28 AM, Plan-B wrote:
Yeah, sure. D, what do yah think of the preview of the sig for Snare? I am working on it now to finish it
looks nice:)
here paln b click here for love hina animated gifs
At 7/29/04 11:32 AM, Twistedsoulman wrote: Hi i'm lookign for a sick and twisted sig, blood=good:-D Thanks in advance.
hey ill try to get one of are member to make u one ok
At 7/29/04 11:40 AM, DarkEnemy wrote: here paln b click here for love hina animated gifs
Hurray, I'll remake the one for ILoveKaolla Su
Well heres the sig i made for the competition i started all from scratch i hape i win:)
Snare, u want Blackheart in your sig? He is the guy below. xWaRgAsMx, nice sig dude but will it be enough to win the competition :D
At 7/29/04 11:58 AM, Plan-B wrote: Snare, u want Blackheart in your sig? He is the guy below. xWaRgAsMx, nice sig dude but will it be enough to win the competition :D
I don't care
And better than what the BSM, ASM, and SSM can do, and the one I have at the moment.
Yeah, sure, do what you want.
I'm amazed they allowed another sig making crew. I must say this place is one step above the BSM but still no match for the ASM =p
(keep up the good work!)
well every member of tyhe club join the forums at here are the forums
At 7/29/04 12:36 PM, Plan-B wrote: Here is yah sig Snare. I hope you'll like it
haha thats a cool funny sig on the side are they Gremlins lol
At 7/29/04 11:44 AM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: Well heres the sig i made for the competition i started all from scratch i hope i win:)
Sorry but that was the wrong one this one is the real sig
At 7/29/04 12:41 PM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: Sorry but that was the wrong one this one is the real sig
Nice one, but will it be enough to win :D
At 7/29/04 12:43 PM, Plan-B wrote:At 7/29/04 12:41 PM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: Sorry but that was the wrong one this one is the real sigNice one, but will it be enough to win :D
im crossing my fingers
At 7/29/04 12:40 PM, DarkEnemy wrote: haha thats a cool funny sig on the side are they Gremlins lol
Thanks, I dunno what they are actually :D